
Potterverse: A Wizrard's Tale

Edward is an aspiring young man who gets reincarnated into the Wizarding World with one unexpected talent of the Kinetic Memory Body. Follow our MC Edward as he finds himself navigating into a familiar but dangerous world in his quest to uncover the wonders of magic. To not just survive but thrive in this world his wits beyond measure will be his greatest treasure. Join Edward in his journey to reach the top by piling resources and gathering powerful connections with just his wits and intellect shining through. Get ready to plunge into the wizarding world, better known as Potterverse. -------------------XXX---------------- NOTE: This is a story that I am writing for fun. I am not someone that is an expert on either Harry Potter or this fanfiction community. I am writing with the intent to improve and hopefully publish a book of my own. UPDATE SCHEDULE: irregular DISCLAIMER: This is fanfic and I own nothing other than my OCs, everything else belongs to Rowling and others related to the making of the Harry Potter Franchise.

AstralSage · Bücher und Literatur
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Author's Note

Hi dear readers and fellow writers.

Welcome to my story 📚.

I have been reading web novels and light novels since 2015 using machine translation or translated books on various sites. I have long dreamt of writing my book.

This is my first attempt at writing anything so please leave your constructive feedback to help better my writing. This is a story that I am writing for fun. I am not someone that is an expert on either Harry Potter or this fanfiction community. I am just an average guy trying to publish the stuff that I write for fun and maybe get some insights on how I can improve my writing down the line.

Reading something and finding how to better it or finding problems with what's written has always come easy to me but writing is another game on its own. I find it challenging & utterly frustrating to write a logical, legible and enjoyable story. Still, I have decided to deal with it as my dream is to one day write my book and publish it. So here I am to face the music or the bashing in hopes that over a period of time I can get better at the craft of writing. After one year of courage-building, I am here with the first chapter of my story.

The reason I choose to write fanfic first and that too on Potterverse is that it's one of my favourites and I have read a lot of them myself. I like them too but all too many fanfics have tried to live the hero's life by stuffing themselves somehow into the life of protagonist Harry Potter one way or the other, getting some OP powers or boons or system from the go and ruining my reading experience.

A power I would wish for given a chance is Kinetic Memory which makes Mental Computation possible at a great magnitude thus transforming one into a living computer. Just, one omniversal power any transmigrator really needs if survival is the need even if it's the most nerfed down one that is humanly possible. I want to just write about a person who has the smarts and an opportunity. How one can get almost anything if one has the Wisdom to Exercise the Knowledge at his disposal given the opportunity.

The MC of my story will be a grey character with shades of good and bad, as I believe we all are in actual life.

This will be an experiment till I find my writing style afterwards I may rewrite the initial chapters.

Updates will be slow and occasional unless stated otherwise.

If you have any ideas or thoughts regarding the story please put them in the comments below and I will do my best to respond to them as best as I can.

Creation is hard, cheer me up with your constructive feedback!

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