
Potential Man (Megumi SI/JJK/WC Fic)

A guy gains the opportunity of a lifetime... He becomes a Contractor of the Waifu Catalogue and decides to take the place of The One That Wasted His Potential... Fushiguro Megumi. It's a Waifu Catalogue fic, so obviously will be a harem, lol. To those that are not familiar with the WC, it's basically Multiversal Slavery. The MC is morally ambiguous, more to the evil side. Selfish if you want a good description of him. Enjoy~ Most of the chapters has the Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

EvansKannon · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Slice of Life

So Canon Megumi gained some pizza after being beaten by someone weak like Hanami and I gain nothing? That's how it works? You're rewarded for being a bum?

Alright, okay then... That's why I asked for my own pizza. Poor door-dasher that walked up all those stairs... I would tip, but this isn't America.

But it appears that no good deeds go unpunished indeed...

"..." I stare at Nobara gobbling up my pizza. "Why are you in my room again?" I muted the mic to ask, I'm in the Middle of an online game.

"There's nowhere else interesting in this school?" She answers "And the teachers told us not to go out for today."

"Then go do some girl thing with Maki and Mai..." Oops, I almost messed up. Sorry, my dear teammates~

"Dude, a girl is in your room and that's how you're gonna act?"

"Are you gonna let me hit?" I ask without hesitation

"...No!" Is that... hesitation? Hmmm. "What are you playing? Let me listen." I don't know if she is trying to hide something or if I'm reading too much between the lines, but she takes off my headset and loosely puts on her head "Hey guys~ Did you all touch grass today?"


"Is that a girl?"

"Does this dude have a girlfriend?"





I was insta-kicked out...

"...oops." Nobara says awkwardly before putting the headset on my head slowly

"Not gonna lie, I'm proud of their fast reaction and union." That's the gaming community that I love! I would do the same.

I hop off my PC to eat the res- "You ate half of it?!"

"...dude, it's just pizza."

"I don't care about food, but I almost didn't eat it... And it's the time to get another, but okay..." I sigh "Fat cow, it must be hard to keep those udders this big, right?"

"What did you say?!"

We are about to start another of our bickerings (that I never lost, by the way), but we are interrupted by Junpei appearing at the door.

"Eh... guys..." He greets while looking at us strangely "They are calling us."


"Obviously we should continue the Event!" Todo is the one that says first.

I think the others don't want to appear insensitive about the death of the no-name background characters. I simply do not care.

All of the students and teachers are here reunited in this common room.

 "First, we shouldn't hypocritically mourn people that we are not close to, from the beginning." He explains. I agree "Second, after this incident instead of doing nothing we should try to get stronger! We must seek the experience to grow stronger, either in defeat or in Victory, the result would be desirable... Because what we desire is to grow stronger." He says with conviction.

This guy can say some cool things sometimes.

"Todo-senpai can be reliable too." Miwa whispers to Broom Girl.

"For like... 5 minutes of the 24 hours of a day." Broom Girl appears to have a lot of prejudice against my bro. Tsk, tsk.

Miwa is cute tho.

"And third!" Todo attracts our attention again. "We shouldn't leave any unfinished business during school days. This unsettling feeling will accompany us till the day we die. We will never be getting this time back..." He says in a reminiscing tone. Talk about you, I will probably enroll in many other schools in the future... In other worlds, I mean.

"How old are you again?" Gojo asks, seeing his old man act.

I need to support my bro, so I say "I agree with him. Let's do it, even if you're mentally tired or physically hurt... Just push through it for now. We will probably regret it if we don't do it."

"Don't care, we will win anyway." Nobara adds.

Everyone agrees in their own ways after that.

"Are we gonna draw lots for the individual part now?" Maki asks

"No individual part this year." Gojo cuts her hopes.

"..." Everyone sighs and deadpans.

I'm the only one not surprised.

"Cliches get boring if you repeat them too much." Gojo says while showing us a box. Then she throws it at me...

"..." There's a hole in it to draw the next event. I don't take out a paper, but instead point it to Junpei "Take one."

He goes for it hesitantly and what he picks surprises everyone but me and Gojo.

"Baseball?" "Ba-Baseball?!"

The principals got close to him to check it, that's why I didn't take the paper. I don't want old men breathing on my nape.

I laugh at the two principals while watching Gojo getting out of the room with a skip in her step.


"Do you even know the rules, Nishimiya!?" Utahime shouts incensed at her student for running when she shouldn't have.

Ah yes, Utahime is a baseball fan.

I sit outside the field Junpei by my side "So... How are your first experiences in the Jujutsu world?" I ask

"Hm, er... I don't know... Expectedly abnormal, I guess... This is the best way to explain it, I think?"


"I expected something crazy and crazy things happened, exactly like I expected... I know that I should've been more shocked, but I expect that so... It's normal, I guess?" He yaps as he explains his line of thought. I kinda understand him.

"Pfft, that's a good mentality to have. Don't dwell too much on the oddities and horrors of this world. They never end." I laugh, this guy is kinda fucked up in some way. I guess this is expected, he was morbidly curious about Mah-Hitomi abilities instead of running away.

"I will try..."

"And another thing Junpei... Some advice." I put a more serious tone while looking forward on the field "Run away if things get bad. There's no shame in that."


"We are not warriors, or heroes... We are sorcerers. It's different. Just run away and wait for help... Curses normally don't move too much away from where they are born, with some special exceptions." He knows the exceptions "So if things look to be too much, just run and ask for me or Gojo-sensei to take care of it... I don't want to go visit your mom just to say that you died."

"...I will try that too." He says slowly after some time "I was never hero material anyway."

"Zehaha~ Who here is?"

Oh, no Todo! It's a canon event Todo! Don't bat against Maki, Todooo!!!


In the end, we won again, duh. Tokyo! Number One!! Undefeated!!!

Now we're saying our goodbyes to our rivals, Gojo as usual is annoying Utahime... Hmm, Yuri? The only good yuri is when I'm in the middle. Maybe I should unite them, on my bed.

And Geto too...

Ah, I can't forget about Shoko, would be rude of me to leave her out of it, when her old classmates participate.

You know what? Mei Mei and Yuki too. Just so no one feels excluded.

I'm such a thoughtful guy, for real~

"If you guys come to Tokyo, you can call me... I can show you around." While Gojo does her routine I do my job flirting with the Kyoto girls.

Broom girl still has her guard up, but Miwa is such a Sweet and innocent girl~

"Oh, okay." She says with a smile

"It will be all on me, don't worry about a thing." I reply with a similar smile as I hold her hand.

"Miwa don't give attention to this guy! He is a predator!" Broom girl steps between us to protect her blue-haired kouhai

"Hey, you talk like I'm gonna eat her..." I roll my eyes for a second before giving Miwa a look "...unless she wants~" And she is blushing, success.

After my accomplishment, I turn to the guys from Kyoto.



I stare at them for a second before sighing in disinterest and moving on.

"Isn't the treatment too unequal?"

"He doesn't even hide his intentions?"

Moving On I give Todo a fist bump, then I go for Utahime.

Saving her from Gojo's clutches I step in "Thank you for visiting, sensei." I grab her hand into mine "It's nice having a real teacher here sometimes." I take the opportunity to roast Gojo a little, to her amusement, while complimenting her.

"I'm a teacher!"

"More like a do-or-die instructor." I deadpan before turning my attention to the giggling Utahime.

"That guy don't even leave the teachers out of this..."

"I kinda respect that."

"Oy Maki, put a leash on your boyfriend."

"I already gave up on him..." Maki sighs

"But maybe we should bring him back, if we let him loose he chase after a truck or something." Mai deadpans.

Am I a dog? Gah!

Something tightens my neck and I can feel myself being pulled by Maki, damn woman... "Do you need to use the Chain of Thousand Miles to do this?"

"Down, boy..." She says

"A horndog like you needs to be put on check." Mai adds

Yeah, yeah... Keep laughing Junpei, I'm gonna fuck your mom.


"Junpei! Mission!" I open his door unceremoniously with a bang.


"Let's go. Mission." I repeat myself before dragging him "This will be your first mission, right?"


"Your timing is the culprit... During this time of the year, Cursed Spirit activity are low, that's why we have the Goodwill Event." I explain "Normally we have your baptism on the first day, or first week, but meh... It's not like you didn't experience this fucked place that is the Jujutsu World, right?" I shrug

"..." He doesn't answer, probably remembering Mah- Hitomi. Ugh, it takes time to get used to this.

We walk outside the school grounds to take a ride with Ijichi-san.

"And what about Nobara?"

"With the girls, using my money probably?... Today is only the boys!" I put a hand on his shoulder "And I guess this is better... Imagine if you freeze? Only I would know..."

"...Fushiguro." Yeah, yeah... I'm such a considerate friend.

"Obviously, I'm gonna tell everyone if you mess this up."


I will film it too.


Now in an old Building... It's always the old buildings.

"Don't underestimate curses, no matter what. They can be quite cunning and you're still human... You don't know if you will get caught in a trap or something like that." I explain "You will still die if you're hit on the head hard enough, or be poisoned... Ah yes, your shikigami uses poison too. Can they neutralize or remove poison?"

"...I don't know."

"It's okay, you will discover these things eventually."

Certain things are better to not explain, you can lead someone out of their path, capisce? I think that's why people teach cryptically... Especially because Techniques are something unique to the individual.

"Are we close?" Junpei asks as we continue to walk in circles

"Hm? Are you following me? I'm following you..." I give him a deadpan stare...



"It's your mission. You lead."


"Well, now that we are deep enough, no need for me to be here, right?" I suddenly say "Bye, peace..." And I start slowly moving back to a wall, reaching there I disappear in the shadows in a dramatic fashion, leaving Junpei all alone.


Swim or die, Junpei-kun.

Obviously, I'm gonna watch him secretly, but he will not know that. He can guess, but at the same time it would not be out of Character to me to really leave him alone here.

He looks around nervously for some seconds before taking a deep breath to center himself.

After that, he summons his Shikigami, the Moon Dregs. The shiny blue jellyfish floats close to him, big enough to cover almost all of his body. It's handy that it can illuminate dark places.

I watch Junpei cautiously walk through the dark corridors, the Moon Dregs tentacles covering as the shikigami rests on his shoulders, the two special tentacles with stingers in front of him.

As a shikigami user, I can't find fault in his approach, it is equal parts defensive and offensive.

Junpei walks aimlessly for some time before he finally starts to try to detect cursed energy or other vestiges of Cursed Spirits, like scratches in the walls, blood, and other human remains.

You only use this detective approach if you're not that good with detection, but observing those things is also a valid way of getting information. You can discover how the curse attacks, how big it is, etc.

Junpei is ignoring those signals, I will remind him later... It's one of those things that you should instantly catch up, you know? Like a police officer who always looks to people instinctively checking if they're armed or dangerous, or how a doctor instinctively checks if someone is Sick, an architect who judges a house with a look, etc. It's part of the job.

From what I'm seeing, it appears that the curse that he will meet is agile and fights in close quarters with its sharp claws... There are even marks on the ceiling.

Ah yes, Maybe Junpei can't see the ceiling that well, sometimes I forget that I can see in the dark as well as in the day and normal people can't.

This could be bad, Junpei-kun... If the curse can reach the ceiling...



It means that it can attack you from above...

Junpei was saved from the sneaky attack by the Moon Dregs that was resting on his shoulders, that thing is good at absorbing shock, but it was damaged a little by the slashes of the curse claws.

"A monkey?" Junpei raises his guard while looking at the curse that is simply a little smaller than an adult.

Calling it a monkey is a compliment, that thing has the face of a sex offender that Oda would draw while overdosing on cocaine... Funny how terrifying curses are more appealing than the weak ones that are downright repulsive.

"gii gii giii" The monkey drools from its mouth uncontrollably while eyeing Junpei, his fur is completely greasy and the monkey sways from side to side, the things dick is completely exposed and swaying too... Ugh. Should I kill it and take Junpei to another place?

I will not even talk about the "extra things" that this monkey has all over its body.

Junpei looks at it with all the disgust that I'm hiding on my face, he is good with gore but this thing is too much even for you, right?

The Moon Dregs attack first, it's a good decision, don't let your enemy take the initiative unless you have a good way to counter-attack.

The two tentacles with stingers stretch to try to stab the monkey curse. Hm, it can extend very far, but you shouldn't have used the two, Junpei...

The monkey dodges with excellent reflexes and runs wildly at Junpei.

See? If you extend too much, you will lose too much time in retracting to attack again. The Monkey is already on Junpei and the stingers are far away.

Junpei steps back inside the curtain of tentacles of his shikigami. The monkey swings at him with it's claws but it's too late, Junpei is already inside.

He does something smart here, Junpei tries to use the normal tentacles to grab the monkey to hold it in place while the stingers are coming back to stab it.

But his inexperience shows itself... He misses the timing, he is too slow and the monkey jumps to the ceiling.

Junpei sees this as an opportunity and prepares himself to attack the monkey when he falls... But you should always expect the unexpected, Little Grasshopper.

The monkey's claws sink on the ceiling and he doesn't fall immediately as he would normally do. He uses his holding and propels himself to the side, hitting a wall and kicking it to jump at Jumpei from the side.

Junpei was caught a little off guard by the agile movements and the attack coming from an unexpected angle but the defenses of the Moon Dregs are very good.

There are tentacles in all directions and Junpei starts reaching for the monkey even before it arrives in front of him, opening the tentacles in a wide range.

The monkey curse is finally captured after this failed attempt at a sneaky attack. The normal tentacles hold it in place and the stingers sink on it's flesh.

"Good job..." I stepped out of the shadows while Junpei was watching the monkey suffer from the poison.

The Moon Dregs poisons paralyze and burn the victims, it's a slow-acting poison if your objective is killing someone.

I check Junpei's face, he looks at the monkey convulsing with a little disgust and... curiosity.

Okay, he passed... He can be a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

"You made some mistakes here and there, but you are not hurt... So let's call it an almost perfect win." I congratulate "For your information, Nobarra messed up in her first mission, I needed to save her ass."


"Well, there was two curses and a hostage situation, but it's her fault for not noticing..."


"That's our lives." I shrug "Let's go back."


"By the way, can you only summon one Moon Dregs?" I ask

"That's the size limit, but I can make smaller ones... It's inversely proportional." He explains.

"Hmm, this size is just the bare minimum to be able to fight... You should focus on improving your technique enough that you can summon two of those. One that can work completely on the defense and another to attack. If not you will have trouble against two or three enemies, even if they're weak."


"How long can the tentacles stretch?"

"5 meters more or less."

"Not enough to deal with some long-ranged Fighters... Yeah, you should make your next step having another one to work as a 'drone'."

"Makes sense..."

"You and also should improve your body, you can't depend entirely on your shikigami..."

We continue talking about ways that he can improve while we go back.

"Teach me later how to make a Curtain." He asks

"Okay, I'm pretty good with it, and I have some notes too."


Back in Jujutsu High

We meet Maki, Mai, and Nobara as they come back too.

"Sup, slackers." I greet them

"Shut up, we also completed a mission." Nobara 'greets' back

"Sure, sure... You are there to give emotional support, I guess."

"Maki, Mai... Permission to hit your boyfriend in the head?" Nobara's hand moves to her holster

"Hmm..." Do you still need to think? "No, what if he gets dumber?" Maki says seriously

I'm surrounded by enemies, my heart is frágil, you know?

"Anyway..." Mai interrupts us "We are thinking about doing something this weekend, with everyone." She is not even asking, I have no option but to go.

"Like what?"

"I don't know... Something in the city..."

"A little complicated with Panda..." I Scratch my chin "But I guess I can carry him around like a plushie, pfft. Or hide him in my shadow, depending on where we are going... Some people can be fooled into thinking it's someone in disguise... People rationalize the weirdest shit out there."

"What about a karaoke? I never went into one..." Nobara suggests

"..." I look at her like she is an idiot, and she kinda is "With Inumaki?"



She looks a little embarrassed for a moment before recovering herself and flipping it on me.

"What is the problem? Better than excluding him... He can go enjoy the vibe! Or are you afraid of embarrassing yourself singing?" She shots back

"Please, you have no idea how good I am at singing..."

"You are?" "You are?" My girlfriends are really not that supportive, huh?

Women, do you know who my father's Voice Actor is? It's fucking Takehito Koyasu! Wait till I pass through puberty! I will inherit the sexiest voice ever...

Wait, a minute... My Father is practically Dio... I am a Jojo reference! Maybe I should buy a Giorno Giovanna Template?...

Or even better, a Johnny Joestar one... Imagine Gojo thinking that she is safe with Infinity, and then a Pink Fridge goes Chu-min-min~.  She is lucky she was a gender bender, the testicular torsion would end the battle in an instant.

Tusk Act 4 rotates her breasts! Or ovaries...

"Wryyyy~"  I say under my breath

"What is this weirdo saying?" Nobara frowns at me

"I don't know, he is making that face that means he is daydreaming about something dumb..." Mai says

"Don't ask, it could be a landmine of useless lore." Maki starts walking away

"Tch, It's not muda(useless), because I hate things that are muda(useless). Muda, muda, muda..."

"...why is he posing?"


In the middle of the silent night, I come back to the dorms like a ghost.

I have to train during the night too, you know? And I'm starting to need less and less sleep... It's probably a side effect of the Blackbeard Template, the guy doesn't sleep.

So I train alone on the rare nights I don't sleep with my girls. I never slack off, even though my growth stagnated a little.

"Hm?' There's someone in the common hall? "Kugisaki?"




We stay still while processing the strange situation...

On one side there's me, wearing a tracksuit, obviously fresh from a training session late at night, a hardworking guy who does things when no one is looking...

And on the other side, there's a girl in comfy night clothes buying snacks from the vending machines at Midnight...



"...~" I can feel the smile slowly appear on my face... My hand inching closer to my pocket.

"...don't you dare..." She warns

*Snap* "Look what we have here, little piggie rewarding herself after a day of training!" I say with the smuggest expression. I can make it while recording her

"Stop filming right now!"

"You're never beating the fat allegations now, Chubbysaki! Zehaha~"

"Damn you, Fuckerguro!"

She tries to grab my phone, but unfortunately, her 160cm(5'3") frame can't do much to reach my arm high in the air.

"Yeah jump, jump. Burn those calories, Chubbysaki." I mock

"Fuckerguro, your small pee-pee is not an excuse to be a dick to everyone, you know that?" She mocks back

"Falsehoods can't reach me, my real big dick will protect me from it. Real like your belly rolls..."

"I'm thick! Can't you see this proportion? This guitar-like build is not for anyone." She passes her hands through her sides.

"Please, I bet you put pads on your bra to distract people from your stomach."

"Loud talk, if your pencil-like dick can't handle a woman like me, just move on."

As usual, we start roasting each other, it's almost a daily occurrence at this point. We talk about each other's bodies, shitty personalities etc etc. It's fun~

But there's something extra today, a certain something in the air... Ah yes, it's familiar. It happened in the Elevator the other day.

Maybe it's the fact that we are alone, or our light clothes, or because it's late at night... But there's some sexual tension in the air.

Our faces are very close and her breasts are almost touching my abs as we call each other names. There's a certain implicit challenge here too... Neither of us is backing down, so how far will this go? And who will make the first move?

"Why don't you see for yourself then?" My sudden question in the midst of insults shifts the mood a little "Go on, pull out." I say with a smug smile, giving a glance to my crotch.

"...Hah! Maybe I will! And you better not blame the cold!" She doesn't back down

"Do it. Or are you chickening out?" I widen my smug smile

"Hmpf! Why don't you check if they're pads then?" She challenges back, puffing her chest at me. They are really big...

"Maybe I will." I use her words

"Go on then, or are you a pussy?"



We eye each other while our challenges hang in the air... Like two cowboys in a wild-west movie, the two of us wait to see who will make the first move. To see who has the guts and who is bluffing...

But I think Nobara forgot who I am...

"Mpf! Hn? Mmmm~"

I grab her by her waist and pull her into a kiss, which she immediately reciprocates.

As challenged, my other hand goes to her breast to test the truthfulness of her words, she moans in my mouth and does nothing to stop my assault...

"Okay, these pads are very realistic." I joke after we disengage from our lip-lock, still, molesting her huge knockers

"Idiot... And this here? Did you really put a cucumber in your pants?" She really is not one to back down... Her hand goes to grab my crotch, feeling the length that is slowly growing.

"It's all real, baby."

"So are these." She answers, showing off her breasts, making them jiggle.

We talk without taking our faces away too far from each other, always kissing between words. I sneak my hand beneath the hem of her shirt to feel her bare breast... Damn, those things are really big.

"Hmm~" She moans as we kiss, especially when I give her nipple a pinch. They are not inverted like Geto's, too bad.

Nobara is really not a quitter because she levels up her game too, a hand past the waistband of my pants and she grabs my dick in a strong grip.

"See? Very real~" I give her a grin after one last peck on her cherry pouty lips.

"Tch..." Released from the kiss she finally looks down, ready to throw some nasty remarks but she is caught a little off guard when she pulls my cock out.

I'm not one to brag, but when she rests it on her forearm and the thing almost covers it, she can't say anything more.

"I bet that you're a quick-shooter." Or maybe she can say more.

"Zeha~" But at this point, I can't even pretend that I'm angry. "You can check it yourself." And in a swift motion I pull her shirt over her head, releasing her breasts to my full view "I'm mature enough to admit that yours are great..." I grab the two globes in my hands, [Sticky Fingers] at full power, making her bite her lip, her face red like a tomato.

As I roll my thumbs over her pink nipples I ask "So... It will be my loss if you prove that I'm a quick shooter ~" My grin forming into a smug smile again.

"..." She glares over the furious blush, but despite that... She starts jerking me off.

With a last smile, I pull her for another kiss. A hot and steamy kiss with tongue while we play with each other's bodies.

"*Chu* Bastard... Hn~ You think just because *Chu* Ng~ Ahn~ you are a little genetically Mmmm~ blessed! Ah~ You can act all smug *Chu*" She squeezes out these words of defiance as she crumbles under my much more experienced ministrations.

I don't enter in battles to lose, Nobara~

"Let's make things a little fair~" I comment as I move to kiss her neck.

One of my hands starts moving south...

It gives her plenty of time to say something or put a stop to this, but she never did.

Entering her shorts, I discover that not only does she not use a bra, but she also doesn't use panties to sleep. My fingers slide on the smooth crotch, easily founding her already wet slit.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." She says between moans and huffs as I prob her entrance, rubbing her engorged little bean.

Her pumping motions grow erratically as her grip on my dick grows equally stronger.

I don't know if its sensitive, inexperience, or if the whole situation edged her a lot... But it only takes a little pinch on her clitoris to her knees to buckle and she cums.

"Sonuvabitch! FuuUuck YooOooOou~" She grips me tightly, I don't know what face she is making over my shoulder but I can guess.

Her free hands grab my clothes tight too, her feet almost leave the ground as her fingers curl, her body tensing as she explodes.

"Fuck!" With a last bite on my shoulder, she starts deflating, shuddering a little from the aftershock.

"Well, did I win?" I ask cheekily

"Shut up..." She says a little out of breath

"Do you want to continue this in my room?" I ask

"..." She gives me a look, then she looks down at her hand still holding my dick "No."


"Okay, you win. You're not a quick shooter. Bye~" And she moves away, puts on her shirt, fixes her clothes and hair, and starts walking.

"..." I'm too stunned to speak...

I mean, I respect that... First time and all that, but...

I look down at my still-hard dick, it's too late to go bother any of my girls.

"I haven't seen this Blue Ball Technique since I ate Sukuna's finger and the girls went on a sex strike... I really need to work on a counter to this."



"Fuuuuck." Nobara sighs a swear word after she enters her room, she runs a hand through her hair as she leans on the door.

Now she is conflicted, maybe she let things go too far, but it feels good... it's not wrong if it makes you feel good, right?

"Wrong. The guy has a girlfriend. Girlfriends! And they are my friends!" She freaks out "Oh gods, that's so wrong!"

She paces back and forth through the room.

"I was warned about fuckboys like him..." She thought that she would never fall for such obvious traps, and here she is.

After she allows some extra minutes freaking out, she calms herself.

"It's okay...*Huff* Nothing changed, like that time in the Elevator." Her worries about some shift in their friendship disappear slowly.

Megumi is surprisingly mature about those things, she notices. To a guy that has multiple girlfriends and is a fuckboy. If he had a tan and blond hair, he would at least look the part... But he doesn't even act the part sometimes.

Yes, he is a shameless bastard but he is not scum. He is not disgustingly creepy or desperate, his flirting would pass as playful if he didn't do it with everyone and in front of his girlfriends.

He also was not that into Public Displays of Affection, Nobara realizes.

The stereotype would dictate Megumi to be that type of guy that brags and shows off his "exploits", but it appears that he lives for the words "a gentleman doesn't tell".

"Damn, I'm starting to see his good points..." Nobara starts banging her head on the wall "This can't be happeniiiiing!"

She pauses after she starts to get groggy "I'm still kinda horny..."

How is that possible? She just... But she still wants more?

Flashes of what just transpired appear on her brain. The steamy kiss, the novelty of having someone touching you like that, the hot and hard feeling in her hand...

"Motherfucker..." She is even starting to regret refusing his invitation to his room.

She decides to take a cold shower, but Nobara refuses to touch herself with thoughts of Megumi fresh in her mind.

Suddenly she stops, seemingly for no reason...

"I changed my mind..." She removes her shirt, exposing her hefty breasts "Are you there, Megumi? Come."

She continues walking to the bathroom, removing her shorts next, bending over exaggeratedly, pointing her supple ass to the ceiling.

"I'm gonna let you hit."

She stands naked as the day she was born.

"..." After one last look around, she huffs and goes to take her bath "Surprisingly respectful, indeed." She was simply testing if Megumi was not lurking in the shadows like some creep.