
Victory Governance

"C-Commander Goss is dead?" A soldier muttered, gulping in fear, still reeling from the aftershock of the battle that just transpired.

"The enemy is still alive. Kill him!" Another soldier shouted, riling up everyone, "As long as he's dead, it's our victory. Taking over the weakened fort is easy!"

"Right!" A soldier muttered in excitement, "Now that our commander is dead, the one that performs the best would become the next commander and even be turned into a Blight Human."

A couple of soldiers around him heard his mutterings, becoming excited as they rushed at Yihan, intending to deal the killing blow.

But of course, Xuna wouldn't allow that to happen as the crow hovered in the air, opening its beam to unleash a fierce gale that caused the soldiers to lose their footing due to the sheer dust that blew into their faces.
