
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · Fantasie
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80 Chs

Chapter 72

Dodge smiles when Split sits next to her under a tree.

"Made you your favourite drink, how are you liking it so far?" He asks.

"I felt like hiding. There's so many people here. I don't know why I feel like this." She drinks the cappuccino and smiles, "You made it exactly how I like it thank you."

Colin calls Split.

"Shit, I really wanted to hangout with you. Later okay?" He pecks her forehead and runs to Colin.

Dodge blushes and Jet sits in front of her angry.

"What was that all about?" Jet asks.

Dodge smiles, "He made this for me." She says happy.

"I made this for you. Okay, maybe stole it, but stop giving me that look." Jet says smirking giving her a set of bangles, "I know you low-key love these."

Dodge smiles absolutely in love with the jewellery, "I absolutely love this." She gives him a hug.

"Please don't let go." Jet squeezes tightly.

Dodge chuckles, "I won't."

"Good, I'll never let go." He looks her in the eyes smiling.

Dodge smiles too, "I really need that."

"I know, but because of having to keep things low-key I thought letting you go was the smart decision. Please talk to me when you just need someone, for anything." Jet smiles.

She cries, "Thanks."

Jet caught by surprise by her crying gives her a tight hug.

Luna comes from out of nowhere sprinting, "What happened?" She gives Dodge a hug.

"She just needs a friend right now. The others are having fun with their parents." Jet says.

Luna nods, "Okay, she can hang with us. Security duty is calling you." She helps Dodge up walking to her store and giving her a seat. A blanket and something to drink.

"What's wrong?" Beauty asks

"She got neglected today. It sucks when your parents aren't around. They always did that, since we were kids, lately I just feel like there's an us versus them." Luna says hugging Dodge.

"I'm sorry about that." Kate cheers Dodge up.

"It really feels like a slap in the face." Dodge says sniffling.

"I know exactly what you mean. Just stay in here today and enjoy mingling with people. Rin always comes to check on you. She's come to see you twice now." Beauty mentions.

Faux serves customers while the others are in the time vault with Dodge. They come out and Dodge is smiling now.

"Thanks for holding down the fort, but shouldn't you be enjoying this place. It's your last day here." Luna says.

"No, I'm okay." Faux says curious about what they were talking about.


Customers flood into Sarah's store and she is exhausted. The others said business is slow. Some of the people are not even customers it's guys here to ask her out.

"Kazumi, can you check the time, how long until the next break?" Sarah asks tired.

Rex hugs her from behind and kisses her neck, "You need to take a break, what's wrong? What feels off?"

Sarah breaths heavily, "I'm so exhausted."

Leo calls Rex with Sarah, "Take her home. She needs to rest."

Rex looks at Xaaria and Una, "She's not feeling so hot. Can you ask Faux to come here?"

"Okay, I'll call her, Xaaria says."

Rex portals to his room and looks at Sarah, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I was watching her all week. Physically she's okay, I think it's you." Leo looks at Rex.

"What are you talking about?" Rex brushes her hair.

"You haven't been taking care of yourself without her, she always made sure you were well rested, well fed, and everything. You haven't been doing that. You sleep tired and wake up tired, she's your mate, your body will tax hers, and vice versa to keep each other safe and healthy." Leo says.

"I feel fine." Rex says.

"You absolutely should not Rexus." Solaris says here to check on Sarah

"What should I do? I can't sneak off right now. They need me on security." Rex says.

Leo sighs, "Just this once Rexus. Go, I will protect her." He sits close to her with his eyes and ears on high alert.


Faux joins Xaaria and Una, "What's wrong?"

"She suddenly fell ill. Rex took her to get some rest. Focus, we have customers this side."

Faux puts up signs on the door there are other empty shops.

Customers who see it's full inside go to the other ones.


Toya walks the border with Scorpio annoyed he's his partner.

"I heard about the rule to not date and stuff, I didn't realize I was putting lives in danger." Scorpio tries to have a conversation with Toya.

Toya growls, "Good, that's sort of the whole point. Why the hell are you pretending to be nice to me when you know you're going after my girl? Are you just trying to piss me off more?"

Scorpio laughs, "Of course not, I just thought I had a chance now that you broke up but clearly she's not interested in any relationship." He says upset about it.

"Good, because she's mine." Toya pays attention to the border and there's nothing out of the ordinary about it.

At the farm Avalon and June stand up when Helia and Alpha sprint into action.

Aries and Gemini protect the boys seeing the fight here and there between the Dragon and Wolf versus Dragon and Wolf.

Alpha kills the other wolf snarling as his body evaporates.

Helia's tail grows spikes and he stabs the other dragon repeatedly surprising even himself.

"Don't underestimate just how much stronger that steam session has made you." Solaris says explaining to the shocked beasts surprised they took their opponents out so easily.

Helia smirks, "Well, I have noticed my scales fell off and I got bigger. Light is bigger too."

Light looks at his dad annoyed, he doesn't see it.

Diane arrives late on purpose with Numa and Jaguar ready to fight.

"Back up is here!" Numa says with white scale patches here and there.

"Your first colour is white, that's rare." Light says to his baby brother.

"I am super dragon." Numa runs around like a chicken.

Solaris fully grown is the same size as the baby dragon, "Be on your guard. Sarah makes a tempting target so under the weather."

"I will protect her." Taylor runs to her room and screams covering his eyes when Leo scares him.

Helia growls transformed into his full grown size peeking into the window, "I will eat you lion."

Leo gulps, "Okay."

Numa flies in and lands quietly sleeping on the bed with Sarah.

Taylor sings her a song he sings to Tom when he can't sleep.

Sarah relaxes and Aries brushes her sleeping face.

"Thanks Taylor." She pats him on the head going to check on the other sleeping kids in the farm.

Kitsune falls out of the sky breaking her arm.


Rin winces feeling Kitsune's pain. She attacks the strange fox from the distance.

Brandon looks at her worried, "What's wrong."

"Fucking Die!!!!" Her eyes turn red.


Kitsune sighs in relief when the fox is blown up before she passes out.


Rin looks at her dad about to murder her and she explains herself as fast as she can.

Tempest purposely attacks the collapsing country in the sky.

Helia helps him breathing his maximum fire at it surprised by how hot his flames are they were blue.

Tempest sighs in relief reaching the ground as fast as he could.

"Woah, you could give Este a run for her money." Avalon says.


It rains stones and everyone stops playing games sitting in different venues in case it happens again.


Toya dodges an attack from a poison arrow and a boy with hot red hair runs away. He ignores the boy going to find Luna instead. He finds her in her shop with her friends sleeping in the time vault.


The dragons attack the country in the sky and a castle inside the country falls out of the sky turning into over a million black marbles.


It rains black marbles from out of the sky and everyone celebrates.

"Wow! Did they really stage this?"

"That's why they call it the stones festival. Everyone will have enough to take home."


The lions destroy the infrastructure inside and it falls down as stones.

"Is this why you couldn't fight against the infected? All these things keep them away and they were turned into a country up here?" Light asks.

"Yes, I was under the impression they used Wish stones only. We allowed this to avoid war, they were supposed to use just the Wish stones, they took everything disarming the country and sinking it. When the curse started to take affect we had enough time to rescue people, that's what we thought, but we were wrong. We were frozen in time before we could get done." Helia says exhaling his loudest roar yet.


People scream and hide hearing the roar like thunder but you can tell it's animalistic.

More stones and different gems of all kinds fall out of the sky.


The infected are killed by the rain of black marbles falling out of the sky. Others are running into a cave.


"Look, they're melting into the ground!"

"Look at the black mist."

"What is going on here?"


A bear falls out of the sky and starts to evaporate.

Most creatures in the sky are pulled by a portal.

A baby bear runs towards the portal choosing that over the obvious fall to his death.

"It's working, the portal to send them away is finally strong enough." Solaris says.

Tempest attacks relentlessly, he's never had to use his power this much before.

Muse with only on strike takes down half the castle.

The foxes and wolves on standby destroy the thing into smaller pieces before it touches the ground.

Jaguar is sticking with Aries and Gemini on protecting the farm duty.


People celebrate the rain of crystals and minerals.

"Truly you have out done yourself Colin. If I had known this was in store for us I wouldn't have slaved off so hard in those games." Lana says wiping the sweat off her face. She purposely leaves the cotton close by so Coalman can see she's not wearing any make up.

Coalman notices but ignores her holding his baby boy. His new wife is with Bella and Julia watching Angela in case anything goes wrong, multiples are too unpredictable.


The portal becomes strong enough that everyone comes out to see an eclipse pull the infected and the black mist away.

Luna's ring and necklace with the symbol of the eclipse glow and she's pulled up and once in mid air her ring and necklace pulled to the portal and she falls to the ground.

"The infected!!!" Missy says.

Everyone could already see them but Missy's voice made them consciously realise what is happening.

"They are leaving."

Stones fall out of the sky and people hide inside.

Toya picks up Luna and her ring and necklace return on her body. He falls to his knees feeling an uncontrollable rage.

Rex and Lycan too.

Colin and his dad have the same reaction but they know how to control their hot tempers.

Rex stays calming thinking about how much he's already taxing Sarah, but it's still hard to keep it inside.

Lycan feels normal, he's always angry.

Toya looks at Luna and takes deep breaths picking her up and taking her to safety. The longer the rage courses through him the harder it is to keep in check.

Plasma arrives and portals all of them to the park where most people are watching, "I've always wanted to kill me a Stark. First, it's your little mates I am after." He looks around and senses Aya first, than Luna, "There you are half breed."

Luna throws a wish stone at him with the eclipse mark on it.

Plasma takes the hit expecting it to not hurt all but one hit and all his scales fall off. Everyone starts throwing stones at him but the ones that hurt are Luna's stones.

He tries to run but a crystal pierces through him and he looks up, "Stark!!!! You'll die!!!!! All of you!!! Every last one of you!!!!"

He starts evaporating.

Toya screams unable to keep it in.

Luna throws a stone at him thinking it will help.

Toya glares at her but when Luna throws another one he gets mad even more he just can't bring himself to hurt her.

Lycan growls when someone throws a stone at him, "I will slaughter you all."

"I've always wanted to do this." Kevin throws a stone at Colin.

Colin laughs, "I am going to make you run portals to your death." He threatens.

"Hmmhhh, stand still, this should hurt more."

Muse gets them out of the way.

Chronos walks to the scales, they smell so familiar to him.

"He used to be a guardian to time users." Aries says protecting him.

"This symbol, it's the same one I drew. My family, my father drew it all the time and called it a seal a protection." Chronos picks up the crown.

"Plasma, was a great guardian, until he became corrupted and wanted your clans power to himself." Alpha says.

"What Clan is this?" Chronos asks

"Timecharmer. Your last name is actually Timecharmer." Alpha explains.

Chronos smiles, "That makes my power make a lot of sense."

Alpha nods.