
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · Fantasie
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80 Chs

Chapter 66

Black stands outside the delivery room while Julia is busy inside.

His daughter Faux visits the farmlands since Luna and her group are nowhere to be found.

Mira welcomes her since she's on break, "Hey you guys, Lana's daughter is here." She says but everyone is running around the farm.

"Over here." Charlie says.

Faux meets Charlie.

"Sorry about that, Thomas does not like tardyness he will kill anyone not doing their job and slacking off. Mira here is the safety officer making sure no one will get hurt on her watch." Charlie explains and gets back to work with teaching the kids how to read and right excited about taking books home once they can read.

Faux looks around, "How long have you been here?"

"Few days. Everyone is trying to find their footing and I am no different. There's such a rift between my friends and I lately. I know I am to blame I never wanted to do all that heavy lifting but I want to now. There isn't anything I can do." Mira says sad.

"Yes there is. With your power you know how to take care of these animals better than anyone. Are you even trying?" Faux asks.

Mira sighs, "I don't want to touch stinky animals and everyone hates it when I tell them what to do."

Faux laughs, "Me too. I never do this at my mom's camp. I moved to my dad's camp because I don't have too. Everyone gives me whatever I want. My dad is at your camp with his new girlfriend. She's having a baby."

Mira frowns, "Used to be like that for me, but now it's not. The hard workers get special attention. I get it, my parents have a lot on their shoulders, I just want them to take time out for me more."

Faux nods, "My dad tries. My mom on the other hand didn't. It took a lot to finally accept that and leave. Mia and Kazumi used to be my closest friends but Kazumi is here now. I was told they went to Camp Royal to destroy the place, or something like that."

Mira laughs, "Destroy the place? That's funny."

"Why don't you teach the kids? They are easier to work with." Faux says.

Mira scowls, "I don't want to do any stupid work. Okay, I just want to do what I want. Like sit in my room all day with my boyfriend. Hangout with my parents and instead that's not the case."

Faux laughs, "But than you get upset when they don't give you work to do."

"They should at least ask for my help and I tell them what to do." Mira crosses her arms.

Faux laughs, "They should." She adds.

Toya and his group arrive at the farm lands to help Lycan with the bridge and Shields.

Jet and Jake fetch Luna and her group with Cheshire.

"Perfect. Girls, I need you to handle this for me. Someone help Charlie with the kids." Gail says.

Cheshire joins Avalon for dog training he tells the animals what to do and they do it.

Avalon looks at him, "Dude, it took me hours last night to finally get them to listen to me. How did you do that?"

Cheshire shrugs his shoulders, "It's like I can hear them. So when I spoke they understood me."

Avalon jumps up and down celebrating, "You guys! You guys! Come quick. Cheshire has his powers!" He jumps Cheshire tackling him to the ground.

Raiden and Luke jump up celebrating excited until Raiden lights Everyone on fire.

Avalon puts out the fire and tackles Raiden next.

Look builds a shield stopping the sheep from running away.

Luna tackles Luke.

"Ow, you really throw your body weight into that huh." Luke says with shards of broken shield on the ground.

"Perfect, you are going to tell the animals how to behave. Have a meeting with all the farm animals. Luke I want to see if I can turn your shield into Nanites. Pyro you are with Sharon in the Timeout box until you can control your power. Join him by the shed." Thomas says.

Cheshire translates instructions to the animals on what to do.


Luna is with Charlie helping take care of the kids, "Wow, I should recommend you to teach at Camp Black. It's even closer to home too." She says impressed at how well the kids are understanding her teaching.

"Like, move to Black?" Charlie asks excited.

"Yup." Luna says.

Kazumi teaches the kids a fun game with her card summoning. She creates cards with pictures or words and she can summon whatever is inside it.

The kids summon battle beasts and Duke it out until the losers beast returns to their card.

"Woah, that's so cool." Lycan says distracted.

Alpha looks at him and Lycan gets back to work. The large wolf taps Kazumi on the shoulder.

Kazumi turns around and jumps.

Luna looks up at Alpha, laughing at how much his laughing at Kazumi's scared reaction, "That's Alpha, a guardian like the water breathers." She explains.

"Oh, I'm sorry Alpha. Hello." She bows.

Helia kicks Alpha out of the way for no reasons and introduces himself.

Kazumi bows again.

"Give me one of those little warriors." Helia says.

Kazumi gives him a card.

Helia takes his little guy and makes a training course for him, "A warrior never loses a fight. Left, right. Left, Right, Left!"

The kids run to Helia and he teaches them how to build structures.

"Build a cool training course now." He says.

Luna gives them safety gear and hovers so they can ask questions.

"No, weight matters kids, do you see here I used big sticks and here it's small sticks. This part must be smaller than here. If you use something that large your base must be bigger." Helia explains.

The kids ask Sharon to cut the wood for them.

Helia mentors them all day with Charlie and Luna keeping watch.

Sarah, Xaaria, and Una are helping with cooking in the town hall for everyone to eat after a long day's work.

The men are with Thomas planting seeds farm by farm and learning to fix the wells, monitor the water.

The females are with Gail learning to train the horses and shave the sheep turning the wool into the clothing and more.

Mira sees Illumi with Luna getting a pat on the head.

The children show Illumi their battle beasts cards.

"Mine can breathe fire." A boy says and a fire breathing card appears.

They make up attack and defence cards.

"Mine can grow into a giant." Helia says. He ducks an attack from Alpha who takes a battle card from Kazumi and his battle beast can copy others powers.

Helia and Alpha settle their differences once and for all with a card duel.

Alpha wins the fight and roars all over the place.

Helia takes his card, "You fought well. Rest little warrior."'

Tina is helping with the bridge by attacking it.

"Build it higher, it's strong but no one wants to be slapped by water in the face." Lycan says.

Winter, Blizzard, and Frost freeze the bridge to ashes.

Scorpio has a good laugh at that, "Well, golden bridge it is than." He says.

"We wanted to avoid using them as much as possible, but you're right." Chronos says.

They use golden Nanites and no attack against it prospers.

"Perfect, Sharon! Your turn!" Lycan says.

Sharon turns into a giant and stomps the bridge but turns back to normal bleeding, "Fuck, it grew spikes at the last second."

Chronos reverses the damage.

An unexpected water wave sweeps Tina away.

June swims after her but when he touches her they exchange powers and he can't control the water anymore.

Tina stands on the water with June but when she holds his hand the power is transferred back and they keep being swept away.

Toya jumps and gives Tina June's power to save herself.

Tina stands on the water and June surfs the water. Another wave comes and she catches the water mid air passing it on to June before she jumps over the bridge.

June makes sure she's okay.


Ava, Dodge, and Rin see a water breather.

"Run!!!!" He says to them.

The girls run out of the cave and Dodge opens a portal to the farm in time.

All the water bursts out of mountain and waters the farm land.

"Sorry, with the shield you guys do not have rain, but you need rain this season for crops to grow, just a little bit. This is our way of making rain." A water breather says.

"My beast can summon a water breather!" A child says not even knowing what that means.

"My beast can summon a dragon!"

"Mine can summon real food." A hungry boy says and smiles when a takeout card arrives.

"Foods ready." Sarah says.

The boy eats the food and stores it to his menu.

"Woah, the food card is so cool. How come I can't have one?" Another boy asks.

"Our beasts can't have the same powers."

"Aww, my beast can change my outfits and hair." A girl says looking at Una's hair and dress.


"Did Dodge just open a portal?" Toya asks making sure he's not the only one who saw that.

"The powers have always been there, you passed on abilities to them, there was no need to keep giving it to them multiple times. When you take a power it becomes yours, same concept applies here." Aries explains.

"So, you have Wish. You have Split, you have Mira's powers, all 3 of you, you have Aira's powers, and Rin is the only one we never experimented powers on." Toya says.

Everyone nods.

Sharon raises his hand.

Avalon too.

"Okay, well, Rin! Come here we never checked who's ability your compatible with." Toya says.

"My power obviously." Raiden says.

"My shield too." Luke says.

"You guys too. Terra as well."

"Terra can turn into a giant I think." Sharon says.

"Rin first. She already has pyrokenisis. No need to give her what she already has, but Luke's shield I want." Rex says.

He passes it on to Rin and she can create an explosive wall.

"That has to be the deadliest thing I ever seen." Lycan says.

Luke builds a wall seperating Raiden from the shield.

Rin smiles, "Exactly what I've always wanted."

"Let's see, try a visual ability." Lycan suggests.

"That's Mira and Luna. We're missing time elements but okay." Rex says.

The powers fail.

They use Splits power and instead it's explosive clones.

Everyone jumps away.

"That is scary."

They try portals and Rin can use her power even in places she is not at physically every one heard her explosion outside the Murasaki territory.

"That is just scary powerful."

They try Aira's power and Rin can't last that long in the air.

They try with the others.

Terra grows bigger but only a little bit, his strength is enough to take on a giant.


Mira joins the fun.

They pass on Luna's power but it won't leave Rex's hand or Toya's.

"The only reason you can give away those powers is because we allow it. With Mira, I say no." Diane says.

Scorpio tries and it doesn't work.

Luna gulps when everyone looks at her like she said something.

Diane crushes Toya under her talons, "Listen, you might be an Alpha but I will kill you."

Toya nods rolling over, "What did you do Mira?" He asks out of breath.

Luna looks at Toya and crosses her arms.

Lupin sighs, "They are still on bad terms can you let the friendship heal at it's own pace?"

Illumi sits besides Luna, "Hurry up food is getting cold."

They pause and everyone eats together.

After that Kazumi summons clones to clean the dishes.

"That is so cool." Split says sitting in the kitchen with all Kazumi's.

"Thanks. I got the idea from you."

"Awesome." Split comments