
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
80 Chs

Chapter 23

Luna wakes up and cradles the black fluffy pup The Tiger transformed into its true form while resting.

She grabs a baby bottle and when it opens its eyes she nurses it walking up and down.

Lily smiles, "We're lucky you're here, if you hadn't suggested your last minute plan who knows what could have happened. Thomas took samples of its blood and discover a unique blood cell produced in its body. It's similar to the one that people with powers have. This vaccine might work on people with powers only but it's something."

Luna smiles, "Best to not tell people that, how does it affect an infected though?"

Lily frowns, "Instant death, it's not a cure at all."

Luna cradles the young pup wondering where it even got the thought to turn into a tiger from.

"People think there's a beast infected, what will happen when they find out it was just this?" Luna asks.

"I swear it's like you can see the future. That's what I came to talk to you about. We can never tell them there is no beast infected. The fear of something like this will keep these people in line, either wise they'll walk all over us."

Luna nods, "Had a feeling it was like that. I understand."

Lily walks around and finds Kai on the roof with his head in his hands, "He looks just like you now." She says knowing he's obsessing over his missing son.

"I never got to see him grow up. Last time he was in my arms he was 6 months old. We were so close last time. So close to getting him back from your psycho sister." Kai says.

"I saw him, here. He'll come to us on his own. He's not a baby anymore." Lily says biting her lip she promised she wouldn't say anything but here she is telling him.

"If you told me I was the one rescuing my son I wouldn't believe you, but if he's coming to me, that's something Leigh can't see coming. That I believe." Kai says standing up and looking at Lily.

"I'm not telling Bella. That's your department." Lily turns on her heels leaving Kai looking at his hands.

He makes a butterfly and it flies around him leaving a rainbow. This always put his son to sleep as a baby, "Stay alive." He says.

The wolf falls asleep in Luna's arms.


A woman with purple eyes in front of the fireplace scowls seeing the boy sleeping in front of the fireplace now at Murasaki.

"Gave back my son!"

"I'm not your son! You're a baby thief. You have a problem."

"I raised y ..."

The female shakes her head seeing that future disappear. She opens her eyes hearing coughing.

She walks to where the sound is coming from and enters her daughter's room.

Her son is brushing the girls hair, "Is she getting better?"

"Worse. I have to go find medical supplies. Stay close." The boy says and stands up grabbing his bow and arrow after wearing a mask.

He goes outside and a cat runs ahead checking the coast. He finds a quiet place to hide and makes a fish.

He puts it in his bottle of water that's empty and it generates water, he looks at the water confused about it. Why did it make black mist come out of his mother's hair and skin.

She was upset about it.

He wakes up wolf and goes around looking for Kai but finds out he's delivering supplies for a camp.

"Dammit! Why didn't I tell him where I was." He asks the cat.

Wolf runs into Luna's arms and she rocks him back and forth to sleep.

The boy bites his lip holding back the tears. Feels really nice to be coddled so much.

"I'm telling you Murasaki is going to let us in."

The boy hides deeper.

"They supply people with food and water not let people in. I'm going back and asking for food and water." A woman says walking away.

"Whatever. I'm going there." The man says.

The boy follows the woman and hides when she turns around.

"What kid?"

"I need medical supplies. When you ask Murasaki for supplies if you tell them you're with a boy named Avalon. They will come here looking for me. My dad is in the camp. Please leave the medicine over here." The boy says.

"Did you run away?" The woman asks.

"No, the woman I live with took me as a baby. Every Time they come looking for me she moves us. She can see them coming, she can't see clearly, we also don't have a Comms, just tell them to leave me a map home."

The woman nods, "Okay." She enters her house and turns on her radio. She calls Murasaki, "Hello? I'm with a boy named Avalon." She says.


Colin answers immediately, "Where is he?"

The woman looks surprised, "Hiding, he said she can see you coming, he asked for medical supplies, food, alot of water. We have no water here."

Colin breathes heavily, "Luna I'm sending you personally for this one. Take Wolf with you. Whatever he needs give it to him."

"Yes sir."

Toya opens a portal to the woman's house.

Avalon enters the house when he sees they brought people Leigh has never met before.

"I need a map to the camp. A mode of transport for two and medicine." The boy says.

Luna wishes for 2 crates, it's obvious the two don't know each other.

Toys gives him a Comms phone, "This is us. These are infected. The symbols flying around tell what type it is."

Luna gives him a hoverboard, "Superfast and super safe. Always wear the correct gear when going outside. It's this, press the button and clings to your body generating a comfortable safe suit. These all have healing essence." She shows him a toiletry bag with soap, lotion, oil. Bath salts, water and a first aid kit.

"Is this yours?" Toya asks holding the wolf.

Avalon purses his lips.

Luna notices it means he can't answer, "It's not. Put it away. There's food too, anything else?"

Avalon shakes his head not speaking.

"You two be safe. Infected will arrive here in a Weeks time. Whatever you plan to do, like move do it before than." Luna says before walking away.

The woman with purple eyes smirks that Avalon didn't tell them the truth but she's frustrated because her vision is always blurry when there is a person she has never met in person in the picture.

Avalon comes back with his crate on the back of a large elephant. He asks for help getting everything inside.

Leigh smiles and nods, "Of course." She smiles seeing the supplies and fresh food. She's confused by the date being scratched out.

"There's a warning. Infected will be here in a week's time."

Leigh smiles seeing the shield, "We will be safe."

The boy smiles running upstairs to his sister's room. He opens the medical kit and turns on the small purifier. He gives her the healing water and looks similar to his.

"You'll get better soon." Avalon promises his sister.

Leigh enters the room and helps nurse the sleeping girl, "Without a doubt." She says confident in Bella's healing water.


Thomas tested the vaccine on himself. He grabs a notebook jotting down every single feeling.

He falls asleep and wakes up the next day comparing blood samples of before the shot and after.

Thomas notices the purple blood cells only found in people with powers have now increased and with more purple cells comes a much stronger power.

"That explains why it's so powerful for a pup." He shows everyone his results, "I will stay off it for a week to see what my purple blood cell count is."

In the meantime Colin has to deal with 12 stubborn people who refuse to leave the mall and stay together elsewhere.

Kevin, Brandon, and Kai decide to go talk to them.


Brandon nods, "Only the elderly stay inside. This is not the camp where you used to live. Here the safest place for you is outside. It's the closest way to the bunker."

A woman with a baby scowls, "We would much rather be somewhere inside."

Brandon nods, "As you wish, but if there is an attack you won't make it. I hope you are aware of the risk you are taking."

A man and woman hugging their two sons shake their head, "Sir we came here for shelter we have no problem with staying outside."

Colin points at the children, "They stay inside, the elderly and children sleep in the bunker everyday."

They nod and Kevin sends the 4 away.

The woman with the baby stands her ground.

Kevin sighs, "You don't have a choice in the damn matter! This is how we stay alive here, either follow the rules or go back where you came from." He portals them out of the mall to the middle of the street, but still within the shield

The 8 members all look at each other as if to confirm if what just happened really happened.

"What are they doing? We should choose a building." The leader of the group says.

A female with a newborn in hand shakes her head, choosing the building front opposite the mall, "I don't want to be where the infected will eat us first."

They start walking to the mall and after an hour passes with the mall being out of site they start to wonder if they are heading the wrong way.

A female clears her throat, "I don't want to be part of the plan. Why should we trust foreigners who know nothing about surviving the infected? I was just like your baby when I was rescued by a camp like this. You should be ashamed to be working with those falls Messiahs." She takes a left heading straight for the mall.

The group ponder killing her but everyone would know it's them and they would be booted out of the camp immediately.

They arrive at the mall and agree to the camps terms.


A few hours later Colin walks with Chronos in the crumbling building across the mall, "Can you do what you did in the water firm here?" Colin asks.

Chronos nods, "I am well rested. I can for sure do that, and we might find interesting stuff here too." He responds.

Chronos turns back time on the building and they find out it used to be a hotel.

The woman with a baby looks surprised staring at the crumbling building or what used to be a crumbled building now the tallest building she has ever seen with her eyes.

"Woow! Look!" A woman says pointing at the building.

Murmuring fills the atmosphere as everyone is surprised to see the green grass and trees, Black gates and a Logo with the word Start next to it.

Thomas smiles, "That ladies and gentlemen is what the people before the infected called a hotel. It has bedrooms and showers galore."

Everyone scrunches together waiting to see who will get inside first so they follow.

Colin inside decides the place must guarded 24/7 "Thank you Chronos. You can go and get some rest." He says and follows behind going outside to address everyone.

He looks at them with a sceptical expression. They all look like excited dogs wagging their tails side to side.

Luna appears holding a vaccine, when she adds healing essence to it it changes from white to orange.

"The announcement I am going to make has nothing to do with the building across the street, stop looking at me so strangely. We have engineered a vaccine for the infected's infection. I'm calling everyone to line up, of course it is optional if you want it or not."

The people agree and Luna works with Split clones to inject everyone in the camp.

At the end of the day Thomas compares results and confirms the purple blood cells count decreased significantly with the original vial after some time.

He looks at Luna's orange vial very jealously and crosses his arms sulking.

Colin gives him the blood samples of everyone in the camp before the injection. He looks at Thomas with an irritated expression seeing him make the unusual overly excited expression.

Thomas cheers up. He has samples of everyone else before the orange shot, he wants to see what the results will say tomorrow.