
She was abducted

Kon ran into the house and headed straight towards Toto's room without missing a beat. His heart was pounding loud in his ears, and his face was extra sweaty.

It only took Scorpion three minutes to get him back to the house. A journey that normally takes 20 minutes only took three. And that explains how fast Scorpion was.

“Toto?” Kon opened her door.

All around the room, clothes were scattered. However, that wasn't what caught Kon's eyes. It was the paper on the bed.

He hurried over to it and picked it up.

“Dad, you must have realized that I'm not home, by the time you return. Don't be. You don't have to look for me. I don't want to return home. Just like you, I want to live a life where I won't be shocked by you. Don't look for me, Dad. I'm happy."

Kon crunched the paper up before he turned to Scorpion.

"Who were the guards in the house when Toto was taken?"


"Who were the damned guards who were supposed to protect my daughter?" He growled.