
Portal To Love

Two people from different worlds are brought together by something you would either call fate or coincidence. — Aylin's life was pretty ordinary and mundane. However, all that changed when, in her attempt to get away from her ever-persistent ex who wanted her back, she tripped, and fell into a Portal. Aylin didn't realize she'd fallen not only through a portal but into another world — one she thought only existed in fantasy novels, a place where people possessed supernatural abilities. But, as a series of events transpired, including her being labeled a witch and thrown into the dungeon due to her unusual appearance and something you would probably call coincidence, she came to believe that she was in another world. But what happens when help comes from a woman calling herself the Grand Duchess of Zephyr and the Grandmother of the wickedly handsome and crazy duke who ordered her to be thrown into the dungeon? Aylin knew that help never came for free but she would have never thought that the price she had to pay was for her to make the duke fall in love with her in exchange for her life and a place to live. Aylin, who couldn't love, was supposed to make someone fall in love with her. Excerpt: "W-what... What are y-you doing?" Aylin stepped back, her eyes fixed on the figure walking toward her, his footsteps unhurried. Kian smiled and raised one of his eyebrows. "What do you think I'm doing?" As his figure drew nearer, Aylin continued to step back until her back hit the wall. Before she knew it, Kian was already in front of her. He leaned forward and placed both of his hands on the wall on either side of Aylin's head, effectively blocking any possibility of escape. His red eyes locked onto hers for a moment before he spoke again, "The deal you made with my grandmother… Congratulations on successfully fulfilling your part, Aylin." He moved closer, their breaths hitting each other's faces. "You've managed to make me fall for you, Aylin. Now, it's time for you to fall for me."

Ella_Estrella23 · Fantasie
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89 Chs

Loss Of A Friend

Aylin knew things didn't last forever and, just like everything else, she would lose her best friend.

"No! Don't be like that! This is not your fault. Nothing is your fault." Isa said, closing the gap between them, and pulling her into a warm and comforting hug.

She didn't want to argue with her best friend, especially now that she was leaving for good.

"If they had wanted to adopt two children, we could have stayed together," Isa muttered under her breath, and Aylin, who had heard her, smiled slightly.

"But they only wanted one child, which is you."

"I know." Isa sighed. "You know, I wonder why they chose me when there's you. You are… after all, everything a parent would want their daughter to be: intelligent, obedient, and beautiful. But me? I mean… I am also beautiful and intelligent, but I am rude and I do not follow rules." Isa said as she flipped her hair over her shoulder making Aylin smile.

Aylin raised her head. "You are, indeed, beautiful, But maybe they don't want a good girl who will obey their every command; maybe they want a girl who will make them feel like parents, a very intriguing girl, a breath of fresh air, and a girl who is my best friend," She said as a single tear traveled down her cheek.

"Ayli-" Isa took a deep breath and hugged her, her voice trembling. And this time, Isa's chin was resting on Aylin's head.

They stayed there for a while, just hugging each other until Isa abruptly pulled away.

"Aylin, let us make a promise to one another."

"What promise?"

"Let us make a promise to each other that we will not grow apart, that we will not let our friendship end, and that we will be friends until we die. Promise?" With a wide and hopeful smile on her face, Isa said, holding out her pinky finger.

"Sure," Aylin nodded, smiling and locking their pinky fingers together. "Promise."

Isa then dragged Aylin back down on the chair, rested her head on her shoulder, and clasped their hand together.

"Let's spend the rest of our time... like this." She said with a smile as she looked at Aylin before returning her attention to the children.

Aylin smiled and rested her head on Isa's head that was on her shoulder.

They both sat there, enjoying the peaceful silence while watching the children play.

After what seemed like an eternity, they were informed that Isa's new parents were ready to depart. Isa and Aylin both walked to the front of the orphanage just in time to see Mr. and Mrs. Peterson emerge from the building, accompanied by Mrs. Emilia, the orphanage's head, and Miss Dana, the orphanage's head cook.

Knowing it was time to leave, Isa hugged Aylin, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall and after a while, they reluctantly drew away from each other. Isa then hugged the others goodbye, telling them how much she would miss them and that she would return to see them, Mrs. Emilia nodded, wiping away the two tears that had fallen from her eyes while Miss Dana's emotions got the best of her as she sobbed uncontrollably that her shoulders shook. But Isa said something to her that made her stop crying.

Miss Dana adored Isa and treated her as if she were her younger sister. They were both close but not as close as Isa's friendship with Aylin. So it was understandable that she would feel very sad at Isa's departure.

Isa walked back to Aylin and pulled her into one last hug after saying goodbye to everyone, including the kids and the other staff.

"I'll miss you," Aylin said quietly.

"I'll miss you too," Isa muttered as she drew away, a sad smile on her lips.

Isa walked with her new family to the car, saying her final goodbyes, and Aylin watched as she got into the car, followed by her parents, and the car sped away.

Aylin stood there, her hands clenched into fists, staring at the spot where the car was before it drove off.

Just like that, she lost her best friend. Aylin smiled bitterly. Even if Isa thought that their friendship could continue despite her leaving, Aylin knew it couldn't, not because Isa would forget about her after starting to live as their daughter but because Aylin had heard when Isa's parents were talking to Mrs. Emilia about not wanting Isa to further have any relationship with anyone in the orphanage after the adoption because of their reputation and whatnot. They had said that it was part of their conditions for adopting Isa and since the orphanage needed the money, Mrs. Emilia couldn't say no. Aylin knew that Isa's parents would make sure that Isa doesn't get in touch with anyone in the orphanage.

Mrs. Emilia walked up to her and stood beside her, sighing. But Aylin was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't notice her presence next to her.

Mrs. Emilia had to tap her shoulder to get her attention. "Aylin," she whispered.

"She... she's gone," Aylin said as all the tears she had held slid down her cheeks.

"Come here," The older woman said, drawing her closer, and Aylin wrapped her arms around her, burying her face in her shoulder as she sobbed.

She didn't understand why Aylin was crying so much. It was as if she knew she would never see Isa again, though she wouldn't. Did she know that? But how? They had talked privately, making sure she wouldn't know about it because it would only end up hurting her, so how did she...? Oh goodness! Did she perhaps...?

"Aylin..." she called softly as Aylin stopped crying.

"I know. I heard everything." Aylin stared at her. Tears wet her dark lashes and her eyes were red and swollen.

"I'm sorry," Mrs. Emilia apologized, not knowing what else to say to help lessen her pain.


Aylin heard a familiar voice behind her and snapped her head to the source.

"Jake." Ayin stared at him in surprise.

What was he doing here?! He was supposed to return after 5 more days.

"When did you get back?"

"Today, what happened? Why were you crying?" Jake shifted his gaze from Aylin to Mrs. Emilia then back to Aylin.

Alylin stared at Jake wondering if she should tell him or not since she knew how he felt toward Isa. But he would find out sooner or later so there was no need to prolong something that would eventually happen.

Deciding to tell him, she opened her mouth to talk but was interrupted.

"Where's Isa?" He asked as he looked around the playground.

"She is gone."

"Gone? Where?" Jake asked in confusion.

"To her parent's home," she said and Jake's eyes widened. "Isa was adopted, she just left."


"You are joking right?" He stepped closer and grabbed her arm tightly but not enough to hurt her. "Please tell me it's a joke."

"I'm sorry, I understand how you feel-"

"No! You fucking don't! So don't give me that shit about you knowing how I feel." He said before ruffling his dirty blonde hair in anger. "Fuck. "

"Why did they have to adopt Isa of all people? Why?" He said as he paced back and forth while massaging his temple.

'Why didn't they adopt Aylin instead of Isa, why?! Fuck! I thought parents liked meek, obedient, and gentle girls who would follow their every command. Maybe because Aylin was weak and pathetic.'

Jake stopped walking and glanced at Aylin who stared at him blankly.

And then one corner of her lip slightly tugged upwards, "I'm glad I finally know what you thought about me."

He raised his eyebrows wondering what she was talking about but a second later, his eyes widened when he realized that he just said that aloud.

"I-" He stepped forward to explain but was cut short by Aylin who was already walking away.

She abruptly stopped and looked over her shoulder, "You know, I've waited for the time when you would stop pretending to like me and I'm glad that you finally did. I know the only reason you tolerated me was because of Isa and now that she's gone, you don't have any reason to pretend nor do we have to see each other, and one more thing… If being pathetic is being kind, obedient, and selfless, then I am pathetic. But you are more pathetic for not being able to confess your feelings to a girl you've liked for 5 years." She said as she flashed him a smile before walking off.

The heavy downpour started in the early evening and continued through the night, a heavy pelting of water that thundered against rooftops and drowned out the sound of everything else. The only thing one could hear was the booming sound on the rooftop and the pitter-patter against the window.

Aylin lay curled up on the medium-sized bed in the middle of a small but cozy room, whose only source of light was the one from the table lamp by the bedside. She sighed and stared as the rain ran down the window with lights glistening off It.

Today was not her best day, a lot of things happened that made her understand that not all things last forever, and not to show people your weak side because if you do, they either use it to take advantage of you or insult you with It.

At least, the rain was there to comfort her.

A knock from the door pulled her out of her train of thought and she sighed, "Come in."

The door opened and Mrs. Emilia came in carrying a tray of food in hand, she was wearing a gray shawl over her white night dress and her black hair was braided to one side.

"Aylin, I brought your dinner," She said with a smile before placing the food on the table.

"Thanks, Aunt Emilia but I'm not hungry."

"Oh dear, you need to eat. You haven't eaten anything since morning," The woman told her, sitting on the edge of the bed, concern written on her face.

"I don't feel like eating Aunt Emilia, besides, nothing will happen to me even if I don't eat for a day."

"Are you sure?" The elderly woman questioned.

Aylin nodded and turned her attention back to the widow.

Sighing, the woman placed an old and frail hand on Aylin's cheek. She closed her eyes at the contact. "Aylin... You will get over it... everything will be fine"

Aylin averted her gaze away from the window and back to the older woman, she whispered, "I hope so."

The woman smiled and leaned down, kissing Aylin on the cheek. She said, "I know so."

Five years? More than pathetic.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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