
Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too.

FebyFeb · Anime und Comics
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98 Chs

Chapter 32 Encountering Rhydon


The quest Just to collect spores, and Combusken only burns spores there is no way without burning spores

This place is relatively narrow, and Pidgeot probably couldn't open his wings, let alone fan the air.

Calling Combusken back to prevent poisoning, Tyson quickly figured out a way.

Have Combusken shoot the Parasect with the Ember with the least formidable power, to avoid hurting it and forcing it not to move forward.

Controlled the drone to fly down and disassembled its fan system.

Connecting to the expedition suit, it was originally just a small fan to support the action, and the power suddenly increased.

Turn the fan on the slow Flying spores, the spores become slower and start to fall slowly.

Parasect saw this, and the little head of the mushroom, who didn't know if it had it, didn't understand why it was like this.

Unable to move under the coercion of Combusken, he simply spread the poisonous spores frantically through the mushroom umbrella in situ.

Tyson is constantly fanning with a fan, and the spores released by Parasect are not endless. He is a machine.

Sure enough, Parasect stopped spreading spores after a while, and the entire Pokémon seemed to have lost its soul and fell to the ground.

"Flamethrower ended it directly."

Looking at it like this, Combusken also obeyed Trainer's command and gave it a good time.

Tyson cautiously took out the container, constantly collecting Parasect's poisonous spores.

This thing can become a good medicine ingredient after decoction, what is the specific effect. . .

Anyway, that task issuer seems to be an uncle in his 40s.

It took half an hour to collect the spores scattered all over the Cave.

During this time, Combusken takes care of three Pokémons, beating them down again when they wake up.

Tyson walked over and touched Combusken's head, "Nice job!"


Combusken patted his own wings (hands? ).

Take out a pair of gloves and start picking the two Tiny Mushrooms on Paras' back.

The four Tiny Mushrooms neat and tidy were placed in the bowl, and Tyson took off his gloves and let the Combusken burn directly to prevent contamination of the environment.

"Parasect's spores are enough, 100g is more than enough, and this Paras' Tiny Mushroom is a lot worse, keep looking."

Put the harvest at the bottom of the backpack Well, one person and one pet will continue to deepen.

After passing through countless forks along the way, Tyson recorded his walking method through the navigator, so that he could not get out by himself.

Although for him, it's really impossible to find a place where the sky can be seen, and release Pidgeot to take him out, but it's still a way of doing things when it's not necessary.

After all, Mt. Moon is so high that even Pallet Town can be seen.

In order to guard against the unexpected, high-altitude driving is not recommended.

While thinking wildly, Combusken solved a Geodude that could not tell good from bad being stepped on.

Okay, wrong again.

Tyson looked helpless as the humidity continued to decrease.

In the cave, it was dark, and I didn't know where I was going.

Paras like to live in shady, damp places where there are tree roots for them to survive.

I took a glance to locate my position. It was on the west side of the outer layer of Mt. Moon, and there seemed to be an underground river nearby.

Finding a reference, Tyson touched the direction of the underground river.

Normally speaking, this kind of place will be frequented by Wild Pokémon, because water is one of the fundamentals of survival.

As we get closer to the river, the air gradually becomes cleaner.

The stalactites above the cave often collect water vapor, which turns into small droplets and drips down the top.

Combusken shook his head irritably, and a drop of water just fell on its head.

Although the heat on the Fire Element Pokémon's body quickly dried out the hair, the watery feeling made it uncomfortable.

When he could hear the sound of water, Tyson put the drone out to observe the situation.

The dark within cave echoes with the sound of the surging river, and there is silence apart from this.

It looks like no Pokémon are here to drink water at the moment.

Carefully out of the hole where he was, and took a few steps against the stone wall, Tyson turned and entered another stone hole just detected by the drone.

After walking along the road for a while, I quickly found clues.

He crouched down and observed the traces of movement on the ground.

The four-legged crawling, about five, seems to be a relatively large Paras family, and there should be no Parasect in the depth of the traces.

But it's okay, Paras and Parasect were killed by Fire Element Pokémon.

Paras's attribute of Dual Type, Bug+Grass allows them to take four times the Fire Element damage. In case their Characteristic Trait is still dry skin, this multiplier has to be doubled.

Take Combusken and follow the traces left by Paras all the way straight, and soon saw these little cuties, and sure enough there is no Parasect.

Without Tyson's command, Combusken consciously Spit Up five flames directly.

These Novice Levels or Paras who have just arrived at the Ordinary Level can withstand Combusken's attack.

Even though Combusken has restrained the formidable power, the five Paras still fainted directly under the huge innate talent difference and Attribute restraint.

Picking Tiny Mushroom with indifference, Tyson left ruthless after picking.

Leaving five fainted Paras, just like men who just walked away.

"Fourteen plants, there are still three Paras left, but I'm not in a hurry." Tyson calculated the method to save time and effort.

"You can go to Sandslash first, if you can find the thorns that have fallen off with good luck, you don't need to fight."

The two Tiny Mushrooms on Paras' back are not there Before evolution, it was a good nutrient material, and Sandslash's claws were a kind of auxiliary medicine ingredient.

After being collected and replenished, mushrooms and thhorns will grow quickly.

So there are also some Trainers who own Paras, Parasect and Sandslash to make money from this.

However, the market has always been less than demand, and there will still be many people who issue tasks to buy.

It is also impossible for Tyson to cultivate these kinds of Pokémon, so the best way is to go to the wild to get these Pokémon.

Different from the Paras family, which likes to live in dark and damp places, the Sandslash likes to live in dry places, and the degenerate Sandshrew is more afraid of water and usually stays away from water.

Keep walking in the opposite direction from where he came, starting to get away from the river, Tyson picks a random opening and walks in.

Five minutes later, Tyson and Combusken ran out.

"Why is there a Rhydon in this damned place? I'm sorry. Would such a Top Rank Pokémon still live in such an outer area? It's too unreasonable."

Tyson groaned wildly, but didn't dare to slow down a little bit. Combusken was behind him, using his hands and feet to destroy the hole and let the gravel block the hole.

Then he quickly followed the Trainer and left, only to hear a loud noise from behind the blocked hole.


(end of this chapter)