

Chapter 60. Going Home!.

The city of Orario took the news of the fall of the Apollo Familia rather well this time, Apollo was well know and very much hated by most of the city so not many cared or even batted an eye when the Guild announced that it had been disbanded.

In fact many were glad that Apollo couldn't continue to be a big pain in the ass, many of the townspeople and even Adventurers were wary or in some cases afraid to catch his attention and have him pester them.

But now that he was found beaten and powerless many were able to feel at peace, so much in fact that no one even thought to question why Apollo had lost all of his divinity.

In the minds of everyone they couldn't care less how it happen and we're just glad that they didn't have to deal with him anymore plus no one died this time so all the better.

Many of the Adventurers of the Apollo Familia immediately abandoned him the moment they found out they no longer had his Falna, a few ones went back to the Familias they had to leave.

Others went home since many of them didn't even want to become Adventurers in the first place in fact by the end of it all Apollo found himself abandoned by everyone and was left to deal with his injuries and wounds by himself.

It broke his heart to see just how much he was hated, he thought that perhaps by getting his Adventurers all kinds of expensive gifts he might have won them over but it seems that he was wrong.

The other Gods just sighed and shook their heads at the stupidity of Apollo, they wondered how Rean had made him human but they weren't foolish or brave enough to go ask him and Apollo himself didn't know either since at the time he was in alot of pain.

So the Gods shrugged, shooked their heads and let it be, they already know what would happen if they were to get involved with the Hestia Familia and Apollo was just further evidence of how much of a bad idea it was.

In the end Apollo had gathered so much hate and animosity from everyone in town that no one really cares what happened to him and soon forgot all about it.

The girls and I were busy preparing to leave this world, Ryuu, Tione and Tiona had to pack and say their goodbyes to everyone the care about, Ryuu thanked Mama Mia for everything she did for her.

Mama Mia just grinned and told her to be happy and to always protect her new family something tht Ryuu whole Heartily agree with, not that anyone in her family needed protection but she would still try nonetheless.

Then she said her goodbyes to the rest of the maids who all grinned and smiled at her knowing that their friend had found a new place to belong to, Ryuu finally had a home and everyone was happy for her.

Syr 'who was really Freya' also wished her the best, she might not get along with Rean but even she can admit that Ryuu couldn't have found a better man to love so she said her goodbyes to Ryuu with a hug and smile on her face.

Tione and Tiona talked to Loki and Finn about leaving the Familia, of course both of them were surprised and even shocked to hear this and asked them why they wanted to leave the Familia.

All the twins said was that they found their mate and that they wanted to build a life with him, Loki threw a tantrum not wanting to let go of the twins but as soon as the girls mentioned that the man the chose as their mate is Rean, Loki immediately changed her tune and did the procedure to transfer Falna to another God.

After that the twins went around the Loki Mansion and said their goodbye to friends and comrades, many were sad to see them go, especially since the twins where the fun kind of people but they still wished them the best.

So the twins left the Loki Homebase and joined Hestia's Familia so they could still use their Falna.

Artemis spend her time spending as much of it as she could with both Hestia and Hephaestaus who were always happy to spend sometime with Artemis before she had to go.

Artemis didn't have a lot of friends or know many people in Orario so she didn't have to say goodbye to a lot of people.

Serafall and the rest of the girls spent their time buying all kinds of things they wanted to take with them as souvenirs and such, most of what they bought were clothes though.

Orario had a vast list of different styles of clothing that the girls really like, like the comfy but fancy looking style of the Elves clothes or the very sexy and skin showing style of the Amazons.

So they wanted to buy a whole bunch for their use and what not though Wiz was far more interested in buying ingredients and recipes, in fact she bought a whole bunch of recipes from Mama Mia herself.

Other than that they also spent a lot of time with everyone in the Hestia Familia, though I myself spent most of my time training them and taking them into the Dungeon to grow stronger.

I wanted to make sure everyone was stronger and more skilled by the time we have to leave and I had succeeded for the most part, Bell is now a level 6 Adventurer and not a lot of people in Orario would mess with him much less the Hestia Familia.

Lili was able to reach level 5 herself and that was a big accomplishment to the Pallum especially since she was a Supporter to begin with so being able to become a powerful Warrior from that was big for her.

Welf is Level 4 now and I spent a lot of time teaching all the Enchantments I knew and the many different processes I had for metal working, he would never be able to create God Rank weapons or armor but he was very determined to continue trying.

Lefiya has reach level 6 and she was very happy about it, for a long time she felt useless and unimpressive compared to rest of her Familia, the fact that I have taught her many Legendary Rank spells has made her a even more powerful mage than Riviera could ever hope to be.

Mikoto leveled up to level 4 and had become quite proficient with the One Blade Eight Leaves style, there were a few techniques she hasn't mastered yet but she can take care of that on her own.

She also deepened her bond with Manahimeko which allowed her to have a way better control over water, she can even pull water from her targets and the air itself to attack her enemies.

But I did left her a few scrolls I wrote with notes on the One Blade Eight Leaves techniques so she can have something to help her along the way.

Haruhime spend a lot time training under Yasaka and Kunou and has learn quite a few support type techniques from both of them, they even trained her in Senjutsu under a time dilation ward in order for her to get even stronger.

With all that training and going with Bell and the others in the Dungeon once in a while helped her reach Level 2, she had a lot to catch up to but I'm sure that with training with the others she'll be able to catch up to them quickly enough.

Tione, Tiona and Ais didn't level up so they're still level 7 Adventurers but their stats were already in the triple SSS rank, thanks to my Perk Limit Breaker all of them no longer have a limit with how much their stats can grow.

So before I left I though Bell and Lefiya how to use the Gravity Spell and how to raise wards and create a Time Dilation in them so all of them can continue to train on their own.

I also transferred all control over the wards to Hestia so she could let anyone she wants in at anytime.

Of course I didn't forget about my fellow forge Goddess so I gave access to my workshop to Hephaestaus, I'm sure Welf will be more than happy to share what I taught him with her, I'm pretty sure she'll be happy with that.

This is how we spent our last few weeks in Danmachi and since there was nothing but peace and quiet in Orario we were able to focus with what we wanted to do.

But eventually the time to leave finally arrived and me and the girls gathered in the backyard, I already had the Pokémon go to my Pokehome with the Xenos to wait for me to summon them when we get back home.

Everyone who we have befriended, made a bond with and knew the truth about me and the girls had gathered to say goodbye to us which meant that Hestia, Bell, Lili, Welf, Haruhime Mikoto, Ais, Lefiya and Hephaestaus were with us right now, to the rest we had already said our goodbyes and told them that we were going back to our home country.

Everyone hugged and said their goodbyes to each other, we were a bit sad but we also knew that this wasn't a permanent goodbye but a see you later, Kunou especially was a bit melancholy because she didn't want to say goodbye to her new friends.

But she also knew that we needed to go back home, we had a life to lead there and more family plus she also knew that I would be trying to find a way to create a way for us and everyone else to go back and forth between worlds.

Eventually I reached Hestia and I gave her a big hug while I lifted her off the ground, she kicked around a bit but in the end she accepted her fate and hugged me back "damn it Rean... don't use me like a plush doll!".

I chuckled because a pouting Hestia was funny "sorry Hestia but it will be a while before we see each other or at least until I figure out how to connect this world to mine via portal".

Hestia sighed but still smiled at me "Rean... thank you for everything because of you Bell was able to grow so strong, get new friends and you even helped him and me get together... I can't thank you enough for everything you've done! you have made my Familia into the strongest in Orario".

I smiled and Hestia and Lifted her up in the air which made her squeak in surprise "your very welcome Hestia! and it's been a lot of fun... thank you for giving me and the girls a home in this world, thank you for being my Goddess!".

Hestia looked down at me and teared up, she gave me a big wide smile and I put her down, she immediately hugged me and I patted her head "you'll be back right? you won't forget us right?".

I couldn't help but smiled at Hestia "of course we'll be back and we won't forget you Hestia, we can't since we have a bit of you in our Falna, we will always be Hestia's Familia and nothing will ever change that I promise".

Hestia tightly hugged me while a chuckled a bit, Hestia has been a very kind and sweet Goddess to all of us one I could put my faith to and one I can fully trust.

Bell walked up to me and gave me a smiled "thank you for everything Rean... you can home in peace I'll make sure to protect our home here so you can have a place to comeback too when you come back to our world, the Hearth Mansion will always be your home!".

Everyone nodded at me and smiled, Hestia finally let me go and I noticed she was fully crying now, I smiled at her and gently cleaned her tears "I have something for you Hestia, I've made it with one of Ho-oh's Rainbow Wings".

Hestia looked up at me and I took out a necklace I had made for Hestia one I forged with white Orihalcum and a Rainbow Wing, a necklace blessed by my divinity and enchanted to hell and back with all sorts of special effects in a effort to protect Hestia.

The Goddess who gave me and my girls a second home, one I have placed my faith into and woman who became someone dear to all of us.

Hestia gasped when she saw the necklace I had made of her, this necklace was in the shape of a roaring flame that glowed like a rainbow whenever the sunlight hit it "the name of this necklace is Rainbow's Hope...".

Hestia nodded and reached out to take it in her hand, she gasped as the necklace bonded to her and her body began to glow in the colors of the Rainbow.

I smiled watching the Rainbow's Hope's effects latch onto Hestia "now you can use your divinity at any time and any place, this world's laws can no longer effect you Hestia".

Hestia's and everyone's eye's widen in shock "this necklace is a God ranked magical artifact, a Noble Phantam belonging to the Goddess Hestia that symbolizes the hope we all feel whenever we think of you and our home, May Hestia's Flames guide you back home".

Hestia sobbed and then began to cry as she launched herself to me again and hugged me as hard as she could, Bell fondly smiled at her the whole time while I just hugged her back.

After a few minutes Hestia finally calmed down and me and the girls were ready to go back home so we all gathered together and with one last smile and wave we all say one final goodbye to our friends while I mentally clicked on the World Jump Tab on our world known as DxD.

The air around us cracked like glass and then shattered but fix itself almost instantly.

Hestia and everyone else watched with smiles as Rean and the others were now gone from this world, Hestia sighed and then nodded to herself "well lets all take a day off everyone, later one I have a meeting with two new Adventurers that want to join the Familia and I want to be relaxed when they arrived.

Everyone turned around and began to walk back to the Hearth Mansion, Bell grabbed Hestia's hand and smiled at her "oh? and who is going to join the Familia?".

Hestia smiled at Bell "well they used to be part of Apollo's Familia actually and they were recommended by Rean their names are Cassandra and Daphne".

Bell nodded and together the Hestia Familia, Ais, Lefiya and Hephaestaus walked back to the Hearth Masion, they were a little sad but they knew that they would soon see Rean and the others again.

The air around us cracked like glass and shattered, as always everything fixed itself quick enough and we found ourselves back on the backyard of our home on Kuoh, despite being sad about saying goodbye to Hestia and the rest of our friends it still felt good to be back home.

The girls smiled and immediately walked back to our home, it was still the weekend in our world so they had a bit of time to prepare to go back to their duties, especially Serafall and Yasaka.

Kunou and I stayed behind though, I still had to summon my Pokemon back here and I wasted no time in doing so, my Pokemon all appeared around my daughter and I in flashes of white light and we immediately smiled at all of them "alright guys, to the new Pokémon who haven't seen this place, welcome home! to the others, well it's good to be home!".

The Pokémon all cheerfully called out their names and immediately spread out to either go back to their territories or find one for their own use, Kunou smiled and waved at everyone as they cheerfully went about their own way.

Nodding to myself I place a hand on top of Kunou's head which made her smile and look up at me "let's go see your Aunt Rika, Grandma Angela and Grandpa Tooru".

Kunou excitedly nodded and Yuki walked up to her side ready to follow her as always, together me and my daughter plus the every motherly Alolan Ninetailes went to visit my father, mother and sister.

Before we left the house I went to tell the girls that I was going to go meet with my parents and Rika.

Tione, Tiona, Ryuu and Artemis wanted to meet them so they joined me, Kunou and Yuki to go visit my parents and Rika.

Mom immediately hugged me and Kunou when she saw us and dad smiled at me, Rika walked up to me and my daughter and excitedly began to ask how our trip went.

Rika knew that we would be gone for a while along with my parents so they were obviously curious about what we did and saw in the world we ended up visiting, so with smile on his face dad told us to go to the living room and sit down so we could talk more comfortably.

All three Hayashi listened to everything I told them, they were excited about the many types of races living there, about the Dungeon but most of all they all were very happy to hear how much we had experienced and the bonds we made with some of the people there.

Eventually I introduced the new members of my harem to my mom, dad and sister "so this is Ryuu, she's an Elf and a very powerful Adventurer".

Rika awed at how beautiful Ryuu is which made Ryuu blush quite a bit, mom was just glad to meet another pretty daughter in law and immediately accepted her and dad looked mighty proud of me.

Then I turned toward Tione and Tiona "this is Tione and Tiona, they're twins and Amazons plus they're also very powerful Adventurers as well!".

Rika loved how exotic and pretty both Tione and Tiona looked and was very interested about what being an Amazon is all about, mom smiled and liked how tough and strong both twins looked and dad was literally crying tears of pride for me which made me feel rather awkward.

But then came the real surprise and I couldn't wait to see their reaction "and last but not least this is Artemis and yes she is the Goddess of the moon and many more domains".

Mom, dad and Rika gaped upon hearing the name of the beautiful blue haired girl who was sitting besides me and blushing, Kunou who was sitting on the floor with Yuki actually giggled finding the faces that my family were making to be very funny.

Mom snapped out of it first "Rean... how did you seduced a Goddess well known for her hatred towards men?...".

Artemis frowned a bit and tilted her head "I don't hate men, sure I'm not their biggest fan but I never been hateful towards them, I just dislike perverts".

Dad hummed "oh! different world, different Artemis... I see your a different version from the one we know".

I nodded at my dad "yup, this Artemis just didn't like anything to do with relationships and was the president of the no sex before marriage club".

Artemis blushed and groaned a bit "your not going to let me forget that title aren't you?".

I grinned at her and nodded letting her know that no, I wasn't going to let her live it down.

Mom nodded in understanding "ah okay... the Artemis in this world is quite aggressive towards men and she had a lot of trouble with other Factions for attacking anything male".

Artemis rubbed her eyes "I would never attack anyone, male or not unprovoked... what is this world's Artemis thinking?".

I shrugged "well you are pretty violent sometimes Artemis, especially with your own words so perhaps the one in this world is just an extreme version of you".

Kunou giggled "mama Artemis has zero chill unlike mama Yuki does".

Yuki sweatdropped at the pun Kunou made at her expense while Artemis gave her a betrayed look, Rika found the whole thing funny and just giggled "so Rean has four new girlfriend~ you really should slow down big bro~".

I huffed at Rika and shook my head "you acting as if I have a choice in who joins or not, Serafall picked all of these girls and practically convinced them to join".

Mom and Rika laughed finding the whole situation with Serafall being in charge of all of this very funny, Dad chuckled and shook his head "I don't know if I should feel proud or worried about you son".

I just sighed and shrugged "I don't know either dad I just don't know...".

The girls must have found it amusing because they all giggled at me but hugged me tightly all the same, Rika then spoke up "so what are you guys going to do now that your in this world? are you going to school like Yunyun and Asia?".

Tiona shook her head "nah! me and Tione aren't much for studying so we're going to help around Wiz's shop!".

Tione nodded "yeah we aren't much for studying or going to classes, besides were also going to help Serafall and Yasaka dealing with Supernatural threats, sort of doing Bounty Hunting work".

Dad nodded and smile "being a Bounty Hunter is actually a lot of fun, me and Angela use to do it back when we were part of the Hayashi clan and it pays quite well too".

The twins grinned at my dad, Ryuu softly smiled "I'll be joining Wiz's shop full time, even though I'm an Adventurer I rather just be a maid plus Wiz and Rean have a whole bunch of new products that they want to try out and they're going to need help".

Rika's eye sparkled in excitement at the mention of new products for the sweet shop, Artemis smiled "we'll I think I rather stay at home and help Rean with the Xenos and the Pokémon plus I'll also help Yasaka and Serafall by taking on Bounties like Tione and Tiona".

Mom smiled and clapped excitedly "well! then welcome to the family girls, please do take care of my son".

Tione, Tiona, Ryuu and Artemis nodded with happy smiles on their faces, the fact that my mom accepted them so readily into the family must have made their day.

Mom then smiled and asked about the girls "speaking about the girls, what are Serafall and the rest going to be doing now that your back from your trip".

"Oh? Serafall is going back to work but she's definitely planning to make sure that she gets more help and support so she can spend more time with us, only the most urgent and important things will be brought to her attention the rest can be handle by everyone else".

Mom, Dad and Rika nodded, all of them knew that Serafall worked way to much at times and they were happy to hear that she'll be making sure to let others handle more of the work something I can agree too "Yasaka is going to do the same but it's going to be far more easy for her to do so since the Yokai Faction has quite a few loyal and responsible Yokai Clans that can handle most of the work by themselves, both of them really enjoyed spending a lot of time with the family and that's something they don't want to give up".

Mom nodded with a soft smile on her face "I think it's great that those two are willing to trust others to do their jobs, most of the time they look pretty tired or stress so they deserve to be able to take it easy".

I nodded in agreement and continued on "Wiz as I mentioned earlier has a whole list of new sweets and pastries that she wants to sell at her shop plus I have made quite a few new Pokémon Plushies too, were really excited about the new menu since it's going to be all Pokémon based, it might take a while to get it going but Wiz is already working at it at home".

Rika and Mom seemed very excited about all the new things we'll be selling at the shop and I can't blame them "Sakuya along with Ryuu will be helping her full time while YunYun and Asia will lent a hand after school".

Rika nodded already knowing what the girls were more likely to do "and Kunou and you?".

Smiled and turned to Kunou who was petting Yuki "miss lazy bones over there will be mostly studying at home and helping with the shop plus she's also taking care of the Pokémon while everyone is busy".

Kunou fist pump and cheered while everyone fondly smile at her while I continued on "I will still go to school but I'll also be helping Yasaka and Serafall whenever they need anything done... dad there's something all of you should know".

My dad frowned when he noticed the seriousness in my eyes "okay Rean, go ahead and tell us what's going".

I nodded "... I have ascended to Dragon God in fact I'm the Galaxy Stardust Creation Dragon now and got quite a few Conceptual Domains but the one I didn't account of is the Akashic Records or rather the root of all creation, I think I got that from my Dragon God ancestor".

Rika and my mom looked shocked but my dad frowned and looked down "the Akashic Record?... Rean do you have any idea what that is?".

I nodded, of course I knew what it is, the Domain itself explained to me what it is "a compendium of knowledge, emotion, events, etc believed to be encoded in a plane of existence known as the astral plane... technically is a big computer program where everything in the multiverse is recorded and I have full access to it".

Mom who is a well renowned mage knew full well what that meant "... many magic user have dreamt of reaching the Akashic Records and get all of that knowledge and my son happens to have achieved that... I don't know if I should feel proud or worried, Rean it's not hurting you or anything right?".

I smiled at my mom and shook my head "no, I can fully control the influx of knowledge and I only get that when I'm actively use the Domain otherwise my connection to it is turned off so you don't have to worry about it mom plus I don't plan of using this Domain too much, there's a lot of things in this universe that should not be know I don't plan on doing so... I'm more than happy with what I got".

My mom smiled at me proudly and nodded, Rika seemed worried a bit, but she didn't say anything and Dad smiled "I wish I could see my father's face if he were to find out that my son is a Dragon God!".

We all share a laugh imagining the head of the Hayashi clan finding out that I have the very thing him and his clan worship with such fervor.

It certainly felt good to be back and relax among family and friends and I'm even looking forward to go to school and enjoying the boring classes for a change.

Meanwhile in the outskirts of Kyoto, in a old Clan household a meeting was taking place a meeting about recent developments and news.

A tall and muscular elderly man sat on the floor with his legs crossed and a frown in his face, this man was no other than Hideyoshi Hayashi, clan leader of the Hayashi clan and grandfather of both Rika and Rean.

But right now this man wasn't happy, not at all in fact he was both confused and angry as he heard the report of what happened during the Kyoto attack "... are you sure of what you just told me?".

The man in front of him is one of the most talented spies the Hayashi Clan has, this one in particular lived until recently in Kyoto and informed of everything going with the Yokai Faction to the Hayashi Clan.

He was there when Kyoto was attacked and had seen who had come to its rescue, it was only his foresight and quick thinking that allowed him to escape the big purge Yasaka had done to Kyoto and the Yokai Faction to destroy all spies.

He left Kyoto right away and luckily avoided said purge though it did take him a while to come back to the Hayashi compound since Yasaka went on a warpath to get rid of all the spies in her Faction.

But he was finally here and had given his report on what happened to the clan leader, so upon hearing his question he nodded "yes lord Hayashi... Rean you grandson appeared in Kyoto and saved it from the Hero Faction, he fought against the wielder of the true Longinus and easily won".

Hideyoshi frown upon confirmation of what he just heard, he then waved his hand at the spy and he bowed, quickly leaving after as he was dismissed by his clan leader.

Hideyoshi now alone maliciously grinned "who would have though my grandson would become powerful enough to defeat the Longinus wielder... it seems I was mistaken in forgoing him in favor of Rika".

Hideyoshi then stood up and walked up to a window in the room and stared out of it into the Compound's garden "... to think that Rean would be the one to awaken his true legacy but I wonder how he did it? I'm sure that foolish son of mine and his wench tried everything in their power to prevent this...".

The old clan leader hummed and scratched his beard "it looks like it's time to bring my heir back to the clan to take his rightful place as leader of the Hayashi.. Makoto..."

A purple haired girl dropped from somewhere on the ceiling and bowed to the Clan leader as soon as she landed on the floor, she was a tall young woman with her purple hair put up in a long ponytail but what made her look unique was the fact that she was garbed in a full Shinobi suit "yes? Hayashi sama?".

Hideyoshi turned his head towards Makoto "I want you to go investigate and find out were my grandson is, go to Kyoto you more than likely find out there and then I want you to get me all the information you can find about him".

Mokoto bowed "it's shall be done Hayashi sama" with that said the purple haired Shinobi stood up and then jumped onto the ceiling and disappeared in the shadows there".

The old Clan leader turned around and stared out the window again while having the same malicious smiled on his face again "enjoy the freedom you have now Rean... soon your going to have to fulfill your destiny whether you like it or not".

Ophis was perplexed, tonight she decided to check on Rean and his family only to be surprised when she saw that there were even more creatures around his home and many of these creature were very powerful.

Powerful enough to kill her with a flick but if that wasn't worse everyone living with Rean felt even more powerful than they were before, there were even new people now and even though they weren't as powerful as the rest she knew it was matter of time before they caught up.

But the worse one was Rean himself, something about him felt different and she no longer could sense anything in him, whatever was cloaking seemed to have also gotten stronger because not even she could feel anything anymore.

So Ophis was very confused and frustrated "just what did you do within a day Rean?... what have you become now?".

Ophis and perhaps Baka Red would be the only beings in this world that could tell something was very strange about Rean and that's only had because their instincts which were screaming at her not to make him angry.

So Ophis stared from very far away towards Rean in hopes of catching sight of anything that might tell her what was going with him but then she saw Rean turned his head towards her and stared at her with his purple eyes glowing brightly.

It shocked Ophis and scared her a bit as she felt Rean stared at her as if looking through her very essence and then Rean spoke "... what do you want Ophis Dragon God of Infinity?".

For a while now I have felt like someone has been looking at me and it was getting rather disturbing.

I was just trying to relax at home after coming from visiting my parents and sister and having a voyeur was getting annoying so I decided to confront whoever was looking at me right.

I focus my power and activated my Skill Akashic Dragon Eyes, I immediately caught sight of who was staring at me from so far away and so intently.

I was a bit surprised to find out who it was since I wasn't expecting her to be spying on*Ophis?...* I just knew that my life was about to get crazy once again.

*Goddammit... I just got home today!* the giggles of amusement from Excalibur and Astraea definitely didn't help my mood but at least someone is having fun with all of this.