
Pokemon Trainer: Black

The Pokemon world, Many think that the Pokemon world is peaceful and beautiful, but that is far from truth, In the Pokemon world there are black markets, Pokemon hunters and many other hideous things which we don't know of. And more importantly, In the wild, Survival of The Fittest is the universal truth This is the story of Black, Of how he died by getting hit by a train, Getting reincarnated in the Pokémon-No, The REAL Pokémon world and how he became the best Pokémon trainer in the world with his system. Welcome to the story of, Pokémon Trainer: Black

SpritVoidWolf · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Notice, How the Timeless Space Works(Not a chapter)

Timeless Space(T.S) - T.S is a separate dimension where time doesn't exist, This space can be used to upgrade the potential of a Pokémon, And quality of an item, This consumes energy of the T.S, The owner can also edit the dimension to his/her liking but that also consumes energy, The timeless space has a function which is that whenever the owner puts a Pokémon with a new type, I.E - Flying.

The T.S will create a new tile,

(Each tile is a minimum of 500X500 Meter),

The tile will have everything that is needed for the growth of the Pokemon of the flying type, And if a Pokemon is put in with a type whose tile already exist, The T.S will expand that tile if necessary.

The T.S can restore its energy by absorbing the energy released by the owner's Pokémon inside, and if an item is put in it will directly start to suck its energy since its inorganic. And if an item is put in with enough energy, it can slowly cause the T.S to expand, in all directions including the tiles. This growing can cause an earthquake, and a new tile appearing, getting stored, Getting moved can also cause these earthquakes.

The T.S owner also has an inventory, which can store tiles and Pokémon alike, the owner can also connect tiles through methods (note that these tiles work like a sandbox game).

And sometimes, The T.S can also create abandoned structures, Like houses, Castles, Etc. These will contain specific type of Pokemon and items.

And the owner can create separate spaces in the T.S, in simpler terms, The tiles are like files everything inside them is their contents, and a space is like a folder, The folder(space) can contain many files (Tiles), And the drive (C:) that contains them is the T.S.

If the T.S loses its energy, it will explode and the whole dimension will collapse, However, The Pokémon will be safe, if the owner wants to create a T.S again, He or She can use their life energy or the energy outside the dimension and can create the T.S according to their own liking.