
Chapter 26 – The First Defeat Elite Four Lance – I   


Misty versus Enna

Misty "Go Staryu."

Staryu "Well who wants a wash."

Azurill "Wash means to defeat right"

Misty "Yes"

Enna "Go Houndour" [Shit I have a type disadvantage but he is the only pokemon who could content with her]

Misty "Oh Jhoto Pokemon no problem Rapid Spin and Aqua Jet"

Staryu then spun and used Aqua jet to increase the speed and protect form Attacks.

Enna "Dodge it and Bite"

Houndour jumped up but he was still caught in fast moving water and wailed in pain.

Enna "Houndour use flame charge"

Houndour surrounded himself in flames and his speed increased and he got out of the way of Aqua Jet.

Misty "Follow him."

Enna was going to speak something and suddenly a yellow duck appeared in the middle of battle both pokemons and trainers were stunned.

Psyduck first looked at Misty and then turned towards Houndour.

Psyduck "Take my Pain"

And Houndour was lifted and smashed on the ground till he fainted and was thrown towards Enna.

Misty was stunned "That. That aura has reached B rank."

Psyduck then turned towards Misty and spoke "Who am I Why it is pain everywhere."

Misty was again stunned and she returned Staryu first but her empty pokeball fell down and rolled towards Psyduck.

"Huh what does this button do" and he pressed it with his Beak and was captured.

Misty "Oh Great now I have a B rank Pokemon who has amnesia."

And she shook her head and picked up the Pokeball and spoke to Azurill "Okay Azurill these researchers are your go"

Azurill "Yay" and she then started to Blast the researchers in air.

Misty "Ash My Job is done."

Ash "Okay call Jenny and Meet up I need to tell you something I will be pokemon center."

Brock "Ash what happened."

Ash "Center"


Ash then left the Game Center.

Brock "What had happened to him."

Misty "Don't know Jenny is coming in."

"Huh she arrived."


Jenny walked into the Game Center where everything was going normal and was confused and the called Brock.

"Hey is this really a Base if it is then how to get in."

Brock "There is a painting near a Black Shelf and there is a hidden switch there."

Jenny "Okay" and then she saw the painting and moved closer to it.

The clerk saw this and spoke into the mic "Boss Jenny is here and she seemed to have found out the hidden Passage."

Misty had the asked Dexter to Hack the Comm and change the voice to Enna's and spoke.

Misty "Okay follow her from distance and we have evacuated the Researchers only some leaders and their flies are there and oh that Muscle Head can handle her Just don't keep her locked and send her into the mountains if captured we cannot hold the attack of Jenny Clan."

Clerk "Okay."

Misty smirked and spoke on the call with Jenny "Officer Jenny when you enter the passage a Clerk will follow you and he does not have any pokemon rest inside are cleared."

Jenny was stunned first and spoke "Okay the van is coming soon and I found the switch and I am going in."

And then she went into the passage with clerk following close by. But as soon as he entered the Darkness he was submitted from behind and Jenny quickly tied his hands.

Clerk "How did you know?"

Jenny "Your Boss told me."

"Huh means you have hacked the computers"

Jenny "Come we will see."

And she then dragged him inside and when he saw the rocket goons and leaders unconscious and badly injured and when he saw Karter who was fried up he fainted.

Soon Brock and Misty to entered and When they saw the condition of the people they sighed.

Brock "His hatred has reached a high level."

Misty "But he still did not killed them."

Jenny "Means Who."

Brock "This all was done by a person and we just sealed the exists."

Jenny "How not even C rank pokemon do that."

Misty "He must have not battled anyone here if you want to say that he can clear this all alone then he can but he does not want to bring civilians into it as there are many captives here and they might be used as hostages so he sneaked in."

Jenny "If I can guess he is that Kid."

Brock "No it is his other identity."

Jenny "Oh right"

Misty "Same as his father both are destroying team rocket"

Jenny "His father according speculations must be Red the Champion of Kanto"

Misty "Yes"

Jenny "So the rumors were true."

Misty "Yes so we will leave now before it becomes High Profile and he has already left and maybe sleeping now."

Brock "Dexter"

Dexter voice came in "Ash has requested you to come ASAP and he is hungry and eating like beasts now as he had not done his Breakfast."

Misty "Okay Pokemon and Food can't leave him."

Brock "And Friend and especially Battle."

Misty "Yes Battle."

Jenny saluted and said "Okay Thank you for your work your Job will be complete here."

Brock "Your Welcome, and we will leave now as when he is hungry means he is disturbed by something."

Jenny "okay I really don't know how do you handle such a time bomb by your side."

Misty "Nope that's easy unless he sees some violations and crimes and he is still a kid and is friendly."

Jenny "Who will say he is a kid."

Brock "We need to check his bone age but he still behaves like one and when that mask is on then only he changes."

Misty "Magical mask and okay we are leaving"

And they left.


Ash after eating few plates spoke to Dexter.

Ash "Call Professor Oak."


Professor Oak's figure appeared on the screen.

Oak "Good Moring Ash so you are in Saffron challenging the Gym."

Ash "No I will Challenge after getting a Ghost type."

"Okay so what's your reason for stay in Saffron."

"Team Rocket."

"Oh and the reason to call me is that you found some information that disturbs you."

Ash sighed "I should have called you earlier but I was too hot blooded and thought that I can handle everything."

Oak "Everyone is like that even your father was same so what is the news."

Ash "Okay first I want to meet an Elite four Member and there are two news which is more bad you decide first Giovanni again started Team Rocket and Created a modified clone of the Legendary Pokemon Mew and it was not fully successful and then he used the Master Ball formula to control him and wants to use him as a Weapon But Mewtwo's Growth was restricted and stagnated at B rank but he has same qualifications as Mew just weaker"

Ash stopped to let Professor Digest this.

Professor Oak was silent first and spoke "And you thought you could Handle Giovanni the Elite four did not do because he has two side one good and one bad but if we want to handle him we need a solid proof so you will need the permission of league but why Elite Four as this is not enough for them to act and if possible a Captain of the north Army would have come but the situation is not good over there and even if you told them you don't have proof that Giovanni is behind this."

Ash "The Reason for Elite four member is not this"

/Oak "Means there is more"

Ash "Yes I eliminated the base in Saffron just an hour ago and got this news"

Oak spoke in serious tone "Speak"

"Okay Dexter will send all the files we got later now here the research was going on and stone called Thunder Treasure which has the Power to control the Royal Titan of Thunder of Shamouti and it is currently in the hands of a person called The Collector and according to Dexter as he stimulated the effect as if any one Titan was removed from its position then the climate of whole Kanto-Jhoto will change and there will be alternating Summer and Winter everyday as Electricity is not there to calm them."

Oak "But Ash do you think Legends are so easy to control."

Ash "Yes they are not but The Titans have just born half a year ago and they may have just reached A rank and according my speculations he should at least be A rank and the purpose is unknown."

Oak "But can't this be controlled by Lugia as he sits there."

Ash "Oh right Dexter"

Dexter "According to History The Lugia and Titans change at the same time and Lugia will not appear until all three Titans are gone Berserk and he also cannot control them without the song of the sea."

Oak "Well I am not researching in that area and Ash good you told me this and for Elite four member one will come to you tomorrow and Take care and thanks for the information."

Ash "okay bye"

Oak then closed the call. And Misty and Brock entered and Ash started to Explain them everything.


Oak's Residence.

Oak "Celebi"


Oak "Do you know that when I listened to this Boy's explanation of Legendries and he is taking name of Advance legendary and saying that a clone has been Created and then saying that the Half – King's Royal Titans and Half – Emperor Lugia have and issue."

Celebi was stunned "I didn't saw anything about this as the timeline has be in Chaos and only History could be seen but we cannot change history without Dialga's permission and The Creations Trios are currently in deep sleep and Giratina has been banned to Reverse world and Lord is who knows where I have just reached Half- Emperor."

Oak "I think I should tell league about it"

Celebi "No one will believe the Elders will not interfere and the new staff has got power into their heads the North is not calm and you are not allowed to act unless necessary."

Oak "Okay Elite four"

"Only sane persons I know in Kanto and one more thing Falkner is coming to meet you as he broke through King rank."

Oak "Okay I will send a message to Elite four and I think we will not have the Leader seat next Decade as there are no new S, SS and SSS rank trainers in Kanto and don't know how much Time Ash will take."

Celebi "We can wait there is still a decade and by the way the Elite four will not act now as the war is going to get worst and both Red and Blue have gone and Green cannot handle everything alone."

Oak "Okay let's check or else we need to let Lance use the Booster and to ascend the Champion Position."

Celebi "That will be harmful as his pokemons then cannot grow for few years and who will replace him."

Oak "We will see now my Head hurts and now I am thinking that Ash should have not called me and first let me send the message."

And then he typed the message to Elite four.


In an room four People were chatting there was a handsome man with sharp Features who was called Lance, Then an fifty year Old woman called Agatha, A muscular Bruno and Lorelei.

Agatha "The Situation in the north is worsening and Green could not keep up alone."

Lance "Yes the region suffered a huge loss and the General has gone deep into the Mountains with Major General and has not returned yet and we don't have anyone below SSS and above A+


Lorelei "How about calling Falkner"

Bruno "That Old Ghost"

Lance shook his head and spoke "He broke through King Rank."

All of them sighed and then their Pokewatch Rang.

Lance "Hmm Professor Oak what happened"

Agatha then looked at the message and read it and gasped.

Lorelei "Speak Agatha"

Agatha "You know about Red's Son Ash"

The Trio nodded.

Lance "He must have Reached C or C+ now and That is a good talent."

Agatha "He had taken down two deep secrets of Team Rocket that we could not do for years."

Bruno "But That's good but why a message"

Agatha "First reason a Weapon capable of Destruction of a Region was created called as Mewtwo clone of Mew."

Lance "What!!"

Agatha "But his growth was restricted and the strength is has stopped at B rank"

Everyone sighed in relief.

Agatha "That's not the main Problem a Person called Collector has found a way to control the Royal Titans"

Bruno "But is he a King rank and they are Legendary easy to control"

Agatha shook her head and spoke "The Titans and Beast of the Sea have changed less than a Year ago and they are Just at A and A+ and Lugia will not be awake until all three are controlled and he cannot control them as Song of the sea is required."

"The Song of the Sea is required."

Lance "Okay this is huge who is going."

Bruno "I am Out I can handle kid's."

Lorelei "I don't know"

Agatha "We are free today he is at Saffron everyone should come as we will continue north from there."

Lance "Yes that's best and I will have some lessons with him."

Lorelei "Just don't bully him."


Next Day.

Ash and friends were planning to leave the city and were at the gate until Dexter Rang

Dexter "As Elite Four is requesting your location."

Ash "Oh they are quick okay let's move out as if anyone see's it that will be very High Profile."

Brock "Ash you means One of the Elite four is coming."

Ash nodded.

Misty "You didn't tell us."

"I forgot"

And they continue to walk and Suddenly a Huge Dragonite Landed in front of them and fired and electric attack at them Which looked weak.

Ash saw this "Pikachu Absorb it then Extreme Speed and Thunder Bolt."

Pikachu Absorbed it and ran towards Dragonite and first slammed into him and then went on his back and Gave a Thunder Bolt.


Lorelei "He is Quick."


Brock was shocked "He withstood the attack."

Dragonite caught Pikachu and slammed him in the Ground.

Ash "Use Iron Tail on the Ground"

Pikachu's Tail glowed and he slipped form Dragonite's Grip and he slammed it into the ground and bounced up while the Ground and Dragonite staggered.

Ash "Okay a Volt Bolt."

Brock "Ash that's too much power."

Misty "Can he control it."

Ash "When he reached B rank he Controlled it."


Pikachu's Tail glowed and Thunder clouds came and a Pressure fell in the surroundings scaring all the wild pokemon and a Massive Lightning Bolt as thick as three meter's fell down on Dragonite.

Dragonite was staggering and then fell down.


Lance "B … B rank and he just don't know the way to level up or else he could have."

Agatha "Well as expected Oak called us to show him the world."

Lance "Okay as this end Skarmony land."



After the clouds dispersed Pikachu landed down panting.

Misty "His Electric power is low."

But Dragonite just stood up and only few scratches were there on it.

Ash "Shit he is at least A rank Charizard, Venasaur, Blastoise, Kabutops and Pidgeot we need to stop him."

Soon a Dragon a four legged Plant a Turtle and a Bird of Prey and an Ancient Being appeared.

Ash "Flame charge, Leach Seed , Water Gun , Slash and Steel Wing"

As the orders were given.

Five more auras flared out and Charizard started and Rushed with his body glowing with flames and again hit Dragonite and Flew up as someone had said an order as many seed landed of Dragonite and then water landed and the Growth of seeds increased and they quickly Covered Dragonite and drained him but then suddenly a flash passed and Dragonite was slashed twice at back and started to bleed and the he was slammed from front and fell back.

Ash "Be Alert and Venasaur Give energy first to Pikachu"

"Okay" and soon a green energy was glowing on Pikachu and his panting stopped and he too returned to the field.

Pikachu "He is strong."

Charizard "Very strong."

The Pokemon nodded.

Kabutops "He is still on just injured."

The atmosphere was stiff.


Before as Ash released his other pokemons

Bruno "Well let's go down"

And the five more aura's flared and together they were enough to threaten them.

Lance "What a full team of B ranks."

And then the attack's occurred.

Lorelei "And the Pokemon are well co-ordinated."

Lance "Dragonite is going to get a beating okay let's go down before it gets worse."


To be continued…


Next Chapter 27- The Pokemon Tower and Gengar