
Chapter 21 – Celadon Gym Battle 

Suzie "What?"

Brock "Ash is Red's Son."

Suzie "So the media is right and that explains your talent which is greater than your father."

Ash "Okay Brock first let's Evolve your Vulpix"

Brock nodded and kept the fire stone in front of her.

Vulpix said "Here goes nothing" and touched the fire stone and was filled by Bright light.

After the glow settled down the nine tails of the pokemon were waving elegantly.

Ninetales "It feels great"

Dexter scanned Ninetales "You have reached C rank"

Suzie phone rang "Okay guys I have and appointment and Ninetales take care"

Ninetales "You to take care"

Then she left.

Misty smirked "Brock has got a girl-friend"

Brock blushed "No"

Ninetales "But I think so"

Brock "Stop"

Everyone laughed.

Then Growlithe came out and bit the other fire stone in Brock's bag and too evolved.

Brock "So Growlithe no Arcanine"

"It feels awesome" and he started to lick brock.

Brock "okay stop"

Misty "So you have got two fire stones"

Brock nodded.

Ash "Misty what about your egg"

Misty "Huh" then she took out the incubator and the egg was glowing slightly.

Ash "It's about to evolve" Kabuto came out and looked at the egg.

Kabuto "I know the pokemon"

Misty "Don't tell me"

"Okay I too like surprises"

Then the egg glowed and started to crack as a small blue pokemon with a ball as big as itself on its tail.

"Hello" it said weakly looking at Misty and then jumped in her arms.

Misty "It is not form Kanto"

Dexter "It is but it rarely comes out and its name is Azurill"

Misty "Hi Azurill"

"Mamma I am hungry"

Ash "So Misty you have become a mother"

Misty "Awww wait for minute Azurill"


Misty "Hey Brock do you have milk and milk bottle"

Brock nodded and gave it to her.

Misty "Here Azurill"

Azurill took a sip first and then said happily ���It is tasty"

Misty "You can drink it more often then."


Ash "Okay you two can enjoy I am going to Challenge the gym."

Azurill "Gym means to battle"

Misty asked with a shocked face "You know about battle."

Azurill "I can hear from the egg"

Ash "Oh"

Azurill "But now I want to see it"

Ash "Okay let's go"


As they were nearing the Celadon gym a certain person went into the gym before them.

Ash spoke "Was that Gary?"

Pikachu "Yes"

Brock "Gary means your Rival and Blue's son"

Ash "Yup"

Misty "Is he trustable"

Ash "He maybe little cocky but he is good by heart"

Kabuto spoke form Ash's head "Yes his aura look clear but heated"

Ash "Let's give him a surprise."

And then they entered the gym.


Gary "I Gary Oak would like to challenge the Gym leader"

The female judge said "Do you like perfume"

Gary "Yes Why?"

"Good you can challenge the gym"

Gary "Err"

Then Erika came out "Okay Gary I will accept your challenge."

The she saw Ash coming in but he made a sign not to speak.

Judge "Oh are you here to challenge Erika too"

Ash "Yes"

Gary "Huh that voice is familiar Ashy boy is that you"

Ash "Oh so the Great Pokemon Trainer Gary is here as well."

Gary "Looks like you are catching up Ashy Boy"

"Humph so you too here"

Gary "So what I have Five Badges"

Ash "I have four"

Gary "See you are still behind and look at this" Then he showed a Photo in which there was a masked person with Pikachu on his shoulder and his other six pokemons with a signature.

Ash "So who is that"

Gary "You blind Eyes this is The Great DESTROYER"

Misty Brock Pikachu and Erika started to laugh while rolling on the ground.

Gary "Err guys what's there to laugh this is the limited edition photograph given to me by Grandpa."

Ash "Okay Gary call Professor Oak and ask Destroyer's real name and say Ash too wants to ask"

Gary "I don't know he knows it or not"

Ash "He is from the league"

Gary "Fine if Grandpa knows it then he is great and if not then you will say that Gary is great"

Ash "Fine"

The laughter continued.

Gary called Professor Oak.

"Yes Gary speak"

"Grandpa what is the real name of Destroyer as I and Ash to want know"

Professor Oak to started laughing "Okay Don't tell anyone his name is…"


"Ash Ketchum"

"Oh Ash listen his name is WHAT? Grandpa are you joking"

Ash too then started to laugh "Yes Professor Oak is right" Then he released all his Pokemon.

Gary "A Pikachu, Pidgeot , Ivysaur ,Charmeleon ,Wartortle and Porygon and Kabuto is this a dream"

Then he was washed up by Wartortle and he spoke "No its not" Which was translated by dexter.

Gary then went towards Ash and touched him "Ash this is freaking Awesome."

Then Gary's Wartortle came out and looked at Ash's Wartortle.

"OMG my idol is my rival too this is so great."

But Kabuto felt something [His Aura is similar to Aaron's Teammate is he his descendent]

After some time everyone calmed down and Gary spoke "Ash but now why is the need to challenge a C rank gym"

Ash spoke "I have three new pokemons" Then he released a Flareon, Raichu and an Eevee.

"And they are Pikachu's family"

Gary "Oh then that's fine but when you meet those Rocket bastards take me in"

Ash "Oh you too had a bad time with them"

Gary sighed "My Nidorina's family was stolen by them and I had rescued them and that's how she agreed to come with me"

Ash "Oh I will now let's do gym battle"

Erika "Ash you should do one on one and Gary you will for two on two as I can handle only Ash's one Pokemon which is at my level"

Ash "Okay Eevee you are up for battle"

Eevee "Good"

Gary "I we'll wait"

Gary's Eevee to came out to see.

Ash returned his other pokemon except Pikachu, Eevee and Wartortle as he was giving lessons to Gary's Wartortle.


Ash versus Erika.

Erika "Go Tangrowth"

Kabuto said form Ash's head "Peak of D+"

Ash ''Good Go Eevee"

Judge "Start"

Erika "Wine whip restrict her"

Ash "You forgot that her mother is Flareon Eevee fire fang"

Tangrowth sent out wine to catch Eevee but they were bitten instead.

Ash "Don't give any chance Quick attack then swift"

Erika "Tang growth Dodge it"

But due to its size it got hit by Quick attack and then by stars.

Erika "Now overgrowth and Solar beam"

Ash "Use Dark pulse to block it then Fire fang on Tangrowth.

Due to the incoming Dark pulse, Solarbeam didn't charge up much.

"Tangrowth slam"

Ash "Use protect"

Erika "Huh"

Eevee got away safely because of protect from the heavy slam but it did not stop here and she bit Tangrowth with fiery teeth and burned her and then got away.

Ash "Huh he is still good but time to end it extreme"

Eevee "Speed" And then she blurred and hit Tangrowth and threw her into the wall which could not stop it and went out into the yard.

Erika "Ok the damage is less and here is your Rainbow Badge"

Misty "Okay wall is destroyed"

Gary "Is it good"

Brock "Better than last time where Volcano was blasted."

Gary "Yup Okay it's my turn"

Ash "Good one Eevee"

Eevee then jumped into his embrace and he walked to the side and sat with others.

Kabuto quietly spoke in Ash's Ear "Ash the Gym is standing on its last breath as you have broken its main wall"

Ash sighed "But it will not go to my name"

Kabuto "We'll see"


Erika returned and Thanked Tangrowth and then turned to Gary.

"Okay Now go Weepinbell."

Gary "Go Growlithe"

Erika "Good choice"

Judge "Start the battle"


Gary versus Erika

Erika "Razor leaf"

Weepinbell then fired multiple sharp leaves towards Growlithe

Gary "Burn them and Tackle"

Growlithe then used Ember to burn the leaves and then dashed at Weepinbell.

Erika "Catch it"

Weepinbell then used Vinewhip to catch him.

Gary "Oh no you don't Heatwave"

Erika "Release him quickly

The Heatwave burned the vines and Weepinbell too got hurt.

Erika "Bullet seed"

Weepinbell fired seeds at Growlithe.

Gary "Dodge them"

Growlithe dodged few but was hit by one then the rest.

Gary "Growlithe are you okay"

He barked in response.

"Good then Flamethrower"

Erika "Oh no dodge"

The Fire pillar hit home and Weepinbell was burned till it was black due to type advantage and fainted.

Erika "Good and thank you Weepinbell"

Gary "Well done Growlithe just one more to go"

Erika "Okay let's see how you handle this Go Gloom"

Gary "Gloom okay Growlithe fire fang"

Erika "Good you are still in experienced now weeping bell sleep power."

Gloom released Sleep powder.

Gary "Stop"

But the Powder reached him and Growlithe started to wobble.

Erika "Let's end this Bullet seed"

As bullets hit the Sleepy Growlithe he didn't have more energy and started to snor.

Gary sighed "Well done Growlithe"

Gary "Now Spearow"

The color of the spearow was little different.

As he released Spearow Ash's Pidgeot came out and said.

Pidgeot "Huh a familiar Aura"

Ash "Pidgeot what happen"

Pidgeot looked at the shiny Spearow and spoke "The only friend form the Spearow clan"

Ash "Oh"

Brock ���He must be kicked out because of his color"

Pidgeot nodded.

Misty "That's the rule of the jungle"

Ash sighed.

Gary's Spearow too looked at Pidgeot and was startled but she was happy.

Gary "Huh you know her"

Spearow nodded.

Gary "Okay we can meet her but we have a battle"

Spearow's eyes glowed.

Erika "That's a lucky encounter"


Pidgeot "She still has the same fighting intent"

Kabuto "She is about to evolve"

Ash "Oh she just need a boost"


Gary "Okay now we cannot go close use gust"

Spearow released a wind which drove away the sleep powder but it didn't affect Gloom.

Gary "How"

Erika "Wait and watch now Gloom Poison stings"

Gloom the spewed poison needles at Spearow.

Gary "Fly up and Air slash"

Spearow flew up but it was still hit by some needles and was injured but she still had fire in her eyes and then she launched Air slashes at Gloom.

Erika "Gloom light screen"

The Air slashes were absorbed by the light screen.

Gary [to destroy the light screen an attack a level above is needed or a physical Attack]

Gary "Let's do a gamble Quick attack."

Spearow too new that this was a gamble but it was the only chance and dived down.

Erika "Good both of have a strong bond But that's not enough Gloom Tri powder"

Gary "Tri powder"

Gloom then released three different types of powder at once.


Kabuto "Sleep, Stun, Poison"

Brock "It is difficult for a pokemon to release two types at once but she did three"

Misty "She is the toughest Gym leader of C rank Gym"

Ash "I want to ask a question how do you guys become Gym leader"

Misty "We apply first then they monitor us for a month the we have to battle Elite four"

Ash "Means you had battled the Strongest trainers in Kanto"

Misty "Yes but with their Pokemon and our rank are given using our techniques"

Ash "Oh and I thought you have pokemons of A+ class"

Brock "There are less than two hundred trainers of A – rank in Kanto"

Ash "And we have not met anyone"

Misty "They are often in training"

Ash "If they appear in league then that would be a tough battle"

Brock "Most of them come but not all"

Ash "Oh why is that"

Misty "They are more used to roam, some are protecting their home towns and most are at the northern and north-western border"

Ash "Why"

Brock "You should find out as that is way more interesting."

Ash "Okay"


Gary's fist were clenched as Spearow dived towards gloom as she entered the Powder cloud she started to wobble.

Gary sighed accepting his loss but then she glowed.

Gary "She is evolving"

And then a bird cry sounded and she dashed towards Gloom and both crashed into each other.


Dust rose up.

Erika "That was unexpected"


Ash "Who won"

Kabuto "They both fainted"

Ash "Pidgeot please"

Pidgeot the tried to release as weak as possible gust but it was still more powerful then Spearow's.

But the dust was blown away and two unconscious pokemon came into view.

Erika sighed "Well that was a satisfying battle"

Gary nodded as he returned and thanked Fearow.

Judge "As the match is tied and Challenger still has a pokemon who is sleeping the Victory goes to Gary Oak from Pallet town."

Erika then handled the Rainbow badge and suddenly dexter beeped.

Dexter "A large wave of Water Pokemon have been detected moving towards the Celadon Coast Trainers are requested to block it or else half of the Celadon will be under water and A trainer with B rank Pokemon is Specially required to handle the leader."

Ash "So one thing left another appeared and I hope to see another B rank trainer"

Erika "The chances are less as all of them mostly roam in Viridian and Saffron"

Dexter again spoke "One trainer is there he is C+ rank with a B rank Charizard"

Ash "Okay good"

Dexter "The ETA is half an hour"

Erika "Lets hurry"

Gary "I will catch up to you after I heal my pokemon"

Ash "Fine I will change my attire first"

And then he removed his Hood and Mask and wore it.

Erika spoke "The transformation is too much The Destroyer name has a weight and Ash just a Ten year old"

Ash "One Question Why the Elite four not appear as the Crisis occur"

Misty "Ash was your father free"

Ash "Nope he only comes home for few days then disappears"

Brock "That's is because of their work."


Next Chapter: Chapter 22 – The Crisis form the Sea