
Pokemon : The Force Of Chaos

There’s something more robust than friendship, something more substantial than hope and love. Pain and Fear. A duplet that corrupts people daily. Drugs, prostitution, and the cycle of pain that haunts those who can’t claw their way out of the grasp of poverty. Why does the Alliance have a reason to step in when faced with endless profit? But sometimes, those corrupted become something more, ascend to their purpose, and become... A monster.

MilfHunter1 · Anime und Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter 82 : Knight Of Justice : Part 3

Eli set up a cacoon of spiteful aura as a blast of justice aura came onto him.

The large silver blast clashed with the purple cocoon as Eli was sent through several trees before coming to a halting stop.

Cutting the cocoon open with the sword of Choas energy, Eli limped out before groaning. Looking forward, a bitter expression filled his face as Eli looked towards Theseus, who had activated his mark. His armour was gone, replaced with an incredibly detailed piece that covered him from head to toe. His greatsword shined with an intensive justice aura that resembled when he enlarged his sword, but this time it was permanent and here to stay.


Eli sighed before he felt a warm embrace around his neck, but this time it was more suffocating.

"Your arm or your death. What will be your choice~"

"I still have some tools left." Eli dismissed her, before looking towards Theseus. "Nice sword."

"I think it would look better in a gaping hole in your chest." Theseus mused as Eli shrugged.

"Agree to disagree."

Eli looked to the right once more, as he watched Teddiursa still in a stalemate with Buffolant, which managed to buy him some time.

Eli continued to observe Theseus. His helmet had faded, which caused long green hair to flow. A pale white crown was fitted on his head, but the most drawing feature was his eyes, of which a grey mural of a female hugging a lion was shown.

Eli had seen this once before.

"Tarot cards huh." Eli guessed as Theseus's eyes sharpened, telling him all he needed to know. "I'm guessing that Pandora was justice, and you are... strength."

"My blade is your reward." Theseus disappeared, as Eli's eyes sharpened.

Where is he? did he teleport? no... He was above him!

Eli dodged backwards, using Choas energy to reinforce his leg as he dodged backwards.

A shockwave followed him, as Eli was thrown backwards uncontrollably as Eli slammed into the ground.

He was able to conjure a shockwave with just a mere strike!

Eli focused on his senses, before dodging backwards once more.

"COWARD! FACE ME!" Theseus screamed, his brow showing an uncontrollable rage as Eli looked towards the man, before running to his dropped bag and holding two bottles, one had a mysterious silver powder in a vial and the other was another liquid.

Eli looked towards Theseus, who was wearily staring at the boy. But the expression of Theseus grew angry as he charged with great speeds forward to Eli, who had dropped his sword.

Eli tensed his muscles, but not a shred of fear came from the boy as the sword was approaching his face fast. Opening the vial of silver powder and throwing it towards Theseus. Then he opened the other tube as Eli smirked.

"Chemistry lesson. What happens when a hyper-reactive substance reacts with an acid?"

Eli threw the acid he had received from Skrelp towards Theseus, who rapidly attempted to guard himself.

A barrier of spiteful aura covered Eli as smoke appeared and within a second a flame suddenly erupted.

Eli covered his ears with a large explosion as the potassium reacted with the acid and created a large explosion, even making a crack in the barrier of Eli's aura as Eli looked towards the smoke site.

"Cease....your tricks." Theseus rapidly inhaled and exhaled, and although he was unharmed Eli saw that the attack took a lot out of him.

Sensing that his reserves were completely gone for spiteful energy, Eli grabbed the chaos sword from the floor and looked towards Theseus.

He had to pay some sort of price to activate his mark, that was clear enough. But the time he could maintain his mark was not infinite. Eli had no plans to face him head-on.

"COME!" Theseus once more charged forward, but this time Eli sprinted towards Buffolant with chaos-reinforced legs. Looking behind him, Eli could see that Theseus was rapidly approaching before jumping upwards and using Buffolant as cover against his blow.

Theseus stopped as he wouldn't kill a pokemon before streaming, his eyes bulging with anger.


"Not being a man is better than being a corpse, don't you think?"

Buffolant was distracted for just a moment as Eli commanded Ursaring

"Fight Theseus. I will deal with Buffolant." The brown bear was all the brawl that Eli needed as the former nodded and went over to Theseus

"COWARD!" Theseus screamed as Ursaring's claws shined in splendid normal energy as the white-grey clashed with the dulling grey as Theseus screamed.


Eli smirked at the command as he sprinted in the direction of some trees that were not destroyed, the bull scraping its hooves against the ground showing that it was about to pounce.

Eli did not think that he was stronger or faster than a pokemon that was stronger than even Ursaring, but he did have an advantage against the brutal pokemon.


"Haze," Eli commanded as the small sea-horse that had switched from Urasring to Eli spat out an incredibly cold mist that spread with help in the air.

Eli felt goosebumps appear on his skin as he closed his eyes and sensed the incoming bull, before shifting to the side.

Eli felt the powerful gust of wind go past as Eli watched as the bull charged into the forest, destroying the whole section of the forest as Eli sighed.

Should bring him some time.

Turning his gaze back to Theseus, Eli looked towards the man before he laughed in a condescending manner.

"Do not worry. Pandora is going to join you soon." Eli muttered as Theseus screamed even louder.


Wife? she looked 16. Was it due to the justice energy that maintained her youth? or was he a freak?

but the outcome of the battle was determined.

Eli had won.