
Pokemon: The Continuation of a Dream

A content creater with multiple talents after reading his script to go over his hardcore nuzelocke, looked at his channel to see a milestone reached. With dopamine rushing through his system he took a break watching the episode "Distant Blue Sky!". With all types of different emotion swelling due to the end of Ash's journey, his channel growth and the small message left by the recently watched episode. He went to sleep with a small incident. Unaware of his destined fate becoming a certain blue haired boy. Sunny Haruto...

Shogunate · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

The Continuation of a Dream [1]

(A/N: Skipping this chapter is fine but it does have some important info on MC. Not all of it of course. Have a good day and read)

In an office inside a two-story house was a young man just entering his adulthood. In this office, there were shelves containing anime figures, some instruments, plushies, a Snorlax beanbag couch and many more.

With an interior like this, no one would expect such a singing nerd to have a well-toned body and practice Muay Thai on the side.

This guy was currently looking into a camera while speaking.

It was me, a Poketuber named Sunny.

"-for sponsoring today's video! Thanks for watching, if you like this video then check out my previous videos..."


Tapping the "stop recording" button I sigh and melt into my chair in relief. Things have become so much better than before.

Using the money sponsors have given me I could buy equipment better than before. Now everything isn't being run by my personal wallet.

"It only took one take thankfully, I'll still need to edit all the clips though. Which is gonna be a few weeks?" I murmur looking at my desktop.

Right now I just finished a single take of the script I wrote a day prior for my YouTube video. Although it still needs to be edited, that's the easy part finished at least...

The hardest part of my video is making gameplay and the editing synchronize in harmony. This was to create a fleshed-out and well-flowing "story" with the hardcore nuzelocke I just recorded.

Can't have a boring nuzelocke run and expect a high retention rate. There has to be drama and losses!

Being a storyteller just came naturally to me when doing the voice-over. Combined with my dry humour which is a hit-or-miss, it completes my overall "online personality".

To be fair though 3am dry humour is peak. 

Making the actual gameplay interesting with unique strategies some casual fans might not know is mainly what I do. While they might not be too "complicated" I'm not willing to calculate everything like other content creators.

It takes out the fun of playing Pokemon.

Using things like trickster swaps, Sun/Rain/Sandstorm teams, Togekiss flinches, guts facade and silk scarf combo just scratches the surface of what I use.

These days just putting up the full video with skips in episodes doesn't cut it anymore like when I was a kid. I'm more well-known for my unique ideas and voice. But YouTubers these days who get large amounts of views and retention rates have all types of animation and voiceovers for their videos.

So I'm adapting a little bit and so far it's working quite well with my own paper cutouts to reimagine scenarios. This also included streaming as it's pretty fun to interact with chat.

The recent videos have gotten 534k, 145k and 275k views respectively. Which to be fair is a wide contrast to the five-digit views I used to get.

While this is more views it also means more effort on my part which I'll not shy away from. Being a Youtuber/Streamer is a blessing in itself and anyone who says otherwise is simply wrong.

'Anything was better than working in Hungry Jacks or an Asian grocery.' I thought shivering at the thought.

Instinctively reaching for my phone, I unlock it with FaceID and go on YouTube.

Clicking on my profile I check my sub count.

[399k Subcribers]

"Wait it's so close."

With a sparkle in my eyes, I started to refresh the page every few minutes.

Yeah, my body needed sleep but I'm unable to force it due to my self-diagnosed "insomnia". Which really is just "I'm addicted to my phone".

After the clock passed 5:30 am, it finally happened.

[400k Subscribers]


Taking a screenshot of the milestone, a wave of dopamine hit my body and I couldn't hold back a giddy smile. Turning around and hopping out of my chair, I made a small post about it with a beaming smile.

Exiting my room I went down a hallway, to a set of stairs that led to the kitchen. 

I would be celebrating with some cereal at night!

'I don't know where I'd be without Pokemon.' I joyfully thought about, opening a drawing to get a bowl. 

Living in a relative's house has been a blessing, but since my parents died my only escape was games as I even started to slack on training. Even with me being some sort of an outcast it never affected me much.

As some people say, others enjoy being alone and that just happened to be me.

Taking my phone out, I finish off the last few episodes of the Pokemon Journeys series. The hype for Leon's and Ash's fight was amazing but the tease for Homeboy to catch a mythic was really big.

I was currently on a rewatch of the whole series.

Putting in the cereal then the milk, I start to chow down now in my little world.

*Crunch crunch*

After taking my time and finishing up the episode, there was still one left. Not knowing there was another episode added it increased my anticipation.

Genuinely curious I press the [Next] button and end up seeing a different animation style.

'This has to be an alternate universe episode.' I silently thought seeing the title.

[Distant Blue Sky!]

The general plot was Ash meeting a "kid" who was actually a spirit. He died due to a sickness but wanted to be a trainer. With his parents reminiscing about the lost time they had due to being neglectful.

After some time passed I finished my food, with this a wave of fatigue hit my body probably because it was almost 6am without sleep. Lazily doing the dishes, I head back up to my room wanting to rest.

Not before the episode finished though.


"Man, why do I have to watch this sad episode right after feeling a high today," I murmur reflecting on the episode.

'Sunny Haruto huh, the same first name as me.'

Heading into my room through the creaking door, I softly shut it as my body dragged itself towards the bed. Lying down with my head facing the ceiling, my mind started to drift off as a great sleep was nearing.

But before my mind could doze off fully a buzzing feeling hit my body.

'What?' Confusion hit my mind I was stuck.

That buzzing feeling was spread throughout my legs and arms, I couldn't move myself at all. With my vision barely there, a dark figure made of black lines started to emerge from the corner of the room. With my heartbeat increasing and my twitching eye saying anything, I was a little nervous.

Realising my situation my head could reminisce about my childhood.

'When was the last time I saw my paralysis demon, he's been gone for a few years now.' I thought starting to hear my pulse through my pillow.

None of this was real.

Despite that, the feeling of not being able to move was unnerving, to say the least. As the dark figure started to get closer, with this my mind felt blank like I was drunk and unable to think straight. It only took a little bit until the thing got up to my face.

It wasn't hard to describe besides a faceless shadow right up my face.

'If you could, would you want to be in the Pokemon world?' A familiar voice of "myself" says in the back of my mind. 

Not taking this too seriously I answer "my own" question with a simple response. From all the way as a kid to a year ago when my life felt disarray, my constant cries of depression wished I could just restart my life.

Without anyone there to miss me, why stay? Was a thought constantly going through my head until I found my place making content. 

A real passion that started to ignite.

'Yes.' I respond to "myself"

The voice in the back of my head getting a response asks another question.

'With that, what would you do?'

'Other than a trainer? Mayb-' 

Making a short list in my head my consciousness started to fade without me being able to finish.


[Third Person POV (Saffron Hospital)]

In a particularly white room located in the Saffron Hospital, had three people situated in it. A man and woman in their mid to late 20s with blue eyes looking very grim with a child just hitting the age of nine. The child who was situated on the hospital bed was showing signs of his heart-stopping with his parents off to the side.

With his apparent sickness even if he woke up he would keep on suffering.

The woman who was quite tall, about 5'10, had blue hair, diamond diamond-shaped face and a slender figure was off to the side of the bed curling up in tears.

Not having the heart to watch the monitor next to her close to flatlining.

On the right was a bench just a few metres away, had the man with shaggy blue hair on the front and a ponytail, squared face, and was 6'2.

Just silently contemplating looking at the floor, occasionally shaking.

The room was filled with the sadness of two parents unable to make time for their child.

Not even arriving on time before he passed out...

With regret evident on both parent's faces they couldn't help but grovel.

Realising the missing time and lack of attention they actually gave their only child.

Sunny Haruto.

The parents So Haruto and Sue Haruto were extremely busy people. The father is a famous artist and is always painting with the mother owning and managing multiple salons and shops. 

"Sunny, I'm so sorry, please come back…" Sue silently cried out grabbing the bed sheets in anguish.

But then a sudden noise hit the ears of the two.

The monitor initially about to flatline, suddenly gained life as spikes have occurred.

So, who looked up from the ground set his eyes on the monitor in surprise. Hope slowly flickered and returned to his eyes.

'Arceus of you exist, please heal my child. I'll never take such things for granted anymore.' He earnestly prayed in his head, slightly shaking.

As if their prayers were answered, Sunny who regained his heartbeat had his fingers twitch.

Sue who saw this stopped her crying and looked at the movement in silent shock. After a few more minutes and the father calling for a nurse, a new light hit their minds realising the second chance they got.

"Sunny Haruto has made a full recovery from his sickness in some miracle!

But he will still be exhausted mentally. So rest is advised. Either way, congratulations Haruto ma'am, sir."

Hearing the Nurse's explanation and her slight bow, the couple couldn't help but hug each other tightly. 

A full recovery!

They couldn't help but think

'Thank Arceus.'

A few hours passed but the pair So and Sue were still at the hospital for their son. Seemingly gaining a miracle to save his declining health.

With the both of them sleeping, Sunny's eyes started to twitch. 

A new soul found its way into the body…

The eyelids of the body started to open, he just stared at the ceiling for a bit feeling confused. Unable to move his body due to being physically weak, the kid just tried to process what was happening.

'Where am I…'