
Pokemon: The 7th Last generation.

A boy from the orphanage received the box curved with lugia and several legendary Pokemon, on the point when he opened the box he found a black crystal and a holographic image of his father who did not even remember, but old granny of the orphanage told it was his father last heritage she had to pass it to him. His holographic father told him various thing like this crystal was his heritage from him and he will get something really great, from it if he pressed the red beaming light Indeed he recieved a system from the crystal plus the memories of his previous life as an Otaku came in while the person named Arata was his father but a former colleague from that world who died with him on that accident. During a trip to Poke land... Continue to read and found about previous unsolved mysterious life and his life as an Astral Ren.

GamerX_226699 · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 7 Contract

Looking towards the direction where more Rattata's can be saying littering from here and there and squeaking at trainers who were infiltrating their home.

Walking towards the new area so that he could continue his mission to clear the area from Rattata, Many trainer seemed to be on their spree, as they move and continue to clear the area as if some competition was going on.

looking around that most of the area has been cleared Ren knew it would only be a wasteful effort try to snatch Rattata from other trainers.

" It's alright, if they are so hyped up about doing the all the work we should be thankful to them for completing our task since the number for Pokeball given to us are only five, which clearly indicated that we only have to defeat 5 of them." Looking at dissatisfied group member of his network he try to pep talk to them.

"Oh you are right."

On that point may noted and nodded their head in affirmation as they calm down and enjoyed talking to each other when the main team of trainer who were here to to clear the deeper level of the the area,

they were finally here, hence other trainers had to line up and go inside the bus which was getting ready to launch back to their home, temporary one but still was their home.

that was an interesting adventure while when the came out a person was there to call Anthony, Ren and Marcus to go with them, after they entered the room devar ask to wait for them.

When the person came inside Ren was stunned since the person smiled and called 'Boss junior at reporting.' yes the person who prepared all the spare keys to enter girls room was the person who was standing in front of them.

'Welcome, soldier.' at that point they both started laughing while other two including Marcus and Anthony was still shocked at the newcomer.

"Sorry Boss, but now I had to take the role of a boss for the time being that is." James smiled and winked while a serious expression was formed on his face.

"Welcome brothers, James Texas direct hier of the family your are working under, this is the formal name I go with not the one I told you at the meeting."

" Continue on, I have potentially shortage you out of the all the trainer which have worked for me, to be my private assistant."

"The job offer is not that you have to come and go around me for you have to develop your capability as a Pokemon trainer and I cannot bind you around me for that."

" you have to use the Pokeball of my brand, clothing bags and every other necessities will be equipped with the personal signature of mine."

" If you want to join a Pokemon competition my name will be announced in the awarding ceremony."

finally but I will give you for that, 1 item from the federal organisation list shop which is under 30,000 federal points, second pokeball of highest quality will be available to you to use and you can Redeem them from any shop under taxes company.

if you wish to buy higher quality balls like type balls and great ball, they will be available to you at the discount of 50%.

finally ultra ball will be given to you for free e which can amount around 7 per month and will be distributed by my father permission.

This is something I can provide to you guys, plus can be more benefit given by my father contract which I am going to give you right now.

after which history in front of all three of them, Anthony was ready while other guy Marcus was also prepared when Ren asked " is IT written that I cannot leave the organisation in the coming future if I need to."

Ren forces his word on IT the contract in front of him and on the word LEAVE.

"No, you can leave anytime you want, you see I am very confident you wont any if you will I wish for a request, for the partnership you will choose our Texas family as the first choice."

" Ofcourse, I was planning for it to begin with, but I am really shocked this kind of contract is way too attractive giving any condition plus it seems that you are quite confident over these points and trust."

" you can say that our family is known for its family business and for a business mutual trust is the most important aspect we should have, given we have rising to this place is a a good example how reliable we can be."

After which according to Father contract, he will provide with Pokemon food of great quality for free, nutritious quality one will have 50% discount and finally they will provide 20000 federal contribution points every month.

Ren knew all this since the generous offers were to real to them, while Ren knew that only few will be chosen for this kind of treatment.

He really appreciated it and also look forward to his adventure, for which he had to ask for a good quest from his employ, he was only reaping James guy our since Rare Pokemon are hard to come buy and he wanted suck the information this guy could provide him.

As a friend it was natural...

To Be Continued...

Hello guys I hope you all like this chapter and novel plus those who like Fanfiction of To Love Ru, please go and check out my original work

Life Requiem: He is already dead right.

link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/20542916606503805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4316228623

Three Character such as Mikan, Rito and Lala are their tonight 9 pm after 45 minute of this at chapter 30

Hope the story will be different but it will all To Love Ru character of girls so hope you will read them too.

in the future.

I plan to increase the no of the chapter if bookmark of Life Requiem increase to 500 + 1 chapter every week

700 +3 chapter every week

900 + 5 chapter every week

1200 + 7 Chapter every week almost double of normal amount.

Please support that novel since I have gotten Contract for above novel Life Requiem. and needed your support to get editor verification.