
Pokemon: The 7th Last generation.

A boy from the orphanage received the box curved with lugia and several legendary Pokemon, on the point when he opened the box he found a black crystal and a holographic image of his father who did not even remember, but old granny of the orphanage told it was his father last heritage she had to pass it to him. His holographic father told him various thing like this crystal was his heritage from him and he will get something really great, from it if he pressed the red beaming light Indeed he recieved a system from the crystal plus the memories of his previous life as an Otaku came in while the person named Arata was his father but a former colleague from that world who died with him on that accident. During a trip to Poke land... Continue to read and found about previous unsolved mysterious life and his life as an Astral Ren.

GamerX_226699 · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 19 Tournament

It was an another morning for most of the people but for Ren, it was the time for him to challenge a new condition which was named as Rookie tournament, Ren was introduced by professor Oak, and he was also able to participate in the competition.

Given the price for the competition was very and typing give in the champion will be awarded with 10,000 Federal points which can be used in any City under the federation.

Not just that, since there were other awards to which were accounted as 3 ultra ball, a unique starter Pokemon for the champion and 2 runner up.

Given it will be provided by the federation it will have a greater potential then most of the Pokemon which can be caught outside the city and in the jungle.

Ren was looking forward to have charmander since it was very rare Plus all the three evolution were very strong give in the last one was also a dragon type which can be our his advantage against many Since on the fairy type moves work against them properly.

if he want to train it, he will make Charizard the most powerful Pokemon, as he remember the Charizard of ash rival in Pokemon X Y and Z.

Alan was quite strong and was able to defeat all the mega evolve Pokemon from the champions in the elites, his Charizard X was truly something to behold given any power aur speed was not lacking at any department, plus the bonus boost of the strength was something which most of the Pokemon would not be able to exhibit like that.

At some episode he went forth legendaries which are Charizard X.

Ren was really excited thinking about the prize, while he was also thinking about the enemy he could face in the tournament.

Given he was not able to gather information about the opponent he was about to face in the tournament, Ren plan to play it safe for the few matches why not revealing all his card.

At first he would only used most powerful attack like Swift and thunderbolt from the very beginning, and the miner attacks like quick attack and trained electric field, he was able to plan out new series of moves which can be effective on many opponents.

Quick attack, didn't had March attack power but its versatility which is collecting the moment on wild Rani can make the Pokemon a lot stronger before it could smash on the enemy body.

He stood at the entrance where he survived his ID card he got from the professor Oak, and he his name was lit out inside the machine marking his presence at the tournament site.


Delia and Telia wanted to go and cheer up Ren abe since they got the ticket from the professor Oak and Professor Sakuragi, while both of them were also coming to watch the tournament so they decided to bring all the family to watch Ren first debute match.

Ren who was not aware that all of the families were here to watch his match was standing quietly at the participant place when different kind of players also started arriving quickly at the area was crowded with the people.

Ren found an astonishing beautiful girl with the red hair standing there quietly, where most of the play attention especially from the boys side was drawn by her.

Ren shook his head and walked toward the nurse joy who had came to examine at the portions and other material which will used by the trainer on the Pokemon during the match, give in sometime trainer use Steroids to increase the Pokemon ability to a certain degree.

Ren asked to check Potion for health and Stamina recovery potions he had planned to use this duration as for other kind of ailment like poison and others, he had all the confidence to those dodge with quick attack and his Pokemon ability.

Finally the match started, and Delia and other's had already set on there seeds which was with great recommendation, Ren eyes were ablaze as he looked like he was about to burst from the excitement he was feeling inside his body.

Well who doesn't like to show off the strength of the Pokemon they had trained and he was also one of them who wish to show what his Pokemon is capable of.

Taking a breath he heard his name being called out by the announcer at the stage.

"On the right corner we had Ren, who has been hired by Texas family and will be e fighting the opponent from the left side named Matt Roy, who has become a prominent figure in the terms of Rookie of the eastern side after training for two months his back to reclaim the dignity from this Championship."

The announcement caused a ruckus since most of the people looked at Ren as if he was about to loose but Ren looked quite calm about it, he looked at the guy and showed his respect.

Matt was a little shocked as he knew most of the trainer which was chosen by the family like taxes had arrogance filled inside your bones, on the other hand the trainer in front of him was not arrogant at all while he had quite likeable aura around him.

Ren smiled while he took out the Pokeball, at which Matt also took out his Pokeball and both of them threw them at the same time as they called "I chose you, Oddish." "I chose you Pikachu."

Given seen the Pokemon people they were shocked to see and exclaimed out since Pikachu who had whatsoever no advantage against the grass type.

"You can blame your luck since I gonna win this tournament for you buddy." Matt smiled with an knowing expression since he had already considered himself winner of this fight, where Matt was thinking himself as the lucky one since the first fight was going to be a flyover.

Ren smiled as he said "I had to give my best that's all I guess."

Ash and Garry looked at the stage with smirk since both of them were thinking "Good luck your ass, you got a devil to challenge at first round, what kind of shitty luck it can be given you are about to lose loser."

Oak smiled as he looked at Ren, who seemed to be humble while he could tell he was not speaking to stay low key in the tournament.

Sakuragi was also smiling at the boy Matt luck.

Delai and Telia couldn't help but chuckle while Chloe was watching at Ren figure as he spoke "I had to give my best that's all I guess." with a unique gaze but it was a let over since Ren and other not able to see her expression which look really cute, but some bi standard I was able to see it it and was a stunt while he keep looking at her for quite a long time as he thought 'Really he is good looking I guess but why is she looking at him like that and cancel his bet on Matt and put it on Ren for his guts were screaming that he will win.