
Pokemon: The 7th Last generation.

A boy from the orphanage received the box curved with lugia and several legendary Pokemon, on the point when he opened the box he found a black crystal and a holographic image of his father who did not even remember, but old granny of the orphanage told it was his father last heritage she had to pass it to him. His holographic father told him various thing like this crystal was his heritage from him and he will get something really great, from it if he pressed the red beaming light Indeed he recieved a system from the crystal plus the memories of his previous life as an Otaku came in while the person named Arata was his father but a former colleague from that world who died with him on that accident. During a trip to Poke land... Continue to read and found about previous unsolved mysterious life and his life as an Astral Ren.

GamerX_226699 · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 16. Ren and Lab

Keeping his calm Ren smiled at the duo while he looked at the 2 boys who were at him with the fighting spirit on, sneering at them given Ren knew that, most of the Pokemon fight does not include excitement and all give in the head to fight to the death every time they face a new enemy.

Ren calmed his mind and all the activity in the surrounding was clearly visible to him through all the sensors which has been working on the breathing technique which allowed him to sense all the external environment along with the danger.

Ash suddenly spoke " Charmander, use scratch while running toward Pikachu." Charmander who heard Ash command started running to word Pikachu with all the might why Pikachu was very calm about the situation and he moves suddenly with a quick attack without waiting for Ren to spoke out for him.

When Pikachu was about to smash to charmander ran who had closed his eyes suddenly open them as he commanded "dodge that attack." and most astonishing part of that was Pikachu was still able to dodge it it was a breathtaking twist of his body.

Squirtle was started about sudden appearance of Pikachu who appeared from charmander view which he was not able to capture at all and quick attack landed on the squirtle with the full thrust, almost sending it out of the battle ground.

Charmander turn back to look at the Pikachu figure while Ash commanded it to "use ember quickly." but as if it was able to see e jump to the right it while the Ember which should have landed on Pikachu smashed on squirtle body which took a little damage.

"Pikachu use Thunder Shock attack on Charmander." when the charmander had already used the Amber attack and was in the position where he couldn't be able to dodge Pikachu had already used Thunder Shock on it dealing good amount of damage.

Ren felt a little bad to crush their heart like that but he wanted to strengthen their bond with the Pokemon and a good chat after receiving a loss can really effect the bond between the Pokemon and his master give in he had seen many time in the Anime where Ash would come out more stronger after his losses.

Ash was a little shock and as well a little sad given his partner was getting beaten due to his carelessness and command, he was about to tear up in anguish while Ren was ready to finish it, as he said "Pikachu I am releasing your weight."

At which almost all of them were shocked as they looked at Ren clicking on the watch office which revealed some band which were invincible in the condition before and finally reveal themselves.

"Let's finish them with an quick attack."

"Charmander dodge it." "Squirtle try to dodge it."

As all three of them spoke but Pikachu lightning quick attack render them speechless while it is smashed on charmander sending it flying as it hit squirtle in its way throwing them both out of the battle ground.

Ash ran as he walked toward Charmander while Garry rushed by Squirtle side when they heard "Here Ash those are some food good for Pokemon recovery and can also make your Pokemon a little stronger than he is now with a balance diet you can manipulate the way your Pokemon is strengthen himself."

Ash was shocked as Ren continued " Garry Pokemon has a balance diet and I can see that his growth rate is actually a lot better than Ash but your commanding ability and prediction ability both are lacking a lot in case I think Ash is a intuitive type to come up with the great response to deal with many situation."

" Given yeah both are polar opposite of how the Pokemon should be train that means you both have something the other one doesn't have so why don't you train with each other and try to improve both of your teamwork."

" Garry head knowledge and skill to back it up on the other hand Ash had intuition which can be hold by repetitive battle while also have great motivation in the similar field."

Garry looked at Squirtle and knew if he had a little of of the talent which Ash had, he could have done a lot better then now.

Ash was also thinking which was a very hard scene to be found out in the history of Pokemon anime, so Ren took out his smartphone took photo of it, at which Ash looked up and ask "why are you taking my picture at time like this."

"Given I don't think you are a type of a person who were taking over the problem like this most of the time, so this picture can be rare collection of ash ketchum I think."

At which Delia and other's started to laugh, since Ren had hit the nail where it should have hurted the most, given he was absolutely right about it, since Ash was the kind which think very rarely, but whenever he thinks it is always in the case of Pokemon battle.

Ash smiled as he scratched his head embarrassed given he was also aware that, he is is the kind of person Ren I was talking about, unknown to everyone Ren had come from the other world, where he had seen an anime which has lasted more than 700 or more episode about Ash, so it was not that hard to guess.

"Good now everyone should come inside, while Ren as for your prize, a building which will sell their plot is about to be created in the pallet town, and I will reserve a home for you there, given all the payment will be done by our laboratory in one condition, you have to join our laboratory in the Quest of collecting all the Pokemon, from all the region and the Texas family had already signed on that contract." Allen nodded as he knew it was rare and great opportunity to work under the professor Oak which has been famous throughout the world of Pokemon.

"That bastard must have been worked inside given I wanted to catch Mew as my first target and Oak laboratory is the best place to research on it on how to find Mew.

'I will definitely repay you back my brother and thank you.' Ren thought as he looked at the door and walked inside it.

Ren was greeted by many assistant working their and was shocked by the news that Delia Ketchum was a Pokemon trainer and still had many strong Pokemon under her belt, which was kept by professor Oak. Delia smiled as she explained, "Even though I have become weaker than before but my strength Is still comparable to the top of the league's.

Given since the disappearance of ash father, Delia was forced to back at Pokemon trainer again, after which she took Ren for a look around, given he will be assigned with the task to complete and on the basis of that he will get federal points from professor and the laboratory.

Finally the message that his metapod has been tamed by the the psychic Pokemon and was asked that if he wanted it back or not, Ren shook his head while professor Oak was a little interested about the metapod which had attacked his niece, and had attack power of that calibre which was able to hurt Ren Pokemon.

Ash and Garry were happy about Ren joining them, but an problem arises which was the identity of his parent was unknown in the federation which made it a little harder for Ren to live alone in the City.

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