
Chapter 9

The rest of the week went by quickly as the students became comfortable with their new school schedules. Since Jax already new all of the information about Nidoran's evolution line, he requested Professor Uriel to excuse him from the rest of his classes.

"Well, since you think you know everything there is to know about Nidoran's evolution line, let me give you a quick quiz. If you pass my test, I'll let you skip out on the rest of your classes with no demerits. How about that?"

"Okay! You're on Professor Uriel!"

"Mhm let's start off with an easy one. Question 1: What is Nidoran, Nidorino, and Nidoking's typing?"

"Psh! Too easy. All three of the Nidoran evolution line is Poison type. However, when Nidorino evolves into Nidoking, the Nidoking also gains the Ground type. Next!"

"Okay Mr. Smarty Pants. Since you talk about Nidorino evolving, here's question 2. At what level does Nidorino evolve into a Nidoking?"

Jax, pretending to think hard about the answer to the question, "Hmmm. You almost got me there, Professor Uriel. This is a trick question. Nidorino doesn't evolve into a Nidoking by level. You just have to give him a Moonstone whenever and he will evolve into a Nidoking. Next!"

"You're no fun. I thought I had you there. Okay, last and final question. Question 3, why is Nidoking used as a special attacker instead of a physical attacker when its SP ATK is lower than its ATK?"

Jax stood staring at Professor Uriel for a long time. "I guess I finally have you stumped, huh Smarty Pants? Get back to your class."

"Hold on, Professor. I never said I didn't know the answer. I was just surprised you asked such an advance question. To answer you, it would have to do with his move pool. Because Nidoking learns Earth Power, Flamethrower, Ice Bea-"

"Okay, okay! You've proven your point. Fine, I will allow you to miss your classes since if you can answer these questions, then there really is no point to you taking those classes. But what will you be doing with all your free time?"

"Hold on, Professor Uriel, I wasn't done yet. This world might think turning Nidoking into a special attacker is the right move, but I'll prove why a pokemon should always stays true to their roots! Nidoking might learn powerful special attacks, but nature dictated that they reign supreme with brute force! Using my free time, me and Vioarr will be going off to do special training!"

"Sigh, fine but check back in with me regularly so I know you aren't just slacking off!"

As such, Jax spent the remainder of the year doing his own specialize training with Vioarr which brings us to our present day.

"Happy Birthday! I can't believe you've already turned 6 years old this year! Mommy loves you a whole bunch! As such, mommy will grant you any one wish!"

"Haha! Thanks mommy! I love you too! As for my wish...do you remember when I beat up Peter a year ago for calling me fatherless? Well, I think I'm old enough to hear about it now."

At Jax's question, Doria went stiff for a couple seconds before sighing and taking a seat next to Jax pulling him into her arms.

"It's not that mommy doesn't want to tell you the story, I just don't know where to begin. Let's start from the very beginning then. This was when I first met your father, Oscar Skyborne, a trainer like no other. Mommy actually went to Pokemon Academy with your father. We were also 5 years old at the time..." Doria explained with a nostalgic look on her face.

"Every day, your father would come and annoy me. At first, I just thought he was one of those stuck up rich snobs. But one day, when it was our time to find our first pokemon starter, Mommy went out to the Great Beyond. I came from a lower-class family so I wanted to get a good, strong pokemon. That way, my trainer career would be off to a good start. But I guess I bit off more than I could chew. A pack of Absols surrounded me. Alone, scared and desperate for someone to save me, a knight in shining armor appeared. A Charizard flew over my head and before I knew it, dealt with all of the Absols. Then a boy with hair almost as silver as yours hopped off and landed at my feet. In my desperation of being saved, I jumped up and hugged the boy and cried my heart out."

"And that boy was daddy?"

"Mhm. You're correct. That boy who saved me was the same boy who annoyed me every day at school. It was love at first sight. Well, hundredth sight? Anyways, your father and I became close after that incident. Surprisingly, your father even helped me track down a pack of Arcanine. After agreeing with the alpha to a duel, your father battled the alpha of the pack for a whole day before finally winning. As a prize, the alpha allowed us to take one of his pups to raise as our own. That's how me and Arcanine met."

"Wow! Daddy battled the whole day against the alpha. he must have been super tough! No wonder I'm going to become a great trainer! It runs in the blood! Hmphm hmphm!"

"Ahaha. You're correct again. Your dad was the best trainer out of everyone at the academy. If there was a contest, your dad would win first place no matter what. At one point, competitions barred your dad from entering because he would always win and none of the other students wanted to compete in them anymore. With no more challenges, your dad set off to explore the bigger and wider world. And then they appeared."

"They? Are you talking about Team Rocket?"

"Mhm. They showed up out of nowhere one day. Their leader, Giovanni, stated that he was the very best trainer this world had to offer. And to prove his might, he took down gym leader after gym leader until there was no more gym leaders left. The whole world knew that if they didn't do something to stop that madman, we would all be in trouble. Just before the Alliance was about to put a team together to confront Giovanni, he vanished."

"Your father came back a few years after that. But, he came back a different man. Colder. More standoffish. Like he had seen the horrors of the world. But bit by bit, Mommy was able to bring the man he once was back. He started smiling again. Laughed at my corner jokes. And then came our biggest blessing."


"Yep. Our little bundle of joy. But as your date of birth grew progressively closer, your father became cold again. He would go out early in the mornings and come back late at night with scars I had never seen before. When I confronted your father about them, he just told me he was training too hard with his pokemon. And then, when my water finally broke, your father flew me on his Charizard to the nearest Joy Hospital. And well, that was the last time I ever saw your father."