
Pokemon: Spreading Pokemon All Over The World

Ash isekai'd to a parallel world, which is somewhat similar to Earth, and got a Pokemon system. With the mission of bringing and spreading creatures like Pokemon to the world and becoming the father of Pokemon. Make trainers all over the world strive for the Pokemon World Championship and place a name in the Hall of Fame.

Riyuuu · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: First Pokemon Sold


"Are you sure this is a turtle, not a whale, boss?" asked Yumi.

"Certainly, as I said before, my pets are all special," Ash replied confidently.

After hearing Ash's answer, Yumi looked at Squirtle more fondly. "Not only was he cute and adorable in appearance, but he also had such a unique skill. Although the water column just now was not big, it was magical enough."



Seeing her owner complimenting himself, Squirtle's chin raised slightly.

"HAHAHA, what an interesting creature." Yumi was amused by her own squirtle.

"It looks like you like it." Ash finally had a smile on his face.

"Yes! I like it very much! Boss, I want this cute turtle. How much is it?" Yumi spoke to Ash with certainty. "Although this is a turtle, unlike the cats and dogs I thought when I came to the pet store, I am very sure. This turtle is my ideal pet, and this is what I drew from that thing called Pokedex."

"It's my greatest honor to be able to satisfy my customers, and the quality of this squirtle is excellent. So the price is 200,000. Would you like to use cash or swipe your card?" Ash said slowly with a smile on his face.

"Of course it's a credit card," Yumi replied without hesitation. "Wait... Boss, how much did you just say?"

"The price is 200,000."

Yumi stared at Ash with a stiff expression.


After a moment of silence, making sure that she heard correctly, Yumi pointed at the innocent-looking squirtle in her arms and spoke to Ash in disbelief, "You sell this little turtle for 200,000?"

"Miss, it's a squirtle, not a little turtle, and do you really think that 200,000 is expensive?" Ash asked Yumi with a serious expression on his face.

Yumi glanced at Squirtle in her arms, who was looking at her expectantly with big, watery eyes.

"This squirtle is a very intelligent creature, capable of understanding your various words and emotions and responding to you. Squirtle can not only accompany you on a daily basis, but you will discover more of Squirtle's special features in the future, which I can assure you." Ash spoke slowly while looking at Squirtle in Yumi's arms.

Ash's mission is to spread Pokemon around the world, and he believes that he can do it. Sooner or later, people will also discover the charm of Pokemon.

"This is already the preferential price I gave you. The store is newly opened, and this is the discounted price you have as a new customer."


Hearing this, Yumi looked into Squirtle's big, cute eyes and finally sighed.

"It's just 200,000. Swipe my card," Yumi said loudly. "Other high-end pets are also worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, and my squirtle is not worse than them. That's right, and I had never heard or seen of a turtle like Squirtle outside." Thinking of this, Yumi felt relaxed suddenly.

"Btw, boss, is this a national protected animal?" Yumi hurriedly asked Ash.

"No, you can rest assured." Ash returned to the front desk to sort out some things for Yumi and replied with a smile.

"What protected animals? Squirtle is the first time that appeared in this world." Thought Ash in his heart.

"And let me tell you something. Squirtle isn't an animal. It's a Pokemon." After Yumi finished swiping the card, Ash reminded her to avoid confusion later.

"Pokemon?" Yumi tilted her head in confusion. "Never heard of it, and the name of this store seems to be called Pokemon Store?"

"Yes, in addition, these are the first two boxes of energy cubes that you buy from Pokémon. This kind of energy cube is loved by water-type Pokemon." Then Ash handed the two small bags to Yumi. "Currently, Squirtle is still small, so these two boxes should be enough for Squirtle to eat for half a month."

Then Yumi opened the bag after hearing this, and two long wooden boxes came into view. "Energy cubes? Another word I've never heard of." With curiousity, Yumi opened the box, which was full of small blue squares. Yumi took out one and sniffed it.

"It smells delicious, and it feels as soft as jelly in my fingers."

Meanwhile, Squirtle was staring at the energy cube in Yumi's hands while drooling.

"It's made from a tree fruit, not an ordinary tree fruit. You can also taste it. It tastes very good." Ash laughed.

Yumi thought about it, put the energy cube into his mouth, and tasted it. "You are right, boss. This is really delicious."




"HAHAHA, alright, alright, this is all yours." Yumi couldn't help laughing when she saw Squirtle's appearance. Then, Yumi grabbed a handful of energy cubes and put them in front of Squirtle.



Yumi watched Squirtle happily eat the energy cubes and couldn't help but put a smile on her face.