
EPISODE 168: Forged under the Finest Fire!

"Forged under fire and tribulation, power divine! I shall listen to your hurricane which your steel-hard will shall brave for the land! Slash down your foes and enemies, come out, Aggron!" Princess Thalia chanted.

Aggron is a huge, bipedal Pokémon. It is primarily black with plates of silver-colored armor. The armor on its head has two pairs of holes with horns protruding from the foremost holes. Its forehead plating extends past its upper jaw at a small point. It has sky-blue eyes, and two nostril-like holes on the tip of its upper jaw. On the rim of its mouth are several pointed, fang-like protrusions and the nape of its neck and back have gray-silver armor sections. It has wide, blunt spikes on its shoulders, and gray-silver bands on its arms and legs. Its hands and feet each have three claws. It has a thick, long, black tail that it can swing at enemies.

"That Pokemon looks tough," Shaymin uttered with worry while watching the battle.

"Both sides have four Pokemons left. Let's see how this will turn out to be." Professor Indigo watched and observed.

"Aggron is known to withstand Icy and harsh conditions. Glaceon doesn't have the advantage." Glade beamed with worry and concern.

"Glaceon learned a new move which replaced Double-edge. Avalanche could be a great move against Aggron." Camellia supposed and reckoned.

"Let the battle continue!" Sir Efron proclaimed while the crowd turned wild. Every citizen cheered for me and the princess, as our Pokemons clash under the finest fire.

"Glaceon, use Avalanche!"

<Aggron!>Aggron giggled with arrogance and didn't care to dodge the attack. The large icy rock scored a direct hit but to my surprise, Aggron is still standing without a single scratch.



"Glaceon, try using Icicle Spear on Aggron!"

"Aggron, chop those shards with Dragon Claw!"

<Ag! Ag! Aggron!>Aggron smirked and countered all the icy shards. I and Glaceon were both worried and shock.

"Aggron, use Heavy Slam!"

"Glaceon, run and dodge it quickly!"

<Glace Glace Glace... Glaceon!?> Aggron was able to catch up with Glaceon's fast speed.


Glaceon[320] Super Effective

"Glaceon, you can do this!" I cheered. Aggron dealt a whole lot of damage to Glaceon due to its powerful Heavy Slam.

"Hehe, try dodging my Aggron's moves now! Use Dragon Claw on Glaceon."

"Glaceon, use Ice Fang on Aggron's hand!"

"Not quite, Aggron, crush your hand to the ground."

*The ice on Aggron's hand was cracked down into pieces. Aggron continued it's Dragon Claw attack and blasted Glaceon across the stage!*

"Gck..." Glaceon uttered with pain while trying to stand up. Her body was filled with scars and scratches.



"Aggron, use Dragon Claw again!"

"Dodge it Glaceon, then use Icicle spear on the ground!"

*The floor was covered with ice. It turned slippery and glossy which made Aggron uneasy and uncomfortable.*

"Glaceon, great work! Now use Icicle Spear on Aggron's feet!"

<Aggron! Ag!>The Pokemon slipped down the floor. It had a hard time to balance itself.



"Glaceon, now use Icicle Spear on Aggron once more!"

*Aggron was hit five times! It was unable to stand right away due to the slippery floor.*



"Use Ice Fang this time!"

"Yes, Aggron now use Flame Burst!"

"Wait, Aggron can learn Flame Burst!?" Glade beamed with awe and shock. He leaned his head forward with enthusiasm and interest.



"I never knew that Aggron could learn Flame Burst. Glaceon, you deserve a good rest."

"Hehe, surprise weren't you? I have more surprises waiting to unfold! Show me your next Pokemon."

"Sceptile, you're up next!"

"I see, Sceptile is weak to Flame Burst. Are you sure about your decision?"

"Of course I am! We don't mind type disadvantages."

"Alright, you snooze you lose! Bring it on, Kalem!"

"Let the battle continue!" Sir Efron proclaimed.



"Sceptile, use Frenzy plant and lift Aggron to the sky!"

<Scep! Sceptile!>Large and thick roots emerged from the ground. They charged towards the foe and wrapped Aggron around.

"Cut those roots with Dragon Claw!"

<Ag! Aggron!>Aggron began to descend back to the ground after chopping the roots.

"Perfect! Sceptile, use Dragon claw before Aggron reaches the ground!"

*Sceptile pushed back Aggron to the sky with Dragon Claw!*

"That was unexpected..." Thalia beamed with shock.



"Sceptile, now use Acrobatics!"

*Sceptile jumped to the sky and punched Aggron multiple times swiftly. Aggron descended back to the ground with pain while Sceptile smiled and landed with ease.*



"Use Flame Burst and surround yourself! Try getting to close to my Aggron now!"

"Sceptile, use Acrobatics, and leap over the Fiery barrier!"

"Blast Sceptile with Flame Burst right now!"

<Sceptile!>Sceptile was shot from the sky. It descended into the fiery wall that Aggron has created.



"Sceptile, use Acrobatics, quick!"

"Aggron keep a keen eye on Sceptile!"

*Sceptile punched Aggron multiple times again. It even pushed Aggron to the fiery wall. The fiery wall was super effective since Aggron is a steel type Pokemon.



"See, I told you me and Sceptile can handle move disadvantages."

"I know. I'm surprised that you were able to think of such strategies. Aggron, please return to your Pokeball!"

"Princess Thalia, please send out your next Pokemon!" Sir Efron instructed.

"Bastiodon, it is your turn to shine!"

<BASTIODON!>The Pokemon shouted loudly to intimidate the foe.



"Sceptile, use Frenzy Plant right now!"

*Bastiodon was attacked by large giant roots emerging from the ground.*



"Bastiodon, use Stomping Tantrum on Sceptile!"

"Sceptile, hit Bastiodon with Dragon Claw! Follow it up with Leaf Blade!"

*Bastiodon's attack was countered with Dragon Claw! Leaf Blade added more damage to the foe.*



"Sceptile, use Dragon Claw one more time!"

"Bastiodon, use Hyper Beam and blast Sceptile back!"

"Quick Sceptile, run in a zig-zag formation!"

"Bastiodon, follow it up with Zen Headbutt!"

*Although Sceptile was able to dodge Hyper Beam, it was unable to dodge Bastiodon's second move.*

"Follow it up with Iron Tail!"

*Sceptile was hit once more with Iron tail this time.*



"Sceptile, use Frenzy Plant!"

"Cut those roots with Iron Tail!"

"Sceptile follow it up with Dragon Claw!"



"Use Zen Headbutt!"

"Sceptile, dodge the attack then use Dragon Claw!"

"Fire Blast!"

*Sceptile was hit with Fire Blast before he landed his Dragon Claw attack on the foe. Fire Blast was super effective.*



"Sceptile, use Leaf Blade again!"

*Bastiodon was unable to react quickly*



"Sceptile, now use Frenzy Plan!"

"Bastiodon use Iron Tail to cut those roots!"

"Sceptile quick! Use Leaf Blade while Bastiodon deals with those roots!"



"Bastiodon, use Zen Headbutt!"

"Sceptile, use Acrobatics this time!"

*Both moves collided!*



"Trainer Kalem, and Princess Thalia, please send out your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Escavalier come out now!"

"Banette, you're up next!"

"Ring around the roses, pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down." Banette chanted with a creepy voice as her body slowly emerged from the ground. The lights began to flicker, and the screen started to glitch. Everyone was intimidated by Banette's dramatic entrance.

"..." Even the princess was speechless by what Banette did.

"Escavelier, use X-Scissors!"

"Banette, use Shadow Sneak!"

"Tell me, do you bleed?" Banette's creepy voice uttered inside Escavelier's mind as a shadow from behind succumbed the foe.

"Kalem is planning to scare off the foe." Professor Bellice observed and uttered softly.

"Banette, follow it up with shadow Ball!"

"Escavelier, dodge it!"

<Es... Escavelier!>Escavelier was frozen in fear as the shadow ball hits the foe.

"Escavelier, focus! Don't focus on Banette's creepy voice. Use Acid Spray right now!"

"Banette, dodge, then use Shadow Sneak again!"

"Hee... hee." Banette turned her head upside down and scared the agony out of Escavelier. The Shadow Sneak attack succumbed Escavelier into the darkness.

"Banette, follow it up with Shadow Ball!"

<Es! Escavelier!>Escavelier flinched due to fear.

"Escavelier is no longer able to battle. Please send out your last Pokemon, princess Thalia." Sir Efron instructed.

"Thank you Escavelier. Now, come out my knight in shining armor, Bisharp!"

"From the twelve knights of Laurenburg, I call upon your name. Grant me your wisdom and knowledge, and spare no mercy to those who crumble us! Bisharp, mega evolve!" Thalia chanted as a large shield developed on Bisharp's left hand. Everybody started to cheer for Bisharp.

"Bisharp use Guillointine!"

"Ah!? That move again? Banette, dodge it!"

"Oh no..." Banette turned her head upside down again. It creeped out Bisharp and stopped him from attacking.

"Um, that could do. Banette use Shadow Sneak this time!"

*A shadow succumbed Mega Bisharp from behind.*

"Banette, follow it up with Thunder!"

"Bisharp dodge then use Guillointine!"

*Bisharp dodged the thunder attack but Banette couldn't dodge Guillointine. Guillointine knocked out Banette in one move.*

"Buddy, you're up next!" I beamed with determination as Riolu hops into action.

"Leave this fight to me!" Riolu glared and beamed with determination.

"Battle continue!" Sir Efron proclaimed.

"Bisharp, use night slash on Riolu!"

"Riolu, dodge then use Dizzy punch!"

"Block it with your shield!"

*Riolu's attack was countered.*

"Use Vacuum wave this time!"

"Bisharp, use the shield as your protection against the strong wind!"

*Bisharp was blown back a bit. It dealt minimal to none due to Bisharp's shield.*

"Bisharp, now use Guillointine!"

"Ah! Quick Riolu go behind Bisharp then use Force Palm!"

*Riolu was able to dodge the attack swiftly.*

"Bisharp! I know you can still do this, now use Guillointine on Riolu!"

<Bish! Bish! Bisharp!>Bisharp rushed like my fast Scizor. Guillointine blasted Riolu back to me.

"Oh no..." Camellia uttered with worry as the dust-filled with air.

"I guess this is it. Kalem will need to rematch Thalia again." Glade leaned his head back with disappointment.

The crowd was silent for a moment, while I pleaded that the one-hit K.O spared Riolu. Thalia and Bisharp watched carefully while Sir Efron checked on Riolu to proclaim if the match ends or still continues...

It was like time has stopped. My friends, professors, and Shaymin were worried. The people and the princess wanted to know the results while I begged for Riolu to stand.

"Riolu is no longer able to battle... which means the winner is princess Thalia!" The referee proclaimed.

"Wait, Efron look!" Thalia pointed. Riolu was filled with scratches, dust, and scars. It slowly stood up while his heart pounded loudly. Sweat fell off his face while he did his fighting stance. On his mind, Riolu was saying "Come at me."

"Never mind, I guess Riolu is still able to battle!" Sir Efron announced and opened the match again. The crowd stood up and cheered with relief. They were amazed to see a Pokemon resist a one-hit knock out move.

"Amazing... It was their bond which made Riolu stand." Thalia beamed with awe.

"Phew... back then I thought Kalem had lost." Professor Bellice uttered with relief as Shaymin leaped around his chair with joy.

"Bisharp, use Night Slash and finish Riolu for good!" Thalia instructed.

<Bish! Bish! Bish! Bisharp!?>It was all doing alright, the attack was charging for Riolu when suddenly the small stone on Riolu's pendant started to glow. The Tsunagu blasted Bisharp back.

"No way... The Tsunagu activated." Thalia beamed with shock.

"Great Riolu! Now let's not waste this opportunity! Use Fighting-sync Impact!"

"Our hearts are stronger than the roughest diamond! No fire can burn us, not even the finest flame." Riolu shouted with determination as large hands rose from the grounds. They whacked and smashed Bisharp. The hands succumbed to Bisharp's body and threw him across the sky.

"Bisharp is no longer able to battle! The winner is Riolu and Kalem." Sir Efron proclaimed.

Everybody stood up once more and cheered for me and Riolu. The princess was shocked to see Bisharp faint in one move. The crowd started to cheer our name all over again. Me and Riolu felt happiness once more.

"I guess I lost. Bisharp return." Thalia still smiled and returned Bisharp to her Pokeball.

"Trainer Kalem, as proof of triumph over Aulmurus city, I shall give you the Crown Badge. This badge is forged under the finest fire, so take care of it." Princess Thalia giggled and handed me my sixth badge.

"Riolu, we need two badges left!" I beamed with joy as we hugged each other tightly. We were the last challenger of the night. It was almost nine in the evening when everyone left the Colosseum and went back to their respective homes.

"Great Job Kalem." Professor Bellice smiled and rubbed my hand.

"Thank you professor. It was all because of my Pokemons." I smiled while playing with Riolu's chin.

"I'm afraid that me and professor Bellice has to return to our respective houses. We have a helicopter waiting for us."

"Alright then professor Indigo, professor Bellice. Thanks for everything." Camellia smiled and greeted.

"No problem. We'll meet someday, I'm looking forward to it." Professor Bellice grinned.

From there, me and my friends parted ways from the professor. As they left the city the Aulmurus bells began to ring. A large bang sounded from the east while people started to run and panic.

"Kalem, Camellia, Glade! You're still here." Thalia rushed with her bisharp with worry and fear.

"What's happening princess Thalia!?" The three of us questioned with worry and interest.

"The Aulmurus city bank, it was attacked by the Masked Revelations! I need your help right now!" Thalia explained swiftly. while she worries for her citizens.