
EPISODE 122: Path to Greatness!

"Zoroark, use Flamethrower on that rock!"

<Zoroark!>Flames simmered within the Pokemon's mouth. Energy from within, has been gathered to the top, in one blow... the Pokemon unleashed a powerful Flamethrower!

The once shiny rock, thawed into pieces. Flame oozed and flowed on the floor, as it slowly cools down.

"Great work Zoroark! Now let's try it on a bigger and better boulder!" I complimented with a large shimmering smile.

<Zor! Zor!>The Pokemon roared to show of its fierce and unnerving face.

"Zoroark! It's time to show, your true power... Use-"

<Aeg! Aegilash!>A voice echoed throughout the forest. It cought our me and my Pokemon's attention.

"Zoroark! Did you hear that?" I queried as my body was put to full alert mode.

<Zrrr! Zor!>The Pokemon uttered with a fierce face, she was prepared to fight anyone who comes to me.

<Aegilash!>The Pokemon voice echoed again. A shrub began to move, tiny leaves fell out.

"Zoroark, over there!" I pointed towards the bush.

The bush began to shake, and slowly, a purple eye appeared peeked at us from the green lush bush.

<Zoroark! Zor!>The Pokemon uttered furiously while glaring at the bush. Her teeth began to vibrate.

<Aegilash! Aeg!>The Pokemon came forth with its shield protecting him.

There was something weird about this Pokemon. It had a white coating on it, while sparkles surrounded the Pokemon.

Behind Aegislash was an old man, he had a long cane with a jingasa covering his hair. The man had a long grey mustache and gleamed with a white coating. The gleam blinded me and Zoroark's eyes.

<Aegislash!>The Pokemon uttered with a friendly voice.

"Watashi no shōnen to tatakau" the old man uttered softly.

"Excuse me sir, are... are you lost?" I queried.

"Watashi no shōnen to tatakau" the old man repeated his statement. He continued to glow together with his Aegislash.

"Sorry sir, I don't speak... Japanese."

"Anata wa hazukashī hazudesu, anata no chi wa nihonjindesu`" The old man uttered again.

"Zoroark, do you understand what he's saying?" I queried.

"Why are you asking me? I don't speak the language of humanity." Zoroark uttered slowly.

"Sir, do you know how to speak English?" My body suddenly felt goosebumps. I've never seen a glowing man in my life before.

"Nihongo ga hanasemasu ka?" The old man queried.


"'Kalem Ketsueki..." the old man uttered.

"You, know me?"

"Watashi wa anata o shitte imasu"

"Is that a yes... or a no?"

"I said, I know who you are." the old man uttered.

"May I know who you are?"

"You should be ashamed. You do not know your ancestors."

"Ancestors, wait... are you Hikari, Ketsueki?"

"What do you think?" the old man questioned while slowly walking towards me.

"Zoroark, I'm hallucinating. Slap me!" I uttered with fear as the old man walked closer.

"Hallucinating? I can see him!"

"You know what? I think we've overdone training, let's go Zoroark!" I uttered and whispered softly.

"We only trained for half an hour..."

"Just run!" I grabbed Zoroark's hand and pulled him towards the camp.

The old man multiplied himself to a hundred copies. They surrounded me and Zoroark.

"Where are you going Kalem Ketsueki?" the old man queried.

"You're dead!" I uttered fear.

"A trainer's body may wither... but the soul does not." the old man quoted.

"Please just stay in your grave... It's more comfortable there than here. Trust me." I begged.

"Kalem Ketsueki, I am Hikari Ketsueki, I am the founder of the first Laurenburg league."

"I know who you are, so please stop haunting me," I begged.

"I came here to help you... do not waste my time. A champion's blood flows through you, me, and the future generations of the Ketsueki family."

"Help me? Help me what?"

"To achieve greatness, I watched your battle with Kira, Murdock, and tomorrow? Zedrick."

"And I know what you're going to say next, you saw a lot of potentials inside my body and stuff like that," I uttered sarcastically.

"I don't see anything, except for lungs, a heart, a mind, soul, that's pretty much it. No potential at all."

"And what? You're going to battle me to awaken the dragon inside of me just like a kung fu ninja with the yin and yang stuff." I uttered sarcastically.

"No, the dragon is already awake. It's hiding from you. Hiding from me as well. That's why I can only see a heart, lungs, kidneys, and many more."

"Just battle him Kalem," Zoroark suggested.

"Alright then... let's battle Mr.Hikari!" I beamed with determination.

"That's the spirit, Aegislash... I choose you!"

"Hey, that was my line! But ok, Zoroark, you're up!"


"You take the first move, Kalem!"

"Alright then, Zoroark... use Night Daze!"

"Aegislash, dodge then use Aerial Ace!"

*Aegislash dodged the attack swiftly! Zoroark blasted back and bumped itself on a sturdy rock.*

"That Aegislash is fast and strong..." i uttered with worry.

"Battle now, compliment later, Aegislash, use Solar blade!"

<Aegislash! Aegi!>

"Zoroark, dodge the attack!"

<Zorrrr!>The Pokemon was unable to dodge!

"Oh no Zoroark!" I beamed with worry.


"And that's that. You have a long way to go Kalem."

"Hmph! I want a rematch!"

"A rematch?"

"You heard right! That was just a warm up, right Zoroark!"

<Zoroark!>The Pokemon beamed with determination.

"Alright then, let's start again."


"Zoroark, use Flame Thrower!"

"Dodge, then use Air slash!"

"Zoroark, grab Aegislash's body, then throw it up to the sky!"

*Aegislash was thrown to the air!*

"Now use Flash Cannon!"

<Zoroark! Zor!>The Pokemon blasted towards a tree!

"And, we're done again. Aegislash won again." Hikari uttered with a smile.


"Nope not yet! I want a re-rematch!"

"Aren't you tired of losing Kalem Ketsueki?"

"Tired of losing? Of course not! I enjoy losing, because that's when I learn something new!" I beamed with determination.

"That's the spirit. You remind me of myself when I was a young lad like you. A rematch it is!"


"Aegislash, use Aerial Ace!"

"Zoroark grab Aegislash's body and throw it to the sky!"

*Zoroark threw Aegislash to the air!*

"Use Flash Cannon!"

"Zoroark, pick that ice shard up and use it as a mirror!"

*The move reflected back to Aegislash! Aegislash fell to the ground.*

"Astounding..." The old man uttered softly.

"Now Zoroark, use Night Daze!"

<Aegissslllaaassshhhh!>The Pokemon blasted back to the old man!

Aegislash flowed threw Hikari's body and stood up with determination.

"Aegislash, use Solar Blade!"

"Zoroark, throat chop that tree then hit Aegislash's eye!"

<Zoroark!>The tree was cut down! Zoroark threw the tree at Aegislash's eye!

"Now that's brutal..." Hikari smirked and laughed.

"Now use flame trower!"

<Zoroark! Zor!>The Pokemon unleashed the move! It was super effective!

<Aegislash! Aegi!>The Pokemon blasted threw Hikari's body. Hikari dispersed himself alongside with Aegislash.


"What the!? They disappeared!" I uttered with shock.

"Kalem... your, your neck!" Zoroark pointed.

"What... What's happening to me?"

Something was forming, it was a golden necklace with a pendant. The pendant grew spikes on its side, and a small stone was formed in the center.

"That my boy, is an Arceus Pendant." Hikari appeared once more, but behind me this time.

"An Arceus pendant, is this our..."

"Heirloom? Yes. That is the Ketsueki heirloom. For years, I've been finding the perfect Ketsueki to wear our family heirloom. I chose you Kalem."

"Me? Why not Zedrick? I mean, he's rank one right?"

"I too, battled Zedrick when he was young, he lost in the first try... and in the second try, then left in the third try. He wasn't determined as you when he was young, he gave up right away and promised himself to train with his Pokemons, that's what made him rank one."

"About this stone Mr.Hikari, what kind of stone is that?"

"It's a mega stone, for your dearest partner Riolu when it evolves."

"A mega stone... but shouldn't Riolu also have one too?"

"It's in your pocket. Here's my Pokemon's Arceus pendant. Place the stone at the center of the pendant, then tie this pendant on Riolu's neck. You and your Pokemons have an unbreakable bond... maybe one day, you'll take the title of being a regional champion. I said maybe, not will."

"Thanks Mr.Hikari. Me and my Pokemons will train harder than before! We'll grow stronger, and better, we'll grow closer. I will soon become a Pokemon master!" I beamed with determination.

"A far destination you have... A long one too. I'll always be watching you Kalem. Even at the upcoming Pokemon league? Me and your other ancestors will be watching you."

"Oh that reminds me, is mother there with you?"

"Your mother? She's alive Kalem."

"No, she die-"

"She is alive, all you have to do is to search." Mr.Hikari interrupted.

"My parents are still alive!?"

"Yes, all you have to do is to search."

"Search? Search where!?"

"I don't know... It's a vast world out there, who knows where they could be?" Hikari uttered while watching the sun set for another time.

"A vast world..."

"Yes Kalem Ketsueki, this world is filled with mountains, rivers, and oceans. What's beyond all of these? That's for you to find out. Limitless Pokemons surround us, they're everywhere." Mr.Hikari uttered while looking at the beautiful sunset. The breeze fluttered his mustache, and slowly... he turned into dust.


"Riolu! Riolu!" I called with excitement while rushing towards him.

"K... Kalem?"

"Look what I have! It's your very own mega stone!" I beamed with excitement while tying the Arceus pendant on Riolu's neck.

"Oh... that means, I have to evolve right?" Riolu happy mood, turned sad and worried.

"Yup, we're gonna train harder than before, and soon? We'll achieve greatness together!" I beamed with excitement.

The moon is about to rise, and it's time to head back to the city. Tomorrow is the grand day, a proper match against Zedrick and his Pokemons. Me and my Pokemons are still far from our dreams, but distance won't stop us! There are hurdles out there, obstacles, and dozends of Pokemons waiting to be seen!

As the journey continues...