
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch78

Ryan could only thank Arceus for his Psychic and Aura prowess. If he did not have them he would not know how he will survive here. He wanted to ask some more questions but was interrupted by Flare.

"We have arrived" Flare said.

In front of Ran was a innocent looking door. But Ryan could feel ominous and feeling of dread coming from the other side of the door. Flare looked at Ryan and was amused to see that Ryan sensing the aura of TRSF leader.

Flare just stood there until he heard a voice telling them to come in.


While waiting for the leader's response, Ryan could not wonder but feel the aura was similar. The aura was not only ominous, it was also had a feel of death and despair to it. Just as he was pondering he heard a voice telling them to come in.

As he and Flare entered he was mildly surprised to see the TRSF commander. He never thought the commander would turn out to be Koga. After all not only he has to manage the gym but also manage the TRSF which will be quite difficult.

'The silent footwork, The aura of death and decay, the traps. All of them were laid out perfectly and it could only be set up by someone who has been a master assassin.' Ryan thought.

"You may go now Flare," Koga told.

"Yes, Commander Koga," said Flare as he took his leave.

"You can take out your mask and sit, Mortimer" Koga said.

Ryan took off his mask and sat down. It didn't come as a surprise to him when he knew his true identity.

"You don't seem to be surprised that I know your identity, Mortimer," Koga asked smiling at him.

Ryan just looked at Koga impassively before saying "You would not be known as Grand Master in the art of Assassination if you don't about your enemies and allies, Commander Koga."

"It seems like you are observant as Giovanni said," Koga replied who was happy getting a good seed such as Mortimer.

"Thank you for the compliment. Commander" Ryan said

"Now I will tell you how Team Rocket Shadow Force operates. Giovanni must have told you that this is an organization that is only known to him and the members inside it. Once you join Team Rocket, you usually can get out though it will be hard. But when it comes to TRSF there is no option of turning back. It is a one-way lane.

Our organizations always operate in the shadows. While Team Rocket acts as the Trunk of a tree bearing the branches and leaves called members, TRSF acts as the root of the tree. We are the members of Team Rocket who work without getting acknowledged.

Most of our missions tend to be long-term since all of our members are elite among the elite. Every member is trained in such a way that they can take on any mission even if they lead to their demise. They are molded into assassins and warriors who face death without flinching.

Usually, you will undergo training for at least a year. But Giovanni has recommended you, meaning he has a lot of trust in you. So, you will be given an exemption. That does not mean you will be given special treatment. One single mistake and you will be given severe punishment.

Any Questions" Koga asked.

"Just one Commander. Why aren't you wearing a mask?" Ryan asked.

"Why would you ask that Mr. Mortimer?" Koga asked intrigued.

"No sir, if someone decided to defect wouldn't your identity get leaked," Ryan asked

"TRSF only accepts the most loyal members Mr. Mortimer. I hoped that you know that considering Giovanni himself recommended you." Koga said frowning. Many people have asked the same stupid question.

"Sir forgive me, but. . . I believe that 'everyone is loyal to themselves.' Trust is a very fragile thing. No one knows when it will break. Some may break it for their selfishness, others due to greed and envy. If a person lets his or her guard down the snakes hidden inside would take the chance to strike" Mortimer said

Koga had a stoic face outside but was stunned inside listening to what Ryan told. What Ryan had told him took him back to when he was just 9 years old and training in the way of shinobi by his grandfather.

His Grandfather had told him that 'looks can be deceiving' and 'Don't trust anyone'. This boy had just told those two things in his way. Not only did this boy have talent, but he also has a unique way of perceiving and viewing things.

'According to the reports he was a promising talent but this. . . . He is in a league of his own! I can see why Former Admin Cain praised him highly.' Koga thought.

"You do have a point Mortimer but you can rest assured. Every member here is only working here because they have earned my trust, and as a Master assassin, my trust is not something that one can earn easily" Koga said.

Ryan just nodded as Koga asked "I have got reports of Cerulean City which is on the verge of Pokemon Wave. Is it right?"

"Yes Sir, The Situation looks very Grim there. I had gone there at the request of Prof. Oak to investigate the Cerulean tides. On returning I investigated and Situations seems to only grow worse." Ryan said.

"I see. . ." Koga said. He started to deliberate on what to do. Usually, he would have ignored the situation but Cerulean City is a hub for TRSF. If Cerulean City gets hit by a Pokemon wave, then TRSF will also get a blow.

Koga then decided to send Ryan and asked "Have you registered in the Pokemon Association for repelling the possible Pokemon wave?"

"Yes Sir" Ryan answered.

"Agent Thanatos!" Koga said in an authoritative tone.

"Yes Sir" Ryan replied.

"I am going to assign you your first mission. This mission is a SS rank mission. You have to go to Cerulean City and participate in repelling the Pokemon Wave. Reinforcements will be arranged after assessing the situation. You have to give reports from inside and give instructions to our members in Cerulean to retreat. Understood?" Koga said

"Yes Sir," Ryan said.

"Good, you are dismissed," Koga said.

Ryan bowed and exited Koga's room.

'It seems like I have to get to work' thought Ryan as he immediately rushed towards Teleportation point.

He entered his destination and got enveloped by the familiar white light.