
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch76

As Ryan hit Sebastian with his final blow, Sebastian got blasted away by the shockwave and fell on the wall.

'Why is a legend helping him? Aren't they supposed to not interfere in mortal issues?' Sebastian thought as he slumped down leaning on the wall leaving a blood trail.

"It seems like this is my end" Sebastian said as Ryan and Steven saw him revert back to his original form.

Steven had tears run down his cheeks. Before he met Aron it was Sebastian who took care of him and played with him. "Why? You could have always killed me but didn't bother to. Why?" he asked.

Sebastian just chose not to answer the question.

"He couldn't bring himself to do it" Ryan said as he covered his hands in Aura and healed his wounds slowly.

"What?" Steven asked slowly.

"I said He couldn't bring himself to do it. He spent most of his time looking after you so that his heart couldn't take the fact he had to kill you. That's the reason he always obstructed you when you said you wanted to go to the deepest floor of Mt. Moon" Ryan said.

"Hahaha It seems like I am an open book even in my final moments. Young master. . . take care of yourself. . . I won't be there for you anymore" Sebastian said as he coughed more blood.

"Mortimer takes this. . ." Sebastian said, giving Ryan an Pendrive.

"This is. . ." Ryan asked as he took the Pendrive.

"It has information about our organisation. Take it as a gift, It is an act of defiance against my organisation. I have always wanted to cut myself myself from Cipher but Alas, I was involved too much to turn back.

May you find whatever you are looking for and I wish you well on your endeavours" Sebastian said as life faded from his eyes.

Steven's eyes started to spill tears uncontrollably. Ryan understood since he was almost in the same state when he lost his grandmother figure. Just as he was going to help Steven control his emotions, tremor shook the floor they were standing on.

'Giratina what is going on?' He asked.

'It seems like a particular source was keeping the cavern together. That's why this cavern didn't collapse due to the devastating attacks you and that man launched. You have to get out before this cavern collapses' Giratina said.

'But I didn't sense any source. . .' Ryan said

'The source is right before you' Giratina said

'Wait are you telling-' Ryan said

'Yes darkling this man was fighting you while keeping the cavern from collapsing. You were lucky that you were fighting when he was at half of his strength. If he was at his peak he would have destroyed you' Giratina said.

'To think he was only using 50% of his strength. . . I have to get stronger' Ryan thought

"Steven we have to go, the cavern is collapsing" Ryan said

Steven was sitting still with his eyes devoid of any emotions. Ryan held Steven's hand and started to run. He could sense the network which was holding the cavern together was starting to weaken. Ryan came to a halt when he saw the hole he made to enter the sixth underground level of Mt. Moon.

He enhanced his legs with the remaining Aura. He grit his teeth as he endured the pain due to the wounds as he leapt through the hole. As soon as he leapt the whole cavern collapsed making the sixth floor inaccessible.

Ryan sighed as he saw Steven with a lifeless look in his eyes. "Steven" Ryan said

Steven looked towards Ryan and got a slap from him. He saw Ryan with wide eyes.

"Don't dwell over the past for it will increase your pain a hundredfold. Live your life for Sebastian. Do you think he would want you to mull over his death? No! So get up and live your life!. Life is always unfair. So, no matter how many times you have fallen, stand and walk again!

You will face many challenges and defeats but don't get yourself defeated in life. You are getting sad over the past. But know that Yesterday is history while Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift that's why it is called Present" Ryan told Steven not showing his internal crisis known as cringe.

As Steven heard Ryan his eyes widened. Those were the same words that his butler told when he lost his mom.

"Thanks Ryan. If you hadn't pulled me back I would have just mulled over Sebastian's death" Steven said.

"No problem. I assume that you have questions for me?" Ryan asked and Steven nodded.

"Very well. let's not talk here." Ryan said as he asked Kirlia to teleport them to Viridian City. Soon the familiar white light enveloped Steven and Ryan. As the light subsided Ryan saw himself in front of his house.

"Where are we?" Steven asked.

"My home" Ryan said as they went into the house.

As soon as they went in, Gardevoir greeted Ryan and asked him whether he wanted something. Ryan just asked for some tea and snacks as Ryan and Steven proceeded to go to his room.

After reaching his room Ryan asked "What exactly do you want to know?"

"Everything" Steven said looking Ryan in his eyes.

"Are you sure? Ryan asked and Steven only nodded determinedly.

Ryan slowly started to narrate the incidents after Blue's defeat and Red's enthronement. He described how Samael planned and took over the Council. He also explained what Team Cipher actually was. Through all of this Steven only listened silently.

"Anything you don't understand," Ryan asked.

"Why?" Steven asked.

"What do you mean 'Why'?" Ryan asked.

"This is such an important part of history. Everyone needs to know the truth!" Steven said.

"Steven. . . if a secret such as this leaks out people will slowly start losing faith in the League. Soon it will be followed by riots asking the League to disclose every information. Teams which are hiding in the shadows will take advantage of this and try to take over the whole region. It will be chaos" Ryan explained.

Steven only looked out through the window letting everything I have told sinking in.

"I have one last question," Steven said.

"What is it?" Ryan asked.

"Why did you disclose this information to me?" Steven asked, looking Ryan in the eye.

"It's because you deserve to know it and I see myself in you. A person who has lost trust in humans but due to different reasons. Not only that you would know about it anyway due to you witnessing the battle between me and Sebastian" Ryan said.

"I see" Steven said not forgetting the part where he told he was just like him losing trust in humans.

"Anyway I'll teleport you to Cerulean city. We'll meet again in the trainer's association." Ryan said as he called Kirlia.

Steven nodded as Ryan asked Kirlia to teleport him to Cerulean city. Ryan saw Steven disappear in a column of light.