
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch71

"Houndoom Flamethrower" William commanded.

Ryan just put up an Aura barrier to shield the attack. He didn't want to call his pokemon. The reason? Shadow pokemon's attacks are very effective against pokemon that are not shadow pokemon. It does not help that every attack of a shadow pokemon is enhanced.

"Good move. I thought you would counter it by using your own pokemon but it seems like you know what you are doing" William said.

"Aggron Hyper beam" Steven shouted

"Now that's rude," William said, using his own shadow aura to shield both him and his pokemon.

"What" Steven whispered, shocked.

Ryan narrowed his eyes dangerously. His instincts are shouting at him to kill the bastard at once thanks to him being an Aura Guardian. But thanks to his psychic energy he was able to suppress it although barely.

The Aura that William is currently wielding was the same Aura that was created by Samael with his twisted experiments. Though it was not as strong and powerful as Samael's, it is still Shadow Aura. Ryan called out Pikachu since only he can help being an elite pokemon.

"Pikachu supports me from behind. We are dealing with a shadow pokemon" Ryan said, his eyes not moving from his enemies.

"Oh that Pikachu is an excellent specimen. I'll kill you and then take it" William said, taunting Ryan.

Ryan was understanding what William was trying to do. He was trying to make him go berserk with his Aura. Being an Aura Guardian his nature of seeing pokemon in agony will anger him to an extreme degree that he will willingly destroy himself to take out his opponent.

He mentally thanked his Psychic prowess which enabled to tone down the disadvantage of being an Aura guardian.

William seeing Ryan not falling for the trap narrowed his eyes.

'It seems like his mental tolerance is higher than I expected but not to worry he is still an Aura guardian. He will go berserk soon due to the nature of Aura' William thought.

Ryan started to form swords made of aura and control them with psychic energy making them like homing missiles. Thanks to his psychic ability, William had to dodge the Aura blades constantly.

'What on earth?! How does he have both Aura and Psychic energy? He is an enigma among enigma. Not only does he know the truth about the history, he knows who we are and is an Aura guardian with psychic powers. He needs to be put down immediately,' William thought as he became serious.

"Houndoom Brutal tactics: Rip and Tear" William commanded.

Houndoom started to leak a huge amount of Shadow Aura. Not only that, its muscles started to bulge and its strength skyrocketed. Its fire power also skyrocketed to an insane degree. It started to attack with full force.

'What . . . If he has more pokemon like those It would be insanely hard to deal with them. Not to mention this man is using Shadow aura now.' Ryan thought

"Are you thinking what command I gave to Houndoom? It's simple. I have injected an advanced form of Nocturne drug which is dormant in it. I just gave it the command to activate it. You know what it will do!" William said with a twisted smile.

"Now I know where learned his manners from. After all, students will be like the teacher." Ryan said insulting both Wendell and William.

This angered William which was what Ryan was aiming for. He used the same tactics that William tried to use. He taunted Ryan to make him reckless. Ryan is now taunting William, making him act reckless.

Even if the Aura that William is using is a twisted form of original Aura it still has the traits of the original Aura meaning he will also be aggravated and go berserk when taunted. William didn't know this since he was told Shadow Aura was totally different from the original Aura.

Ryan immediately sent all of his Aura swords against Willam. To his surprise William just encased himself with Shadow Aura and broke all of them.

'It's to be expected. Shadow Aura gives a person brute strength and with his experience it must be very dense. Then I'll just make my Aura swords even denser!' Ryan thought.

Ryan immediately formed a dozen swords using the Aura and started to attack William directly. He used Telekinesis to attack from odd angles and blind spots so that William wouldn't be able to defend well. William just created a shockwave using his Shadow Aura to stop the swords in their tracks.

As he did that Pikachu immediately hit him with a thunder followed by an Electroweb.

"You bastard! You and your cheap tricks" William shouted and called Houndoom by his side. He forcefully injected Shadow Aura into Houndoom causing it to shine brightly. The ridges on its back thickened, and it gained additional, bone-like rings around the base of its tail. The rings on its tail now have small spikes on top, causing them to resemble vertebrae.

The ridge at its base is longer and curves forward towards its shoulders. Instead of a band with a skull pendant, there is a large, toothed structure around its neck. This bone-like formation has two large spikes on either side and three pointed teeth on the bottom.

Its horns now point straight up with a small, outward curve in the middle. The two bands on its hind legs have vanished, and those on its forelegs are broken in the front. The tip of its tail is now split down the middle.

"What on earth is that" Steven shouted as he was startled seeing Houndoom changing its form.

"Kukuku, this is mega evolution! A stage above the final form of a pokemon!" William said with a psychotic voice

'The Mega Houndoom seems in pain, most probably due to the forced Mega Evolution and Shadow Aura overload' Ryan thought.

"Is that even possible?" Steven whispered.

"Yes. It's just a hypothesis but pokemon can temporarily break their shackles that bind them and gain a new form but it hasn't been proven." Ryan said, answering Steven's unanswered question.

"Shall we start round 2?" Wiliam asked as he smiled devilishly.