
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch70

Ryan sensing a foul Aura narrowed his eyes. He has sensed this Aura when fighting Wendell to be precise when Wendell converted his Charizard into a Shadow Charizard.

"There is no mistake darkling it is the same wretched aura which father banished" Giratina's voice spoke in Ryan's mind

After hearing Giratina, Ryan started to follow the Aura which led him to a dead end.

'An Dead end? but the concentration of the Aura is high here meaning whoever is responsible for the Aura should be here' Ryan thought.

"What is it Ryan?" Steven asked.

Ryan just answered him vaguely telling him something is wrong here after all he just couldn't tell he sensed foul Aura.

Ryan tried to sense the Aura again but to his surprise it vanished. Ryan was absolutely stunned. Aura doesn't vanish in thin air just like that! This was starting to frustrate him a lot.

"Darkling, calm down and try to expand your senses. The Aura may have been retracted by someone" came the Voice of Giratina from his shadow.

Ryan calmed down and did what he was told by Giratina. Ryan frowned as his senses indicated that the Foul Aura was exactly below him. Not only that the Aura didn't belong to a pokemon it was akin to that of a human.

'My secret be damned. I need to get answers first.' Ryan thought as he empowered his fist with Aura and hit the floor and to his surprise the floor gave away to reveal another floor.

"It seems like the 5th floor is not the lowest floor of Mt. Moon" Ryan said out loud.

"What do you mean? and more importantly how on Arceus's name did you break the floor?!" Steven asked, raising his eyebrows.

"When I first came here I only thought there were 5 floors underground in Mt. Moon but it seems like there is a hidden 6th floor. As for your second question. . . I can't answer it right now" Ryan said.

Steven saw Ryan and nodded his head after all everyone has their own little secrets. Ryan dropped down to the floor and expanded his senses again. The Aura has been retracted but the remnants are still there.

Ryan started to follow the Auras. He looked around and he saw crystals which were a shade of murky black. They were radiating the foul aura which was exactly the same as the shadow pokemon.

As Ryan was investigating he heard voices thanks to his enhanced hearing. He pulled Steven aside and hid behind a rock.

"I thought you heard something here?" a voice #1 said.

"I can swear that I heard something falling here" another voice #2 said.

"Whatever lets just search and go" voice #1 said.

"Hey there is a hole here" voice #2 said.

Before they could talk any more Ryan came out and swiftly hit their head knocking them out. Ryan then proceeded to go deeper into the floor. As he went deeper the concentration of the foul aura increased.

Soon he reached the innermost part of the 6th floor. He saw an entrance to a cavern but it was guarded by some people. He also saw some strange machines and people mining the black crystals.

Ryan hid his face with the mask which he had taken from the guards earlier. He then started to enhance himself with mana and started to attack them. Usually he would want to finish this off quietly and quickly but seeing the number of people and the location it was not possible.

Ryan started to knock out the enemies. Though they tried to resist but were suppressed under Ryan's power.

As Ryan started to check his surroundings a clap started to echo throughout the cavern. Ryan turned towards the source and saw a man who was in his mid twenties, with spiky blue hair and azure blue eyes.

"I must admit the power of your aura is quite impressive" the man said.

"Who are you?" Ryan asked with an impassive look.

"Oh how rude of me. My name is William, the executive of Team Cipher" he said, smirking.

"So you are one of Samael's lapdogs" Ryan said in a chilling tone

The man named William narrowed his eyes and said. "It seems like you know things that you should not and as such I must end your life here. Such a shame your abilities would have served well for our cause."

"For your cause? you are more foolish than Wendell" Ryan said.

"Ah! so you are the one who is responsible for his disappearance. He was my protégé. If you say where he is I will spare you." He said with a false smile.

"I'm sorry but he is no more on this plane of mortals" Ryan said with malevolence in his face as clear as day.

Understanding what Ryan said William dropped his smile and called out his pokemon. His pokemon was quadrupedal, canine that is mainly coloured black with a long orange snout and an orange underbelly. It has small, red eyes and a black nose.

Around its neck is a white band with a small skull-shaped pendant on its throat. There are two white bands on each of its ankles, as well as three rib-like ridges on its back. It has a long, skinny tail with a triangular tip and three clawed toes on each paw. On top of its head is a pair of long, curved grey horns.

It was a Houndoom. To be precise, Shadow Houndoom. Ryan could very well tell by the Violet Aura surrounding the pokemon. Ryan grit his teeth unlike in Wendell's situation this pokemon was born as a shadow pokemon meaning if he cleanses it, it would be gone forever.

"It seems like you know what this is. Well it is to be expected, after all I gave one to Wendell though it had to be converted" William said

Ryan called out all of his pokemon so did Steven. "I'll also join, " Steven said. Ryan didn't refuse as he would need a lot of manpower to defeat shadow pokemon since every one of their attacks will be super effective on a normal pokemon.

"Shall we start?" William asked with a psychotic smile etched into his face.