
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch6

Ryan was a little nervous. Of course who won't be when your pokemon had killed 17 trainers before?. It is 4 AM 4 hours since the task started. He took a deep breath and released his pokemon. out came a pokemon which looked cute like a mouse, it was yellow in colour and had dark brown stripes, it also had black colour in its ear tips, it had red coloured circle on its cheeks.

It immediately became alerted seeing that it was in a different place. It looked around and saw Ryan. Its eyes widened and tears started to form in its eyes. Meanwhile Ryan was shocked thinking 'why is this Pikachu crying?'. "Ryan" it said. Others would have only heard 'Pika Pika', but Ryan had aura thus, he was able to understand it.

He was surprised that the Pikachu knew him. "How?" He asked trying to understand how this pokemon knew his name. "Its me Pichu!" it cried. Ryan's eyes widened and an foreign emotion welled up in him. He saw water coming out of his eyes. He was crying. . . this was the first time he cried, showing emotion in past 7 years!. He hugged the Pikachu which immediately hugged him back.

"How did you end up here? and When did you evolve?" Ryan asked as his tears receded. Then Pikachu recited his tale. "After you were blasted away by the Hurricane I got very angry and unlocked my new move thunder. I took the lightning from the thunder storm and powered it for my thunder. I hit Gyarados with it because of 4x super effective the damage got boosted to 440 killing Gyarados.

I got exhausted and fell into the river. I managed to drag myself ashore and fainted there. On waking up I realized I was in an unfamiliar place. I struggled to use my electric moves because of the powerful thunder I released. I was eating a berry when an Ryhorn attacked me, but thanks to a passing by Kangaskhan I was saved.

She (The Kangaskhan) put me into her pocket with her baby and took care of me. After a few months I evolved into a Pikachu. I bid farewell to Kangaskhan and went on a journey to find you. I was near a power plant when I was hungry. So I bit on the cables to eat electricity and refill my electric pouches. That's when I got caught.".

"They said you killed 17 people?" Ryan asked the Pikachu. "It was just self defense, they tried to hit me. Please don't abandon me!" Pikachu told frantically. "Idiot I will never abandon my own little brother" said Ryan poking Pikachu in the forehead. Pikachu felt relieved and cried all his guilt away as he hugged Ryan.

"What about you Ryan?" Pikachu questioned. Ryan filled Pikachu what happened with him last 7 years. After this I decided to tell Mrs. Lillian about Pikachu. Ryan did his daily routine and went to meet supervisor Lillian. He knocked on her door and waited. Soon I heard a 'Come in'. "What do you need Mongrel?" she asked.

"I have come to tell you that I have made Pikachu my-" before Ryan could say anything Pikachu came out of the pokeball and climbed on Ryan's shoulder. "-Partner" the supervisor finished the sentence for him. "It seems it likes you mongrel" Pikachu's cheeks crackled with electricity when she said 'Mongrel'.

"It seems I was wrong It doesn't like you but adores you!" She exclaimed. Lillian thought 'It seems like the old man Lucas was right. This boy is an absolute monster. The pokemon didn't accept trainers at all and killed everyone of them, yet here I am seeing the same pokemon nuzzling him'.

====================FLASH BACK START======================

Lucas was well respected in Team Rocket because he was an top notch ex-Team Rocket Executive. He wanted to know who was supervising the exams and give them some advise.

"Lillian are you the supervisor this time?" Lucas asked. "Yes, why are asking old man" asked Lillian. "Lillian evaluate them carefully this time, for there is a monster hidden among them." He said cryptically. "Stop talking in riddles old man." said an irritated Lillian.

"What do you know about Red and Blue?" asked Lucas. She looked at him like he was a senile "Red and Blue!. They were legendary trainers who had unparalleled strength. Especially Red whose Charizard gave the starters the title 'Kanto Titans'. No organization dared to step in Kanto region due to them. If any of the organization appears they will get crushed mercilessly by both of them. They are the ones who stood at pinnacle of the trainers till their death. Till now no one has been reach their level".

"What if I tell you there is a recruit who has the potential to surpass them both combined?" He asked "Have you gone senile old man!" she shouted.

Lucas looked at Lillian seriously and said "Lillian me & my bones may be old and make mistakes, but my eyes never lie. I saw determination overflowing in his eyes. His eyes glowed with knowledge that's beyond human understanding. Even Giovanni didn't have such determination. He always preferred to go towards the safer route even if it was 10x longer than the one in front of him.

The recruit I am telling you about, He is like a fusion between Red and Blue. If it wasn't for the corruption in the Council they would have possibly gotten another Red or Blue or even one who surpasses both of them combined.

"So observe the boy with blood red eyes carefully." He said and left leaving an stunned Lillian behind.

-----------------------------------FLASH BACK END----------------------------------------------

"My opinion of you has changed, You are no longer an mongrel but an kid." said Lillian. " Thank you I'll take that as an complement" Ryan said. "Kid I'll give you some advice, In Team Rocket you don't hold your fate your superiors do. Same way you will hold the fate of others in your hand when you have enough power." She said seriously. "I'll keep that in mind" said Ryan.

When Ryan reported to the supervisor, it was 8:15 AM. He came out of the supervisor's room at 8:30. As he passed the cafeteria everyone saw the Pikachu resting on his shoulder. They knew the first spot had been taken. When Ryan was going to the dormitory he was stopped by a big boy. He was fat that and chubby. All in all he looked like a combination of Miltank and Walrein. This boy's name is Kenneth

"How did you conquer your pokemon?" He demanded. Ryan ignored him and walked away. "You Bastard I am talking to you. If you don't tell me. . ." He left the threat hanging trying to look menacing. In reality his expression caused many wrinkles in his face making him look ugly. "Go F*** yourself" Ryan said. Kenneth got angry and attacked Ryan.

'Wow his idiocy knows no bounds. He is attacking a person who has a pokemon ' Ryan thought. Ryan reinforced his hand with aura and punched Kenneth in the face. Kenneth stumbled back, Blood pouring out of his nose. Pikachu then used Thunder wave to paralyze him. This incident made everyone afraid of Ryan.

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