
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch63

Ryan returned to the Ursaring's Cave and went into the Cave. He saw the corpse of the female Ursaring. He felt very bad seeing the corpse, he promised them but failed to keep it.

"Its okay Aura guardian its not your fault if you really want to do some thing for us then raise our child for that is my last wish." said a Voice. It was the Female Ursaring's voice.

"I'll promise you this. I will never let you down. I'll take care of the child as my own family" he said to the spirits.

Soon Ryan could feel the happiness as they said "Thank you now we can rest easily" they both said.

Ryan controlled his tears. Why something like this had happened?.

"I swear on my Aura, the one who is Wendall's boss I'll hunt you down and kill you" he said seriously.


Many miles away a man got a shiver down his spine. "Dammit I have never felt this way since 'that' time. If only Issaiah didn't defect" the man said.

'Anyway we have to progress fast.' he thought

"You there" he said towards a Grunt

"Yes sire" he said

"Tell our people to hurry up our project" the man said.

"Yes Sire" the Grunt said and left.

'Project: Alpha must be completed at all costs. Just wait Arceus we will get you this time and fulfill Master Samael's wishes. Then none will able to stop us' he thought as he cackled loudly.


Ryan searched the cave and found many valuable items. The most shocking thing was that he got many mega stones for normal type pokemon. These included: Kangaskhanite, Lopunnite and. He guessed that all the Normal typed aura coupled along with others resulted in various Mega stones. The problem is that he ******* doesn't have a Key stone.

Ryan then went towards Wendell's pokemon and released them. He asked them whether they want to be in the wild or be transferred to a safer area where they don't have to battle which would be Prof. Oak's ranch. They all chose the second option.

Ryan only sighed as he thought all the PTSD these pokemon have due to the abuse Wendell had put them through. The most infuriating fact is that they have been starved for a whole week!. He wanted to resurrect Wendell again just to torture him.

Ryan returned all of the pokemon with no intention to keep them for himself. Though it would be beneficial for him at the first glance, its actually a big no-no. The reason? The pokemon's battle capabilities have downgraded due to the constant abuse and neglect. It is not healthy for the pokemon and for him.

He took all the items Wendell had including the Charizardite X and Charizardite Y. Both of them were in the collar. He had two mega stones but didn't have a fricking Keystone!.

As he was returning his pokemon he saw Charizard dodging beam of light.

"Do you want to be released in the wild?" Ryan asked. After all the Charizard line were known for their notorious battle junkies. They always wanted to be the strongest.

Charizard shook his head and said. "No, I don't want to battle at all. I wanted you to inform that I have a child in my womb. I want to know his state. but I won't be hopeful" At this point Charizard was crying.

Ryan's head was still processing what the Charizard said. First she is a female second she is pregnant. Ryan was now worried that he might have accidentally killed the unborn child.

That's when Giratina spoke to him in his mind "Don't worry Ryan. When you went towards Charizard and injected your aura you saved her almost dead Baby. Your aura coupled along with mine pretty much resurrected it. In short it lived." hearing this Ryan sighed relieved which Charizard didn't understand.

Ryan for good measure injected his aura and checked the baby. It was healthy.

"Charizard I have both good and bad news." Ryan said

Charizard said "What is it?"

"First your child was almost dead-" before he could finish Charizard started to cry unconsolably.

"Charizard you didn't let me finish. As I told your baby was 'almost' dead. But thanks to my aura coupled along with a legendry's Aura healed it. It lived." hearing this Charizard continued to cry the tears were not because of sadness but joy and happiness. A woman is the most happiest person on the earth to have a child especially when it almost died.

"Can you please give the name for it. You are the person who gave a new life for it" said Charizard.

Ryan was stunned. Giving a pokemon is not a small thing. Sure pokemon can be given nicknames but they have their 'True Name' which pretty much defines them. The 'True Name' is only known to the pokemon and its parents. Now he has ben given the privilege to give a pokemon a 'True Name'.

'Ryan go ahead and give it an name.' Giratina urged.

After hearing Giratina, Ryan smiled and said "Of course. Since he came back from death's door and was tested before he was born he will be named 'Lazarus' which in old language means 'the one who came back from the dead'." Ryan said.

Ryan soon returned every pokemon except Charizard since she was pregant and didn't want her to be cramped up in a pokeball. Ryan flew with Crobat and Charizard towards the 'Fulgens Crystal Cor' where he was greeted with an attack.

He dodged it and gave a look which told 'what was that for'

"Sorry I thought you were an enemy" said Alicia.

Ryan saw Alex who had woken up. He was currently sitting on the ground thinking. Ryan gestured Alicia about Alex as she sighed and said "He doesn't accept the fact Wendell was the one who tried to kill him"

"Of course, you know him the most Alicia yet you believe this man's words he shouted." Alex shouted.

"You are in denial Alex, You know its the truth. Can you swear on your Aura? " Ryan asked. Soon Alex went silent. What Ryan said was true after all.

"Ryan how did you even know we where Aura Guardian and Psychic" asked Alicia.

Ryan just stared at her and used aura in one had and psychic on the other. Alicia was absolutely shocked, she had speculated he had psychic energy but he also has Aura!. Shehasn't seen like this in her whole life!.

Alex was also shocked but for different reason. Ryan's aura had matured he can see the aura's colour being White and golden. Aura changing its colour from pale blue is a sign that Aura in a person has matured.

"Any way lets move out of this forest or else we will become prey for the pokemon" Ryan said as he took his belongings and got ready to leave.

"Wait what happened to Wendell." Asked Alicia.

"Dead" Ryan told her.

Both of them were frozen with shock. "Did you kill him?" Alex asked.

"No" Ryan said

"Don't lie!" Alex shouted while Alicia had tears flowing down.

"Wendell got greedy and tried to use poison that he used on you towards the Ursaring we met. He died due to a Hyper Beam at point blank range" Ryan thinking its best not to tell them about the shadow pokemon.

"What?. . ." Alex whispered under his breath.

"Enough of this chit chat lets go" Ryan said.

Soon Alex, Ryan and Alicia used their Aura/Psychic powers and took of towards the exit Of Cerulean forest.