
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch50

"Master there are 7 presences coming towards us!" said Kirlia.

"You all except Crobat and Gardevoir go into the pokeball. I'll hide nearby to see what those bastards are up to" said Ryan as he camouflaged himself using aura.

Just as Ryan disappeared a group of people came to the field.

"Dammit where did he go?" a person exclaimed.

"I'm sorry leader he didn't use psychic pokemon to teleport, so I can't trace him" said a lackey.

"Can any of your pokemon trace him?" the leader asked. For which everyone shook their heads.

"He must be strong to escape like this. What is the Thomas's status?" he asked.

"He's dead leader" said a lackey who checked Thomas's pulse.

"Tch, I told him a lot of times to go after people who are easy to catch. He bought his fate himself. Lets not be here anymore, the trainer who did this must be pretty powerful. Take all of Thomas's things." the leader instructed.

"Leader all of the valuables have been taken!" said lackey#2.

"Dammit, lets go before he comes for us" the leader said as they went back.

'So there are 7 more of them involved in this' thought Ryan as he emerged from the shadows.

Ryan knew that these people are a group of bandits who steal from people who are weaker than them and kill them. They use dirtiest of the strategies to get money. They are like Team Rocket grunts who use cheap tricks but worse.

The most problematic thing is that they are posing as Team Rocket members. If this goes on they will inevitably garner the attention of the Council who would try to catch them. If the Council catches them it will be bad for Team Rocket's reputation. It will be just like how Jessie James and Meowth single handedly destroyed Team Rocket's reputation making them laughing stock.

Due to this recruits will start to lessen considerably which will be a setback for whatever plans Team Rocket has

As Ryan tailed them to their base he started to think of the people they would have killed. The reason? if groups like these ambush a trainer or raid a small village they would kill any witnesses to prevent police investigations.

If an trainer goes missing the police would not investigate as it is a regular thing. They would only investigate cases when the toll of death is unusually high. Since this is a wild area the chances of investigation taking place would be very low.

'If the law doesn't punish them, I will. Their Punishment is death.' he thought as his red eyes glowed sinisterly.

After tailing them for few minutes he saw the camp. It was located few Km away from Mt Moon in the dense forest surrounding it. He noted the place and started to plan his attack on them. Since they have advantage in numbers he should make a plan that is quick and efficient.

Ryan soon made up his plan. He will strike them today at midnight. Before that he will tire them out. His plan was to separate them and not let them have rest. At midnight they will be tired enough to be killed easily.

At the camp they started to rest but suddenly they heard a explosion. They got alerted and went to the site of explosion. They saw foot prints of huge pokemon.

"Boss what is this?" A lackey said as dread filled his stomach.

"Fool can't you see there is a powerful pokemon roaming around the forest" the leader shouted a them.

"Then shouldn't we change the place of our camp?" another lackey asked.

"No! we won't change the place of our camp. We will try to catch this pokemon. If we catch it we can target people who are more powerful! we can expand our strength!" he said.

'These fools are easy to manipulate. After I get this pokemon I can dispose of them' the leader thought

Soon everyone's face was filled with greed and excitement. Ryan has already planted seed of betrayal in them. They will now start to hunt the 'pokemon' so that they can keep it for themselves. Ryan saw the rogue trainer's face fill with ecstasy.

This was one of his tricks that he learned by observing Head Executive Lillian. Pouring oil known as desire on the flame known as Greed. The pokemon they are searching is something that does not even exist. He just created a footprint using psychic energy and then used Aura to blast the place to make it look like battle zone.

They will start to search for it as a group but they will soon separate to cover more ground. Soon due to their desire they will start to search it for their own even if it means depleting their own stamina.

Just like Ryan predicted thy split up to search the pokemon. Some of them even started to attack each other. Why? Ryan has placed few psychic traps that will activate as soon as someone enters the range of the trap. It alters their sense of reality.

Ryan didn't even have to do it himself everyone except the leader died by fighting with each other. The only member left was the Leader himself. He was missing an arm and had gashes on his body.

'How did this happen' he thought as he dragged himself towards the camp. The sight of the Camp burning greeted him as he reached there. He could only stare at the burning camp with wide eyes. Then he saw it. A person- No a monster with shining crimson red eyes sitting in middle of the burning camp.

He started to run but fell down. He saw down to see that one of his legs were missing. He screamed and started to crawl only to see a person's leg. He raised his head to see the same glowing crimson eyes which was in middle of the burning camp.

"Mercy, Please show some mercy" he said desperately.

"You should have known who you were messing with." he said as he slashed another one of his arm.

"Who. . . are. . . you" he said trying to stay conscious.

"The Crimson Devil" Ryan said as he used aura blade and sliced his neck clean.

'Now I can continue my journey in peace ' thought Ryan