
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch4

Ryan decided that he will practice aura today. The reason? if he ever has a problem he can solve it using aura. He decided this because he thought it would be helpful for tomorrow's exam. Usually a aura user has to practice aura for years to use it efficiently, but this is not the case for Ryan. Sine he is an 'Reincarnated one' the affinity for his aura is so high that aura naturally loves him.

The basics of aura is to circulate it in the body and slowly release it and shape it as you want. This technique is called 'Aura Circulation' and 'Aura shape manipulation' respectively. After this step is over the person must start using Aura Circulation for reinforcing their own body, but for this the person must have a fit body or else the muscles will rupture due to the power of aura.

This is important mainly for those who have highly concentrated aura like Ryan. There is another process where the person must close their aura canals on the surface of the skin through which aura seeps and escapes. If one accomplishes this, not only their aura control will improve their lifespan will be doubled. This technique is called 'Aura Conservation'. Reading this from Blue's notes, Ryan immediately started to practice aura. Thanks to aura, his life was saved thrice.

Once thanks to Pichu. Second time was when Ryan asked the Caterpies for help. Third time was when aura healed him when Brock laid a brutal beatdown in the police station in the name of 'Investigation'.

Shaking out of those thoughts, Ryan went to the old man's house which was in the Pewter city. He wanted to give him his thanks and tell him about his resignation. He went to his house and knocked on the door. As the old man let him in he said "You are resigning". "Yes" Ryan replied. "So, you are going to join Team Rocket" he said "How do you know that" even though he was emotionless a person can tell he is surprised by the tensing of his muscles.

"The brat you met yesterday is my son" he revealed. "Michael is your son?" Ryan said. "Yes and I'll tell you that you have made the best choice in your life. The Council is rotten in and out. A child like you can't survive there especially when you come from the population of underbelly of Kanto. I myself wanted to tell you to join Team Rocket or other organization but it seems like fate has already planned that! " Exclaimed the old man.

"Thanks old man for rooting for me" said Ryan. "Take this token, It'll make your life in Team Rocket a little bit easier." said the old man giving the token. "Thanks old man" he said "Name's Lucas, Lucas Maxwell but you can call me old man if you want and A bit of advice from an old man, if you faint don't be alarmed, all happens for a reason." Ryan nodded and left the house.

Ryan has settled the issue of the work. He next went to the bank and opened a new account for himself and put 20,000 Pokedollers in there. Now all he has to do is practice aura. As he started to read the theories of aura he found that once the basics are complete, he can move to intermediate topics like powering up.

The aura users use aura to enhance their attack, reinforce their defense, boost their speed. At the master level you start to using pokemon moves. This is where specialty comes in, everyone has an specific type of aura in them. It can be anything from the types, Normal, Fighting, Dragon, Fairy anything.

Aura users test their aura type to incorporate the type's abilities into aura. The aura specialty tells you about a person's personality. For Eg, Fire for short temper and fiery personality, Grass for kindness, Poison for cunningness and flaw, Steel for resolve, Water for serenity, Fairy for beauty but lethal and so on.

Usually 'reincarnated ones' have more than 8 types. But people who have transcendental affinity for aura have all auras without the negative aspects as the other types nullify each others negative aspects. For now Ryan has to master the basics and push him till the limit so that he can achieve the best results.

Soon the sun was setting. Ryan went to his home and ate his food. He started to speculate what the exams will be about and started to plan for them. He slept early because tomorrow he will be taking Team Rocket Entrance exams. Ryan woke up at the dot of 5 AM, he did his routine and started to pack for the exams. He took an much needed bath which returned his beauty. His dirty skin became pale white again.

He put the contact lenses which acts as 'Appraisal' from the fantasy games. He found it in Blue's notes, it was preserved using aura. He took the token which Michael gave him and saw that there was a small button among the decoration. He pressed it and the token split into half revealing a paper.

It said "Hello recruit, If you are reading this you have discovered the secret button which will tell you the actual location of the exam. You have to go toward the Viridian forest and find an Chatot there which will be sitting still. Under the branch it is sitting is a hidden grotto. Go inside it and walk for 15 minutes and you will find the exit. When you exit you will see an shack. Show the token you have and you will be let in. P.S : Eat the paper after reading, It is made of sugar so don't worry." .

Ryan trusted the the letter and ate the paper. 'It tastes like gelatin' thought Ryan. Ryan followed the instructions and found an hidden grotto he patiently walked for 15 minutes. He soon exited the grotto and saw an shabby cabin which was very old. He entered the cabin with the toke in the hand. There was old lady in the cabin, as soon as she saw the token in the hand she silently took him into one of the rooms and knocked him out.