
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch49

Ryan woke up at 6 AM. He woke up Pikachu and did his routine. He changed his clothes and went towards the counter of pokemon center. He gave the key and went on his way to Mt. Moon.

After an hour he finally reached the entrance of Mt. Moon.

'Why on earth were there so many trainers on this route? The last time I came it was devoid of anyone except pokemons.' thought Ryan.

Mt. Moon is a one of the mountains of mountain chain in Northern Kanto. This Mountain chain is known as Cresent Moon range because of its shape. Mt. Moon is at the center. It is one of the places where you can find a Clefairy the only pure fairy type in Kanto. It is also where the Moon stone is found which can evolve Clefairy into Clefable.

It is also known for its Moon dust deposits which was found by Ryan himself. There is also the legend of a part of moon falling giving it rich deposits of Fairy aura too. Even after knowing these only few dare to enter the place.

This is because of the pokemon which are in the cave and the forest in front of Mt. Moon. There are lot of pokemon which are above Lv.30 and there are also Elite Pokemon roaming about. If the trainer is careless he/she may end up dead. There are reports of Elite trainers also dying.

Their death were gruesome. They were drained of blood and they had a lot of bite marks on their body. They were caused by Zubat hordes in the cave. Thankfully the outer layer of the cave is relatively safe.

Ryan checked the resources he would be needing for the journey.

Food & Water that lasts for a whole month.

A Map of Mt moon along with a compass. He also has a holographic map that tells him where he is.

Encountering a Elite pokemon depends on the situation. If low level Elite Pokemon it can be dealt with. If mid level Elite pokemon one can try to engage it if the plan fails escaping is the option. If it is a high level escaping using Kirlia's or Gardevoir's teleport.

Ryan cannot be ambushed thanks to Crobat's sensory ability and his own aura detection which can search underground.

Ryan has also planned many things for every situation possible. As Ryan was about to enter he felt several presence heading towards him. He immediately jumped back. Gardevoir, Kirlia and Crobat who sensed the presence started to attack them.

The enemy turned out to be a Zubat horde. He started to go deeper into the mountain range. The reason? To reach Cerulean City one has to cross the mountain range then go into a particular cave that leads to Cerulean city.

It was 15 minutes since they started their journey into the cave when Crobat suddenly said.

" 2 enemies detected ahead"

Ryan instantly became suspicious. This was an path that is taken by trainers every time thus making it an dangerous zone for a low leveled pokemon. All the wild pokemon here must be low leveled that even trainers like Giselle can defeat them.

If it can come here it means it is a trainer's pokemon or a strong ppokemon has wandered here.

"Crobat keep an eye on the enemy. Kirlia can you sense any people here" Ryan asked.

"Yes, I can sense one. They seem to battle with each other?" she replied though it came out as a question.

'Hmm. . . it must be a someone who must be battling strong pokemon.' thought Ryan.

Ryan moved forward and saw a Muk fighting a Zubat.

He used analysis on both of them.


Pokémon: Muk

Species: Sludge Pokemon

Type: Poison

LV: 20

Gender: Male

Ability: Poison Touch

Talent: Rare (10th layer)


Harden, Mud slap, Poison Gas, Pound, Smog, Sludge, Disable, Venom Drench

Acid Spray(Egg Move), Haze(Egg Move)


Pokémon: Zubat

Species: Bat Pokemon

Type: Poison/Flying

LV: 26

Gender: Male

Ability: Keen eye

Talent: Rare (6th layer)


Bite, Tackle, Quick Attack, Gust, Sand Attack, Leech Life, Wing attack.

Cross Poison(Egg move)



The Muk was severely injured while the Zubat was not. Since the Zubat was taught Protect using a TM, it must have a trainer.

"Master" said Gardevoir.

"What is it Gardevoir?" Ryan asked.

"The Muk is in despair and agony. Its asking to be killed and liberated" said Gardevoir said.

Ryan's eyebrows shot up. He immediately understood the situation. He had come across situations like these in Blue's journal. The trainer must be trying to lure weak trainers so that they can steal their pokemon and valuables and sell them.

Ryan came to the battle scene. That's when he heard it "Young man I don't know whether you can understand me or not but I can sense aura from you. The boy in front of you is a person who will kill you with a smiling face. Be careful. . ."

Ryan assumed it was from the Muk and told it telepathically "Thank you for your warning. I'll liberate you from your misery."

Muk's eye widened as he heard the telepathic voice. "Kirlia psychic" said Ryan. soon Muk was hit by Psychic and was put down.

Ryan heard "Thank you" as Muk slumped down closing his eyes.

Ryan went towards the trainer who was battling Muk.

"Ah! thank you. You saved me and Zubat" he said with a fake friendly face.

Ryan only saw him with an indifferent eyes which unnerved the young man a lot.

"My name is Thomas, what is yours?" he asked with a cheery voice.

"Ryan" said Ryan coldly as he started he stared the boy named Thomas. Thomas felt uncomfortable under his gaze. It was as if he was an open book and all of his secrets were there for everyone to read.

"I-I see. How about a battle" Thomas tried. He had seen the Kirlia, if he can were this idiot down with other's help he can easily steal all of his pokemon.

"I don't battle with people who are not worth my time" he said as he started to continue his journey. Hearing the insult Thomas became angry. He took a knife from his back pocket and went to stab Ryan.

"Useless" said Ryan as he disarmed Thomas and stabbed him in the gut with his own knife.

He fell down as blood pooled around him. Ryan only stared at him emotionlessly. Thomas could only see Ryan one last time. He could only see those haunting blood red eyes. "Crimson Devil" he thought before closing his eyes forever.

"Master there are several presences approaching us!" said Kirlia.