
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch48

After winning -more like bullying- against Giselle Ryan has got his hands on many precious items. This included evolutionary items such as Icy rock, Mossy rock, Shiny stone, Dusk stone etc. It also had stat boosting items such as Carbos, Protein, Vitamin etc.

He took the most valuable item for Pikachu, The Light Ball. It is an Item that raises the special attack of a Pikachu. Until now Pikachu could only absorb the energy because they were normal Light Ball. These are Enhanced Light Ball that take in energy from the surroundings continuously to power the pokemon who is holding it.

Light Ball can only be held by Pikachu. With this his Spl. Atk and Atk stats will skyrocket.

"Pikachu we will be training your electric power using this Enhanced Light Ball" Ryan said to Pikachu who was sitting on his shoulder.

"But I have already trained in my control of electricity" Pikachu protested.

"Currently your electrical power is 100,000 Volts which can be compared to a Raichu. I want you to improve it to 200,000 or 250,000 Volts" said Ryan.

"But how?" Pikachu asked confused.

"I have a plan for it" said Ryan taking an 180 and hading towards Pewter City. As Ryan reached Pewter City he searched for the Hydro Electric Power Plant through which Ash empowered his Pikachu. He did get lost but thanks to asking directions from the locals he reached his destination.

"We are going to train here?" asked Pikachu seeing the place. There was only a small house with a water wheel.

"Yes, I am going to use Aura and Psychic energy to spin the Water wheel so that you can absorb and expand your electric capabilities. Your pouches can store a larger amount of electricity too." explained Ryan.

Soon they entered the house. Ryan saw the place where Ash's Pikachu had been and placed his Pikachu there.

"Hey, you there!" said a voice.

Ryan turned his head to see who it was.

"What are you doing here?" he asked eyeing Ryan.

"I'm training my pokemon" Ryan said.

"Hmm don't lie who would train pokemon in a hut?" he said.

"This is a small power plant I can empower my Pikachu here" said Ryan slowly getting annoyed.

"Ho! so you know the use of his place" he said

"Yes and you didn't even tell me your name." said Ryan.

"The name's Mathew. I'm the owner of this place" said now named Mathew.

Ryan was surprised a little. According to the anime Brock's father owned this place. It makes sense since he didn't go on a journey or run away from his family. He shouldn't be surprised after all this is a world which is a mixture of Games, Anime and Manga.

Seeing Ryan in a deep thought Mathew told "No need to worry, you can use this place as long as you give me the fee."


"Yes, if you want to activate the generator you have to pay. If you don't want to pay you have to use the waterwheel. I suggest you to use the generator since the Water wheel needs a lot of manpower." Mathew said as he went and sat on a chair.

"I'll use the Water wheel" Ryan said.

"The fee- Wait did you say you are going to use the Water wheel?" he said in disbelief. Ryan only nodded.

"Well its your wish" Mathew said as he showed the way to the water wheel.

As soon as Ryan reached the water wheel, he released al his pokemon. As all of them came out with cry Ryan explained them that they need turn the Water wheel. Soon thanks to Mathew Pikachu was hooked with the wires so that it can absorb electricity.

Every pokemon started to use their moves to turn the water wheel. At first they were struggling as they didn't cooperate with each other. But they found their flaw and started to work on their team work. Kirlia used psychic to push down the Water wheel. Crobat kept it going with a strong gust.

Incineroar used his physical strength to turn the wheel. Dreepy couldn't help due to his small body and low physical strength. So, he became determined and started to train with Giratina. Metang assisted by using by alternating psychic energy and physical strength.

Gardevoir started to heal the pokemon who have limited stamina like Crobat.

Thanks to the combined efforts of the pokemon electricity started to get generated at an alarming rate. Pikachu who is at elite level was easily able to absorb it all. Ryan gave the Light Ball to Pikachu who swallowed it to form a core.

From Elite level onwards Pokemon can create core in there body where they can store energy of their respective type. For a Core to be formed the pokemon must have experience in aura so that they can compress their energy.

The next thing is a medium like the Light Ball which can gather energy more efficiently creating a core easily. With a core created the pokemon can last longer in a battle. They are not only used in nattles to attack but also to heal themselves.

After an hour or so Pikachu had assimilated all the power and compressed it into a core.

"How are you feeling Pikachu?" asked Ryan

"I feel more powerful! I also feel that my vitality has also improved drastically" Pikachu said.

"You have to perfect your control on your electric attacks again since your voltage range has changed drastically" said Ryan as Pikachu groaned

Ryan returned his pokemon and began his journey to the Pokemon center to heal his pokemon. Since it was almost sun down Ryan decided to rest in the pokemon center.

Ryan called all of his pokemon out.

"All right everyone, we have no detours anymore. Our destination is Mt. Moon. Crobat, Pikachu, Kirlia, Gardevoir you 4 are the main members when we go into Mt. Moon. I'll tell your roles now.

Crobat, You should use Ultra Sonic waves to detect enemies and routes in the cave.

Pikachu you will act as a light source since only you have the move 'Flash'

Kirlia you have to use your psychic senses if encounter any people so that we can determine whether they are dangerous or not.

Gardevoir you will be the main healer of the team. You are the only one who has healing moves.

As for Dreepy and Incineroar you will be called when we encounter enemies since others need energy for the roles they will be playing" Explained Ryan.

Hearing their roles the pokemon nodded. After having meal they went to bed.

'I have a feeling that tomorrow will be interesting' thought Ryan as he closed his eyes and drifted into Cresselia's realm.