
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch3

You heard that Ryan is going to join a Dark organisation. To the Council they are just Evil associations that are up to no good. Speaking of Council, What exactly is the Council?. Come let us see.

In this world there is an Alliance between Kanto and 6 other regions, namely Jhoto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos and the islands of Alola. Why did they form an alliance as big as this? It was because of a threat that may destroy the whole world. It started 2 to 3 decades ago after legendary trainers like Red and Blue died. Evil organisations were wreaking havoc on each region, soon a big organisation called Team Chaos appeared.

It was an organisation made up of numerous small organisations such as Team Plasma, Team Reapers and the Leading team known as 'Team Cipher'. True to their name they started to cause chaos in each region. So, the league of Kanto proposed that they have an alliance to deal with the threat. The other regions, seeing no other solution, accepted the proposal.

Soon Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos and Kahunas of Alola island joined together to form an 'Alliance' which was soon known as 'Council of 7 regions', shortly known as 'The Council' or 'Co7R'. The Council soon thwarted the plans of Team Chaos who were trying to create copies of legendary Pokémon which were more powerful and more aggressive.

Soon due to the sheer force and power along with the element of surprise, the Council crushed Team Chaos. After Team Chaos dissolved, the Council decided to keep the alliance as it is. Their reason? If evil organisations like Team Chaos rise again they can be dealt with. It has been 23 years since the Council has formed.

Soon the division of classes took place based on their money, connection, ranks and place in the Council. No one knows why the Galar region was excluded from the alliance. Some speculated that Team Cipher originated from Galar or the region was not attacked by Team Chaos.

Today the Council has become the former shell of what it was supposed to be, due to all the corruption. So Ryan decided that he has to take the treacherous path without faltering, so that he can reach the summit like Blue and Red did. Not only is it the best choice, but if he can pull it off, it would work very well for Ryan!.

The only proper organisation in the Kanto region was Team Rocket. There will be an entrance exam for team rocket every year so that they can filter participants or as they call it 'Separating good trash from bad trash'. How does he know there is an entrance exam? Simple, Ryan heard one of the drunk Team Rocket members talking about it. If one meets the expectations of TR (Team Rocket ), they will reward the person generously and nurture them so that they can reach their full potential.

Another reason Ryan doesn't side with the Council is that they do not really support people with no background. There is no saying when they will abandon them. If Ryan's prediction is right. . . they will use people who don't have anything to rely on as pawns that can be sacrificed whenever and wherever they want to protect themselves.

Yes, if Ryan were to join Team Rocket he would most likely have to kill but Ryan had his first kill, His own parents. If the world bull****s you, then you bull**** the world back. Now Ryan's top priority is to find his way towards the Team Rocket entrance exam.

Ryan had an idea, he can go to the pub where the Team Rocket member came from so that he can get more information. Though this isn't exactly ideal, Ryan has no other way to get information about the Team Rocket Entrance Exam.

Soon Ryan found himself going towards the Pewter city Pub. As Ryan made his way through the city he could see everyone speaking and seeing with disdain. Perhaps it is because of the dirt he had that hid his beauty that made people look at him like that. They were hypocrites, if you are a trainer then you are someone to be respected. If you are from the underbelly of Kanto, then you are not worth their time. After reaching the pub he went behind the building and saw through the window. He found the same person drinking with a few others.

After they left he tailed one of them. As Ryan followed him the person said "I can sense you boy, why are you tailing me?" Ryan came out of hiding and told him bluntly and emotionlessly "I want to join Team Rocket." The Team Rocket member kept his cool but was taken aback by his bluntness.

"Boy you don't seem to be lying, but what do I do if you turned out to be a spy?". "I have nothing to gain by being a spy" Ryan said bluntly. . . again. "You are treading over treacherous waters, you may get drowned and get eaten by the sharks" the person said, eyeing Ryan for some reactions.

"I have survived waters more treacherous than this. If I get drowned I just have to show the shark who is the predator and who is the prey. . . " Ryan drawled "If it does not listen I just have to rip it to shreds". Ryan said in a voice devoid of emotions. The person had to suppress the shudder he was feeling.

'This boy is dangerous! but he can also add value to our team' thought the person. After contemplating for a while he said "Very well. Here, take this token, and show you where to go for the exam. By the way, the exam is the day after tomorrow. My name is Michael Maxwell, what's yours?". "Ryan, I don't have a last name." replied Ryan.

"Well shall I give you one?" he asked. Ryan motioned him to continue. "Mortimer, Ryan Mortimer" said Michael as he thought, 'Mortimer means death. It suits his emotionless face perfectly'.

Ryan bid farewell to Michael and went to his little shack. Today was eventful and fruitful. He went to bed thinking of the exam which he has to pass at any cost and he definitely will. But tomorrow he needs to get ready.