
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch29

Ryan seeing the notepad on the desk, checked his pockets frantically only to find it was not there. "Ryan this notepad fell as you kept your NanoDex in your pocket." said Prof. Oak. Ryan was nervous he had written all his thoughts and theories in it including Mega evolution which was not discovered yet.

"Don't be nervous Ryan. We knew you were a prodigy but we never thought that you will be a Bona Fide Genius!" exclaimed Prof. Oak. "I need your permission to research the theories that you have written. I also want to discuss and debate it with Professors of other region. Since you wrote it I will be needing you" said Prof. Oak seriously.

"Professor I am just a ordinary trainer, I am no Genius or Prodigy." said Ryan. "Ridiculous, with such thinking skills like this people will see you as second coming of Prof. Laventon!" Prof.Oak exclaimed. "Prof. Laventon?" Ryan asked. "He is the first professor of Ancient Sinnoh region which was called Hisuian region. He was the first person who came up with the idea of pokeballs to catch wild pokemon!" Prof. Oak said.

Ryan saw that the Professor would not leave him alone till he agrees, so he reluctantly agreed. Prof. Oak jumped around like a child who got his starter Pokemon early. "Professor can you research and confirm my theories before publishing?" He asked. "Of course" was the reply. "I'll call the professors and arrange for a meeting." Oak said.

"What is the date and time?" Ryan asked. "How about a week from now at 9 AM?" Prof. Oak asked. "Its okay for me, it gives me enough time to train" Ryan said. "Perfect!" Prof. Oak exclaimed "Also Ryan, there will be a tournament in a month. You better prepare for it too" said Prof. Oak as he sped of to pallet town so that he can arrange a meeting.

'There is a tournament after a month?' Ryan thought. Ryan believed Prof. Oak since he is one of the most popular figures in the pokemon world, so it is possible that he knows information most don't. If Ryan wants to win the tournament he has to start training his pokemon hardcore.

He took his notepad. Thanks to this falling he has good support in this world. Prof. Oak is the most accomplished Professor as of today, So having him as a support is a huge profit for Ryan. Ryan was brought out of his thoughts when the pokemons introduced themselves.

'It seems like they get along well' Ryan thought. Ryan then rounded up his pokemon and said "There is a tournament coming in a months, we have to train for it really hard. This is because trainers from the wealthy family will come to this tournament too. Due to this their pokemon will be at the Lv.30 at least."

The pokemon knew what Ryan was talking about. All of then except Pikachu are below Lv.30. Litten is Lv.18, but things will be different if he were to evolve. All of them have to reach the foothold of Lv.30.

"It seems like you all know what I am talking about, so don't just stand there lets get to training." Ryan said. All the pokemon were fired up.

Soon one week passed. Their training went as follows:

Day 1: Ryan along with his pokemon ventured a little deep into the Viridian forest, where there are pokemon between Lv.20 to Lv.30. Ryan took care of Litten, Golbat and Dreepy since they are all below Lv. 30. Pikachu is beside Ryan trying to find a worthy opponent.

Right then a Scyther appeared in front of them:


Pokémon: Scyther

Species: Mantis Pokemon

Type: Bug/Flying

LV: 25

Gender: Male

Ability: Swarm

Talent: Epic (9th layer)


Cut, Slash, Signal Beam, Fury Cutter, Quick attack, Agility, Double team, Leer.

Night Slash(Egg move), X- Scissor(Egg move)


It challenged Pikachu for battle. Soon enough Pikachu crushed it. Ryan understood one thing. In the level gap there are different difficulties. Namely:

Below your pokemon's level: No problem you can just crush it.

Same level: Using some tactics would be ideal.

From Lv.1 to Lv.5 higher: Its going to be real difficult but strategies would give you the win.

From Lv.5 to Lv.10 higher: You are mad to challenge such a pokemon.

Above Level 10: You are officially insane.

Ryan leveled up his Pikachu considerably and focused on his other pokemon. Soon after three battles Litten evolved. After evolving it now looked like a tiger just before its adult stage. Its silted eyes became more narrowed, it now has orange under belly and black skin, it also has a bushy tail with 2 stripes in it.

It now was a Torracat it has broken through the Legend level. Other pokemon also leveled up considerably.

Day 2: Ryan gave the pokemon phisical fitness schedule to train. Dreepy who had almost no muscles had been given a special training by Ryan. Dreepy trained his body to be lean and compact so that he can be very agile. Ryan also made Dreepy practice going into the shadow realm.

Shadow realm is a place where only ghost types can pass through. With this method super effective moves can be easily avoided. It is said deceased souls go through this realm before reaching Giratina's realm where they get judged.

Day 3: While practicing going into the shadow realm something completely unexpected happened. Dreepy went into the shadow realm but while coming out he came as a mass of shadow and absolutely destroyed the training dummy.

Ryan knew what that was. It was 'Shadow Force' Giratina's signature move. He immediately told Dreepy not to use the move never ever. Even if he told Dreepy that, he couldn't help but have a bad feeling. Shaking of the feeling he went to sleep that night after training his pokemon.

As he fell asleep he woke up in Void. 'What on earth is this? Am I dead?' he whispered out loud. 'No child you are not dead' said a chilling voice behind him. He turned around to see what it was. When he did his eyes widened.

Where is Ryan exactly?

What's going to happen to him?

What is that pokemon that answered Ryan's question?

Read out to find out.

Also drop the Power stones if you like the Story!

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