
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch25

The reason Ryan gave an expensive item like A-rank Tauros blood is to improve the talent of the pokemon. Usually to improve a talent of a pokemon by one layer takes a very long time, especially for trainers like Ryan who have just enough money to sustain himself and his pokemon.

Now why did Ryan give the item when the pokemon was evolving? why not before or after evolving?. The answer is that when a pokemon evolves, the shackles that restricts its power break and the power that remained locked rush into its aura canal.

During this time the pokemon absorbs all the energy and makes itself stronger. When you give an item its power and potency is also fully absorbed letting the pokemon get the maximum power it can from the item.

Ryan saw Golbat. Golbat has an stat of 455 an absolute leap in terms of Base stats power, Its attack and speed also improved drastically. Zubat has a Base stat total of 245 which is lower than Dreepy's. So only people who evolve Zubat know how powerful it can be.

Ryan used analysis to see the change in its stats:


Pokémon: Golbat

Species: Bat Pokemon

Type: Poison/Flying

LV: 22

Gender: Male

Ability: Inner Focus

Talent: Unique (10th layer)


Bite[I], Tackle, Quick Attack[I], Gust, Sand Attack, Leech Life, Wing Attack, Super Sonic, Absorb, Poison Fang, Air cutter[I], Shadow Ball[E], Toxic, Detect.

Hypnosis(Egg move), Venom Drench(Egg move), Curse(Egg Move), Brave Bird(Egg Move)

Protect(TM), Taunt(TM), Fire Fang(TM)


Golbat has come into the 10th layer of Unique talent it will soon cross the boundary and jump come to the realm of legend talent after it evolves once more thought Ryan.

'Golbat has learned toxic, it will come in handy facing a pokemon which is bulky like Chansey, Miltank' thought Ryan. Toxic doesn't do damage but gives status condition. It gives the effect of 'Badly Poisoned'. As time passes the damage that toxic does also increases. For Eg at first it damages the pokemon by 1/16th of its HP then 2/16th, 3/16th, 4/16th and so on.

Ryan went towards Golbat and asked "How do you feel?". "I feel powerful, unstoppable!" answered the newly evolved Golbat. "Golbat. . ." Ran drawled coldly. Golbat shuddered as he heard Ryans tone. "Never ever let that thought to get to your head or else it will be the cause for your downfall." Ryan said.

Usually when a pokemon is born their power is set. It will be locked by the shackes of limit as the pokemon will slowly kill itself if it has too much power at once. So, the pokemon evolves and breaks the shackles giving it more access to its power than before. That's why pokemon feel strong after evolving. After they evolve they soon get arrogant thinking they are the most powerful.

Ryan wanted to crush the arrogance before it develops further, thus he took drastic measures to ensure Golbat stays humble.

Ryan wanting to test Golbat's strength looked for poklemon soon he found a Pidgeotto. He used analysis on it


Pokémon: Pidgey

Species: Bird Pokemon

Type: Normal/Flying

LV: 18

Gender: Female

Ability: Tangled Feet

Talent: Rare (5th layer)


Tackle, Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Wing Attack, Peck, Drill Peck, Gust, Whirlwind, Air Cutter.

Brave Bird(Egg Move)


'Its a shame that it is a 'Rare' talent if it was 'Unique' talent I would have caught it.' thought Ryan. "Golbat lets test your strength" Ryan said to Golbat who was excited to test his new powers.

Ryan thought of using Toxic but he needed perfect timing and aim to hit it. Pidgeotto who saw Ryan not noticing it got absolutely pissed and started to attack him with Air Cutter. Golbat who saw his Alpha in danger used his own Air Cutter to nullify the attack.

Golbat looked Royally pissed. Ryan who saw this gave permission to fight Pidgeotto by himself. Golbat used Air Cutter as an distraction and went into the trees carefully. Pidgeotto who saw the attack coming dodged it.

It searched for Golbat before getting hit by a Air Cutter. It had a cut just below its neck vertically. Pidgeotto started insulting Golbat as a coward who hides and attacks.

Golbat used wing attack to hit Pidgeotto. Fortunately for Pidgeotto it dodged it by pure luck. Golbat used Detect to to be able to attack Pidgeotto with Ghost type moves.

Soon Golbat started to attack Pidgeotto which was on the defensive with Shadow Ball which was on Excellent level.

Pidgeotto with its pride on the line pulled of one last attack. Brave Bird. Unfortunately for Pideotto Golbat used Its own Brave Bird and nullified the attack. Golbat had large gashes on it. Ryan thought he had mistaken the talent of Pidgeotto and used analysis again:


Pokémon: Pidgey

Species: Bird Pokemon

Type: Normal/Flying

LV: 18

Gender: Female

Ability: Tangled Feet

Talent: Epic (5th layer)


Tackle, Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Wing Attack, Peck, Drill Peck, Gust, Whirlwind, Air Cutter.

Brave Bird(Egg Move)


'Its Talent jumped from Rare to Epic!' thought Ryan. He immediately threw a pokeball and caught it. 'It not only is Epic rank/ C rank it also has "Brave Bird" as its Egg move!'. It can be exchanged for at least 50,000 TRC.

Ryan pleased with the day's harvest started to go home. He returned Golbat and started to walk out of the Viridian Forest. He saw the time which was 5 AM. He thought of getting some snacks and proceeded to go into the Viridian City.

It was his first time in the city. Since Ryan was lower class before, he was not allowed to step foot in the city. He looked around the city searching for a snack shop. During this time he saw that people didn't see him either disdain or disgust but with respect.

He was absolutely disgusted with the society. One day he was treated worse than trash the next second he becomes a trainer and self sufficient he gets treated as he is an god.

'Just how rotten is this world' Ryan thought.