
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch22

Ryan was woken up by Pikachu's Thundershock. "You could have let me sleep more, it is just 9AM" Ryan grumbled. "You woke me up telling the time was 7 AM so now I did the same, I must admit I was generous to allow you to sleep till 9 AM" Pikachu said. Seeing the bickering of his father and Uncle, Dreepy couldn't help but laugh. "Uncle Pikachu leave father alone after all he was the one who dealt everything in Mt. Moon. We just dealt with Few pokemon."Dreepy said.

"U-Uncle" Pikachu stammered. "Pikachu it seems you are growing old" teased Ryan."Dreepy on any circumstances don't call me Uncle. Call me Brother or something" Pikachu said seriously. Dreepy nodded furiously. "Now come on both of you we should go and submit the report." said Ryan. Rayan went to the teleportation point and got teleported to Executive Lillian's base.

Ryan knocked on the door and waited for the reply. "come in" Lillian said in soft the voice which was unlike herself. "Sit Ryan what is the matter?" she asked. Before Ryan could reply she added "Please tell me you are not going to drop the mission. It is very important A rank.". Now that Ryan sees her face carefully he could see visible eyebags covered by makeup. "No I have come here to say I have completed it" said Ryan calmly.

"I know it will take- Wait did you say you completed the mission!?" she exclaimed visibly shaken. "Yes" Ryan replied. "Are you serious, you are not lying right?" she asked well more like pleaded.

"No, I really have completed the mission. I have come here to submit the report." Ryan said completely honest. "Yahooooo" Lillian jumped like a little kid who got his Christmas present early. "Take that you losers I have successfully completed the mission you guys have failed!" she shouted Boxing the air, forgetting Ryan's there.

She finally noticed Ryan staring at her emotionlessly and went red in the face with embarrassment. "Let's just act like nothing happened. If you tell someone else I'll end you" she said. "Anyway your reward is getting promoted to Team Rocket Captain. you will also be getting 100,000 TRM along with 30,000 TRC" she said seriously. "Your uniform will be parceled to your home in Viridian City. Other reward will be transferred to your TR machine" she said. "You are my lucky star Ryan, I have made progress in becoming a Head Executive" she mumbled.

Ryan was content with the rewards. He now has 232,000 TRC if he changed the 100,000 TRM into TRC. He went to his home to deal with his newly caught Zubat. Many people will think the pokemon has been caught, so it should obey him. No, that is not the case. Pikachu was a old friend of Ryan thus they helped each other. Ryan was the first person that Dreepy saw after hatching thus, it saw him as his father and followed him.

Zubat on the other hand is a completely different story. Zubat has been in the wild ever since it was born. Ever since it attacked, Ryan understood it has a wild nature and he has to tame it. 'I need to start taming wild pokemon it is an necessary skill for an trainer. I'll start taming the Zubat first'.

Ryan started to set up a suitable environment to tame Zubat. He went into a room with no light. He told Pikachu and Dreepy to wait outside. Ryan threw the pokeball, a white light engulfed the room revealing a Zubat. "Zubat I am going to be your trainer, I can make you the best and the strongest. So, what do you say?" Ryan asked the Zubat.

Zubat was not in a mood to talk, not only was it denied its food it was also starving for a whole week due to no prey. Zubat who was hungry smelt the aroma of the human in front of him which was Ryan. It quickly dashed at him to sink his fangs and suck his blood out to satiate its hunger.

Unfortunately it picked the wrong opponent. Ryan who had used Aura sight sent a aura attack which illuminated the room. Zubat which was sensitive to light screeched and flied back. Ryan was thinking of ways to tame the pokemon in front of him without using violence. Unfortunately Zubat didn't share the same sentiment. It charged a air cutter and launched it on Ryan. Ryan who saw this used aura sphere to nullify it.

Ryan now knew there was no way he can persuade the Zubat without Violence. He immediately used aura on his hand to illuminate the room dimly. Zubat immediately backed away. Ryan started to go towards Zubat. The Zubat tried to fight back but couldn't due to Ryan increasing the intensity of the light.

The Zubat now knew why it lost against this person. This person is an Alpha, he cannot be messed with. For those who mess with him thing won't be good. Unfortunately he was one of those idiots who messed with him. He was soon whimpering on the ground due to the pain.

Ryan seeing this receded his aura and saw the Zubat which was seeing him back with Fear and respect. "Zubat I'll tell you this again if you train under me you will be the strongest of your kind, you will be the greatest of your kind, You'll be standing at the top" Ryan said.

Zubat which was scared was now seeing Ryan in new light, he saw Ryan as an impeccable leader, an Alpha who can't be stopped, an raging typhoon which will destroying anything in its path and at the same time he is an tranquil river that takes care of everyone under his wing. Zubat respected him and admired him. He will follow him even if he is heading towards his demise. He will pledge his loyalty to him.

Ryan made an aura knife and slit his hand let the blood flow down. "Zubat you must be hungry drink my blood" Ryan said. Zubat immediately went and drank the blood dripping on the floor. It was rich with aura that it got healed immediately and his hunger was satiated, all of this with few drops of blood. Only Omegas were able to produce such effects but here is an Alpha who is doing the same.

While outside Pikachu who had enhanced sense of smell, used quick attack and ran in. He saw Ryan feeding Zubat his blood and calmed down even though he didn't like Ryan bleeding one bit. Pikachu climbed Ryan's shoulder signifying he is second-in-command. Zubat accepted it and saw him as a Beta, a rank after Alpha. He also heard Dreepy calling Ryan father and accepted him as his leader's son.


Pokémon: Zubat

Species: Bat Pokemon

Type: Poison/Flying

LV: 18

Gender: Male

Ability: Inner Focus

Talent: Unique (5th layer)


Bite, Tackle, Quick Attack, Gust, Sand Attack, Leech Life, Wing Attack, Super Sonic, Absorb, Poison Fang, Air cutter.

Hypnosis(Egg move), Venom Drench(Egg move), Curse(Egg Move), Brave Bird(Egg Move)


Zubat has joined the Team!

See how Ryan is going to Train Zubat

This chapter maybe a brutal as Ryan used force against Zubat.

So sorry about that, Zubat

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