
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch19

Ryan accepted the mission and left Executive Lillian's office. He went and got teleported to Viridian city. He went to his home and searched for more information for Moon Dust. The only thing Ryan and his system knows is that it a lump of dust that came from eroded Stones. These Stones are Moon Stones which is used to evolve Clefairy. 'System can you please search for more information about Moon Dust?'. *Yes Master*. Hours passed as they searched for information about Moon Dust. That's when someone rung the house bell.

'Who is it?' Ryan thought to himself frustrated. As he opened a familiar face came into view. "Hello Ryan. Long time no see!" said Gabriel. 'Arceus she is annoying' thought Ryan. "I heard that you got a mission from Lady Lillian! what is that about" she asked. "Its none of your problem. Also it is classified" Ryan said.

"I see if you want help don't feel shy to ask me" she said grinning. "Fine" Ryan said. Gabriel saw the book about Moon Dust and said "It seems like you are reading about Moon Stone and Moon Dust. Why?" she asked curiously. "I wanted to write a theory about evolution stones and their characteristics" Ryan lied smoothly.

"Oh! If you want more information about Moon stone and Moon Dust, Go to the Library in Pewter city it has an whole shelf dedicated to Mt. Moon" Gabriel said. Ryan stared at Gabriel with indifference but inwardly he was happy that he got another source of information about Moon Dust. "I see, I'll go there when I have time" Ryan said. "Goodbye and all the best for your mission" she said and left.

As Gabriel left Ryan took his notebooks and pen and rushed towards Pewter city Orphanage. He asked the Librarian about Moon stone. The Librarian pointed towards a shelf. Ryan went towards the shelf and asked system to scan everything and filter information about Moon Dust. He then waited for the system process the information. Soon a wave of Information hit Ryan just like the first time he unlocked psychic powers.

He let knowledge flow as he started to take a look at it soon he compiled it. Most of it was the same thing. While there were few information he already knew. Apparently Moon Dust can only be found in the deepest parts of the Mt. Moon. In the deeper parts the there is an powerful energy putting pressure on the Moon stone cracks and starts to form Moon Essence. This Moon Essence stays in the air for few days then it starts to merge with Water vapor and cools down to form water. This water is called Liquid Moon.

Soon the water flows to depths of Mt. Moon and starts to drip down from pointy stalactites and stalagmites. Soon the Liquid Moon combines with minerals and gets separated, forming water and Moon Dust. Moon Dust can strengthen Fairy types and elevate them to one level up. But the deepest part of is very dangerous and has a death rate of 67% thus, people don't go there.

After getting information about the Moon Dust Ryan went to his home to get some rest. He thought that he will start his mission tomorrow. The next day Ryan took everything he needed: Torch light, zip bag, Backpack, Ropes. He started his journey towards Mt. Moon. As he was going across Pewter city he hear a voice "Hey!"

Ryan turned to see Brock. He was indifferent outside but was tensed inwardly. Ryan was preparing for a fight, but what Brock did shocked him. "I am very sorry" He said bowing down. Ryan was blinking his eyes rapidly.

"I know you won't believe me but I apologize from bottom of my heart. I have an ambition of becoming a pokemon breeder. Hearing someone is raising pokemon illegally angered me. I was blinded by anger, along with the fame I received as a Gym leader that I forgot I am dealing with a child. Thanks to you I remembered my family was also used to be poor until my father became a gym leader." Brock confessed sincerely regretting hitting Ryan that day.

"Its okay, but don't think I trust you yet" replied Ryan. "I understand past cannot be forgotten easily. If you have any requests please ask me, I will do everything in my power to do it." said Brock. Ryan thought and said "Do you know an easy route to the deepest part of Mt. Moon?" asked Ryan.

Brock thought and said "Yes, I know one but the danger is too high". "Its okay" said Ryan. "Are you sure?" asked Brock. "Yes" replied Ryan. "If you go into the first level underground you will find a cave you can squeeze yourself and go there. It is pretty wide inside. The entrance is the problem but with your stature it will not be an issue." Brock said.

Ryan thanked Brock and made his way to Mt. Moon. As soon as he entered he used flashlight to see. He went one level underground and searched for the cave brock told about. He searched for an hour before finding it. Just like Brock said it was barley enough for him to fit. After going inside he pointed the flashlight to check the ground. Suddenly he could sense 4 entities coming for him. He side stepped to dodge a quick attack. He used his light on it to see what it was. It was a Zubat. There were 4 of them. Ryan used Analyze on them.


Pokémon: Zubat

Species: Bat Pokemon

Type: Poison/Flying

LV: 10

Gender: Male

Ability: Keen eye

Talent: Rare (6th layer)


Bite, Tackle, Quick Attack, Gust, Sand Attack, Leech Life.


He was a little disappointed since this place was labeled very dangerous, he expected rare or powerful pokemon to come out. Ryan sighed and called out Dreepy. "Dreepy finish them" he said. Dreepy understood what this meant. They were weak, in fact so weak that he can handle them all by himself. True to his word Dreepy utterly destroyed the Zubats.

Just as Ryan was about to resume his journey he felt a dangerous presence heading for him. He use Psychic energy to push himself out of the way. He couldn't see the pokemon so he used his new technique Aura sight to see. When Ryan sees using Aura sight he sees the world differently the whole world becomes colorless except the colour of aura.

He sees everything in a Black and white outline. He saw that the pokemon was again a Zubat but it was different. He used Analysis on it. His eyes widened as he saw the Zubats stats.