
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch15

Ryan after losing his grandparental figure became absolutely emotionless, but every cloud has an sliver lining. As an last act Elena gave him the necessary push needed to unlock his psychic energy. Now Ryan armed with psychic energy and aura is ready to reach the summit.

Ryan only showed slight emotions when he is with pokemon, otherwise he completely acts indifferent and emotionless towards humans. He with pikachu have finished a total of 20 missions. He bought Moomoo milk for Dreepy. Dreepy who was tiny a week ago has grown past his 'baby phase' and grown to a size of a normal Dreepy.

Now we see Ryan hunting pokemon in the Viridian forest. He has enough TRM points to last 2 whole years. Yes he has 12000 TRM. 8000 of these points were given by people who thought they could mess with him, but got beaten to a bloody pulp. He kept Pikachu out as he walked into Viridian Forests. 'Real life battle experience are much more effective than training their body' thought Ryan. He was trying to find pokemon and saw an Pidgey on which he used Analysis.


Pokémon: Pidgey

Species: Tiny Bird Pokemon

Type: Normal/Flying

LV: 10

Gender: Male

Ability: Keen eye

Talent: Common (6th layer)


Peck, Tackle, Quick Attack, Gust, Sand Attack


Ryan was disappointed. It was not only a low level it is a common talent. He sent out Dreepy to get some experience and level him up. "How did you feel fighting in the wild Dreepy?" "It was a little overwhelming" Dreepy admitted. "Don't worry you'll get used to it" Ryan said. Hours started to pass all the opponents in the area were no match for Dreepy he can easily defeat them easily. Ryan used Analysis to see how much level Dreepy gained.


Pokémon: Dreepy

Species: Lingering Pokémon

Type: Dragon/ Ghost

LV: 18

Gender: Male

Ability: Infiltrator, Clear Body

Talent: Legend (1st stage)

Moves: Astonish, Bite, Quick Attack, Infestation, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Curse

Dragon Pulse(Egg move), Earth Power(Egg move), Disable(Egg move), Draco Meteor(Egg move), Ancient Power(Egg move)

Protect (TM), Safeguard (TM)


Ryan still couldn't believe he had a Legend talent pokemon. He was stupefied when he saw Dreepy's talent but this means he will also be targeted if word gets out he is an A rank pokemon. Dreepy came and nudged Ryan. "Do you want an hug?" Ryan asked and Dreepy nodded.

Ryan hugged Dreepy. Soon he decided to venture a little deeper into the wood. Ryan was just in the outskirts of Viridian Forest. He doesn't go deep, because inside the forest there are Elite pokemon. Elite pokemon are pokemons which are high level, their range is from Lv.40 to Lv.60. From Lv.60 to Lv.80 are champion level pokemon.

Lv.80 to Lv. 100 are Ancient, the reason they are called that is most of the pokemon in this level are very old. The only pokemon trainers who had Ancient level pokemon were legendary trainers Red & Blue. Ryan shook himself out his thought when he heard buzzing noises.

They were Beedrills. They all were Epic talent pokemon or commonly known as C rank pokemon. Their Levels were between 15 to 25. "Pikachu you should help Dreepy in this" said Ryan as he used Analysis on them.


Pokémon: Beedrill

Species: Poison Bee Pokémon

Type: Bug/Poison

LV: 15

Gender: Male

Ability: Swarm

Talent: Epic (1st stage)


Astonish, Bug Bite, Poison Sting, Tackle, Agility, Double Team.

X-Scissor(Egg move)


Both Dreepy and Pikachu coordinated flawlessly balancing between offense and defense. Pikachu who is fast and agile distracted the Beedrill while Dreepy used the chances to aim and strike perfectly. With their combo many critical hits were delivered. In this world if you hit the pokemons weak part with enough force it is considered a critical hit. If you want to deliver critical hit only you can. Soon 2 Beedrills were out of commission. Ryan caught them while his pokemon dealt with the last one. Unfortunately for them it called for help before getting caught.

Sure enough a swarm of 5 Beedrills came. They were either C rank or D-ranks. We defeated them but the sun had already set, that's when things went south for us. *Attention Alpha pokemon spotted. Its coming this way*. 'What!? No way, there is no way we are this unlucky.


For those who don't know or understand about Alpha pokemon, they are pokemons that lead their swarms, pack whatever one may call it. It is the strongest of the pack and they are bigger and stronger than a normal pokemon, For Eg a normal Mantine is 6'1" long while an Alpha Mantine is nearly 2x as large which is 17' long.


The Alpha Beedrill came taring through the the trees. Ryan saw its stats and it shocked him.


Pokémon: Beedrill

Species: Poison Bee Pokémon

Type: Bug/Poison

LV: 39

Gender: Male

Ability: Swarm

Talent: Unique (4th stage)


Astonish, Bug Bite, Poison Sting, Tackle, Agility, Double Team, Venoshock, Toxic Spikes, Fury Cutter, Pin Missile

Toxic(Egg move), X-Scissor(Egg move), Mega Drain(Egg move), Protect(Egg move), Hyper Beam (Egg move)

[NOTE]: This Pokemon is an Alpha. Please run if your pokemon are underleveled.


"Pikachu we need to make an opening and run this is not our opponent. Its level is on whole another league." Ryan said seriously. But when trying to run was proven futile they started to fight "Pikachu use electric terrain we need every advantage we have." Pikachu released a thunder waves which expanded into a terrain full of electricity.

Beedrill narrowed its eyes and started attacking with Pin missile. Dreepy used Protect to guard itself while Pikachu used its speed and dodged all the missiles. Beedrill got angry and started to use Fury Cutter at Dreepy, but was intercepted by Pikachu's Thunderbolt which was powered up by electric terrain.

Ryan couldn't watch both of them get hurt so he used his aura to reinforce himself and used psychic energy to release waves that confuses its mind. Soon Beedrill started to see three to four oh them and got confused. It started to thrash around. Pikachu and Dreepy both used a combo of Rockslide and Ancient power.

It hit Beedrill head on. There was smoke everywhere. Ryan and his pokemon saw no movement and thought its over but suddenly a strong light emerged from the rocks and smoke. 'What the hell is it now?' thought Ryan

What is that bright light? Whats going to happen next? Will Ryan and his Pokemon survive? What do you think will happen?

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