
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch12

Ryan and Pikachu woke up next morning. Ryan discussed yesterday's battle with Pikachu as they went to the assembly hall. "Pikachu, let yesterday's battle be a wake up call for us. People will use different strategies to defeat us, people like Lucien will use bizarre strategies that we may never think of. So lets train more and stay vigilant." Ryan said as Pikachu nodded determined.

"By the way Pikachu, Do you want to evolve?" said Ryan "Why are you asking that" asked Pikachu. "No, I just want to know my little brother well" answered Ryan. "The answer is I don't want to evolve." said Pikachu truthfully. "Why?" questioned Ryan.

"My mother always used to say that all pokemons are equally powerful when trained but my father didn't accept it. After my mother's death he waned me to evolve to become powerful. I want to prove my father wrong by beating stronger pokemon without evolving" answered Pikachu.

"Don't worry Pikachu, You are a powerful pokemon, Legacy of Zekrom. Never doubt yourself." Ryan said to Pikachu. Hearing this Pikachu nuzzled Ryan affectionately. Everyone who saw the sight couldn't help but think 'cute' or 'adorable'. Ryan noticed that the girls were acting weirdly and thought 'I can't understand women at all'.

Soon the all too familiar voice boomed "Good morning Mongrels.". Everyone turned towards supervisor Lillian. "Out of you 200 mongrels, 117 of you died. It would have been lower if some of you mongrels had a brain. Among 83 of you mongrels only 21 managed to tame their pokemon and make them their partner.

Since the number is very low all of the 21 will be made Team Rocket Soldiers although one boy had already become one." She said looking at Ryan. "Anyway the other 62 mongrels will become Team Rocket Pawns. You 62 congratulation you have labeled yourselves below mongrels. Take them away!" She said.

Soon Team Rocket Soldiers came in and 'escorted' them to the base of Team Rocket pawns as they saw other 21 with pure envy and jealousy.

"Now you 21 congratulations recruits you have officially become Team Rocket soldiers" she said. All of them except Ryan, Gabriel and Lucien were flabbergasted that she didn't call them 'Mongrels'. "Don't look flabbergasted you are just a bit better than mongrels. You mongrels are still mongrels" she shouted as everyone sweat dropped. "Here are the rankings"


1. Ryan

2. Lucien

3. Gabriel

4. Tristan

5. Rose

. . . .

Ryan was not surprised when he saw that Lucien in the second place. With his unorthodox strategies he was guaranteed a spot in the top 3.

"If you feel like you should be in a higher place then feel free to challenge anyone above your rank, but if you lose you have to pay 200 TRC to the winner" stated supervisor Lillian. If this was a normal batch everyone would have challenged the top 5, but no this batch knows that they can't match anyone above the 6th rank.

Especially Ryan. Since he has been practicing aura, his features started to grow. His blood red eyes looked like shining blood rubies. His presence was that akin to a commander. To a person who doesn't know aura, he is someone who should not be provoked. If they do, they would be crushed like an ant.

To them he is an angel, to be precise an fallen angel. He may look beautiful but he will unleash his wrath when provoked.

No one challenged anyone, they were content with what they had. 'That brat, he really is an monster. To make everyone kneel at the site of him like he is an god. . . What a fearsome boy. What the old man said was right. The Council will not know what hit them' She thought as she was trying to suppress a grin.

"It seems like no one wants to challenge. Then I'll proceed with the rewards the 1st place gets 5000 TRC, the 2nd place gets 2500 TRC, the 3rd place gets 1250 TRC. There was a hidden test in the exam. We have been seeing how you interact with the pokemon and how you train them we will evaluate accordingly and give you all suitable rewards." she said and left. Pikachu who was on Ryan's head climbed down to his shoulder as he wore a red and white cap on his head.

Soon the assistant of Lillian came and told us "Hello I am Lyra assistant of Rocket Executive Lillian. I'm here to inform your duties as an TR Soldier. Every TR Soldier must take 5 missions a month or earn 500 TRM points.

If you don't finish it in a month severe punishment will be given, and trust me you don't want to go through that. If you show promise promotion will be considered. If you fail 3 missions consecutively you would be demoted to Team Rocket Pawn. If you have finished more than 5 missions in a month it will be considered for the next month. That's all ".

Everyone now had one thing on their mind don't fail missions. It was going on and on like a mantra. Ryan kept his cool, he knew being a new member in Team Rocket they would not give them missions that are life threatening or hard to accomplish. If they do all the rookies would die right?.

As soon as they were dismissed Gabriel and Lucien came toward Ryan. "Hey! Ryan" they said in unison. "Are you to twins or something?" He asked emotionlessly as always.

"Why does everyone ask us that" said Lucien said as Gabriel said "It is most likely because we are alike". "Anyway give me your number I want to keep in touch with you" said Lucien. Ryan sighed as he shared his number with them. "See ya" They both chorused.

"They are a handful don't you think Pikachu?" Ryan asked his beloved brother "I don't know, both of them mean no harm, and you need few human friends too. " Ryan's eyes hardened and became cold "I. . don't need human friends. They may be good people but they are still not trustworthy to me" said Ryan coldly.

"You shouldn't. . . You know what? you will know one day what I am talking about" said Pikachu. Ryan shrugged as he went to the teleportation point through which he can reach Team Rocket Mission Hall. He gave the teleporter a energy powder as a sign as respect and told his teleportation destination. He was soon teleported to TRMH (Team Rocket Mission Hall)