
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch10

Ryan knew that the Kentworth family were very influential, after all they were one of the lapdogs of Council. They constantly keep kissing the Councils asses, that's how they have assimilated their wealth. They were greedy family who will do anything for money. Ryan must be careful or who knows what they will do?.

Right now we can see Ryan and Pikachu in the training facility. It has been 7 days since the test started and only 6 people including have Ryan tamed their pokemon. The second one to tame their pokemon was none other than Gabriel.

They also use the training facility, but Ryan managed to make a deal with them to allocate time for each of them so that he can train alone. Why would he want to train alone? Firstly he doesn't want any of them to know how he is training his pokemon, secondly he wants to train aura.

Speaking of Aura, Ryan has mastered 'Aura Circulation' and is done half way through ''Aura shape Manipulation'. Ryan can now reinforce any part of his body, He can also shape aura into small objects like Knife, Shuriken, Kunai, Daggers etc. He has been practicing throwing Kunai and Shurikens so that he can use them to protect himself while his pokemon battle.

He took out his TRM and used his spatial storage to take out his things. TRM stands for Team Rocket Machine. He had named the his smart phone that. The TRM has many functions. He can not only use as a Pokedex, it acts as an xtransiever through which you can have an video call, It also has an Spatial storage who's limit is unknown. There are functions other than this such as maps, information on a person etc. There are many other undiscovered functions.

When Ryan was practicing aura he developed a technique that will show him where everyone is, even if they are masking their presence. When he was developing this technique he learned to detect malicious intent. He call this technique 'Aura Detection', true to its name it detects aura. Even when a person masks his/ her presence, their life force does not disappear in fact it becomes more clear.

When using the technique Ryan spreads his aura out detecting complex aura networks of pokemon and humans. This can save him from potential assassination attempts. As for Pikachu he has been training physically ever since Ryan told him he needs to be physically fit for him to use Fusion Bolt. His speed is above hundred so there is no problem with it.

The problem lies with HP which is very low. Other aspects such as Atk, Def, Spl. Atk, Spl. def are okay as they are near hundred. Pikachu's electricity is very different. It is pale blue in colour, just like the natural lightning. It most likely because of his lineage of Zekrom. Anyway Pikachu's training is coming along nicely. He wants to be a attacker and that too a speedy one.

Ryan and Pikachu were done training for the day. Ryan asked the staff from cafeteria for some berries and gave them to Pikachu to eat. 'He looks so cute while eating' thought Ryan. He was thankful that Pikachu mainly eats berries. If he was an carnivore he would have to buy Pokemon meat to feed Pikachu which were very expensive, but Pikachu is an Omnivore who prefers Herbivorous food than that of Carnivorous food.

Ryan heard that he can convert Pokedollers into TRC. There is a conversion machine in the cafeteria which is open 24/7. He has 30,000 Pokedollers in his account. He can afford to convert 10,000 Pokedollers to 10,000 TRC. the ratio of Pokedollers to TRC is 1:1, but it can change any time. The problem lies with the location of the conversion machine.

Ryan decided that he would go there at 4:00 AM when everyone is asleep. He will ask permission from supervisor Lillian to go out of the dormitories after curfew. After asking the supervisor he was said that he is not bound by the rules of recruits.

Ryan woke up at 4:00 next day. Since it was wee hours of morning no one had woke up other than him. So Ryan went to the conversion machine to transfer 10,000 PokéDollers as Team Rocket Coins. Ryan soon sensed a person using 'Aura detection'. He immediately turned around and threw aura shurikens slicing his tendons.

"Who are you" He spoke in a chilling voice. The person shuddered and said "W-W-Why should I t-t-tell a brat like you?" The person said trying to sound intimidating, but with all the stammers he sounded more like a strangled chicken. Ryan used 'Aura shape Manipulation' to make thick ropes and tied him up.

"W-W-What are doing" the person asked scared. "What happened to your confidence? "Ryan asked him. Seeing him Ryan was reminded of another person in his previous world. "Carl" Ryan said waiting to see his reaction. The person looked absolutely shocked "H-H-How?". "You know I never thought I would be able to see one of you guys again"

Ryan said in sadistic voice he picked up from the superviser. Carl couldn't suppress the shudder he got. "Who are you" he asked recovering from the shock. "The person you had the pleasure to bully the most in Heather Junior high school." Ryan replied his voice devoid of emotion His eyes widened "There is no way you are that lose-" before he could finish Ryan started to tighten the ropes.

"One more word and I'll kill you, If you tell me who asked you to kill me. I'll not kill you" he said. "The K-Kentworths asked me to kill you" Carl said in a strangled voice. Ryan started to leave. "Oi free me " Carl said "I never said I will leave you". Ryan called out his Pikachu which gave an annoyed look at Ryan. Pikachu understanding the situation started to charge his electric power.

"You said you wont kill me" Carl said. "Yes I said I won't kill you, But I didn't say my Pokémon will not kill you" replied Ryan. Ryan felt relieved getting rid of his grudges of his past life. He is going to have a long talk with the supervisor. "Troublesome, Today is going to be a long day" He muttered like a certain Nara.