
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch 41

Ryan started to head back towards the teleportation point. While he was going there were some pokemon that tried to attack him but were swatted away by his pokemon.

'I'll come here again when I don't have a deadline' thought Ryan.

He returned all the pokemons except Gardevoir to their pokeball and sent the information he gathered to Prof. Oak. Gardevoir then teleported them to Viridian City. He went to his home to get a proper bath and get some rest.

As he reached his house he saw the two most annoying people in the world. You guessed it they were Gabriel and Lucien.

"Lucien look there" Gabriel pointed towards Ryan.

Lucien who saw Ryan immediately rushed towards him.

"Where were you this whole time? Do you even care about us? Do you know I couldn't find a sparring partner?" Lucien started to rapid fire all his questions. Gabriel soon hit him on the head to stop his rant.

"What was that for Gabriel?" asked Lucien.

"You were starting to rant again. It was irritating" replied Gabriel.

They both started bickering. Ryan started to get irritated and told

"Can you love birds stop bickering and tell me why you are here?"

They both turned beet red. If this was an anime steam would have started to erupt from their head and ears.

"N-Nothing Lucien here wanted to battle you so we came here" Gabriel said trying to change the subjects.

"Y-Yeah. I want to see how strong I have become!" said Lucien with all of his embarrassment gone.

"Very well 1 Vs 1 ?" Ryan asked as Lucien nodded.

"Then I will be the referee for the match" Said Gabriel.

Soon the battle commenced.

"Go Scizor" said Lucien

"Go Golbat" said Ryan.

'Hmm. . . It seems like his Scyther evolved. My poison types may not affect him but Golbat is not a pushover' thought Ryan.

"Scizor Metal Claw" Lucien orderd.

"Golbat evade them by flying" said Ryan.

Since Scizor was a Steel type his weight wouldn't help him fly. He could only hover around or glide at maximum. Due to this Metal Claw couldn't reach Golbat.

"Golbat Agility two times now" said Ryan.

"Don't let him, use Air slash!" said Lucien

'A Scizor knowing Air Slash interesting' thought Ryan as he flicked his hand. Golbat who under stood the gesture started to weave through the attacks of Scizor and used Fire Fang which was 4x Super Effective.

"No Scizor!. Ryan you and your tricks!." Lucien said.

"Good job Golbat!" as soon as Golbat heard that he got encased in a bright light. Ryan seeing this rummaged through his bag and took out blood of Legend grade Tauros and gave it to the evolving Golbat.

Soon the Golbat shined even more brighter. As the light died down you can see a pokemon with small round body, long pointed ears, yellow eyes with red pupils, and a small mouth with teeth bared. On its body are two pairs of wings: an upper pair that is slightly larger and a lower pair that developed from its hind legs.


Author's Note: Evolution is a considered a sacred thing for pokemon. If a pokemon is evolving it is a sign that he/she is strong. When pokemon battle and one of them evolve the opposing pokemon don't attack. Due to pokemon considering it sacred trainers also started to respect and adhere it. If a pokemon evolves during a battle the trainer is allowed to give resources and time so that the evolution process is finished.


'Golbat has evolved into a Crobat!' thought Ryan.

"Wait what pokemon is that?" Asked Lucien.

"You don't know?. Why am I asking. You are an idiot, of course you don't know" said Gabriel exasperated.

"Hey!" said Lucien.

"That pokemon is called Crobat which is usually found in Johto region. It evolves from Golbat when it has high frienship. It is the last form of Zubat" recited Ryan as if he was a Pokedex.

"So the rumors are true you really are the 'Little professor' " said Lucien cheekily.

"Crobat use Double team and Fire Fang" said Ryan as a tick mark appeared on his forehead.

"Hey! Wait I didn't tell you to resume the battle" said Lucien.

"Oh, of course! In the wild the pokemon will wait till you say the to resume the battle" said Gabriel Sarcastically.

"Scizor use protect!" said Lucien ignoring Gabriel.

Unfortunately the protect was too late and the Fire Fang hit Scizor. Scizor collapsed due to two 4x Super effective moves back to back.

"Hey that's a cheap shot!" said Lucien.

"Oh of course! The pokemon will come in groups or attack while you are distracted then you can tell them 'Hey that's a cheap shot' " said Gabriel.

"Anyway you didn't tell me that you had three pokemon!" said Lucien.

"Actually I have a whole team" said Ryan.

"What! but its been 2 months" said Lucien.

"Its just that you are an idiot" said Gabriel.

Sensing a bickering is about to start Ryan went into his home and shut the door. He could hear shouting and pokemon using moves outside. Ryan sighed 'At least Golbat evolved' he thought.

Ryan went and took a much needed shower. He then released all his pokemon. He started to think about the tournament. He still needed to register himself for it. He decided that he will be doing that tomorrow and went to sleep.

Ryan woke up at 6 AM and started to do his routine. He went to the Pokemon registration center where a trainer can register themselves for the upcoming pokemon tournaments.

He went in and saw the the registration counter. He went and asked "I want to get registered for the tournament where can I do it?".

"That can be done here. Do you want to register privately or publicly." the receptionist asked.

"Private please." Ryan answered.

"The fee would be 2000 PokeDollars" she said.

Ryan fished out the money and gave it to her. She then proceeded to take him to a room.

"You have to register the pokemon you are going to take for the tournament here" she said.

Ryan contemplated and kept the pokeballs of Pikachu, Incineroar and Crobat and registered them. Soon the machine showed the name of the pokemon its level. It also showed the average power level.

Incineroar Lv.36 , Croabat Lv.36 , Pikachu Lv.40.

Avg. Lv: 37

After registering Ryan left to his home. As he was on his way to his home he thought of Kirlia and wanted her to level up. Since she is a Psychic/Fairy she can easily defeat the pokemon in the Viridian Forest.

He thought and decided that he will train Kirlia after the tournament is over.

The tornament is finally going to start.

Lets see how Ryan is going to do

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