Waking up in the cold depths of space, no memory of what happened and what got me here, out in the distance i felt the presence of something, something greater than anything i've ever seen. The light sparkles my way as a celestial being calls out to me. "You're not going to die just yet," It muttered, a bright light quickly obstructing my view. and that's how it started, so hey. If you got some free time why don't you check out my first and last pokemon adventure
Both I and Chloe walked to continue our journey, heading straight for fuschia city,
"So," Chloe walked up to my side trying to start a conversation to ease the tension.
"We're alone again, huh?"
I could only nod in response. The sound of our feet crushing the dry leaves as we walked filled the silence, the Pidgeys chirping and the Rattatas rustling in the grass carrying their next hall for the day.
I sure missed the morning Kanto breeze, but having to say goodbye so soon...
"You're really leaving?" I asked with a glum look on my face,
We stood by the docks of Vermillion City, the sound of people's footsteps and conversations filled the air as we spoke.
Kenzo nodded,
"I'll be going with Blue to figure out the origins of my home."
Chloe muttered to herself, "It's a bit odd to witness a whole civilization being reborn from nothing."
Blue walked up to Kenzo and rested his arm on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, we'll see each other again, hopefully soon."
I smiled hearing Blue say those words, but deep down I don't believe it.
"I'll hold you to that," I grinned and held out my hand for a fist bump. Kenzo looked confused, but soon smiled and bumped fists with me.
Though it was painful to see them go, I waved goodbye, smiling from ear to ear as they separated from us, the crowds slowly blocking them.
I sighed, remembering that moment.
"Come on," Chloe tried to cheer me up as she walked by my side,
"There's no use getting bent out of shape over it,"
"He said we'll see them again."
She grabbed my hands with hers as we walked, I looked up at her, but she refused to do the same, pouting slightly and looking away,
"Cheer up, ok?"
I smiled slightly,
Chloe had changed a lot from when we first met, from a kind and gentle child to a tsundere and now a bit of both, and she's right you know? I've been on a wild journey so far, I've endured more than a simple goodbye, why cry now.
"Ok," I said softly, tightening the grip of my hand as we walked down the route to Fuschia.
Prof. Adams sat on the ground, resting her back on a wooden crate nearby as she held her head, gripping at clumps of her hair as she smoked her worries away.
"Smoking? Again?" Jeffery muttered in disgust as he entered the room and saw her.
"Don't knock it till you try it, kid," She said in a teasing tone,
"I'm still too young for that," Jeffery said declining her offer.
"You're also way too young to be considering a life of crime," She pointed out, lighting another cigarette to give to a sixteen-year-old child.
"Come on, one won't kill you."
Reluctantly he took the cigarette and sat down by her side,
"So," She tried to start a conversation, the smoke from the cigarettes being hidden by the black walls that surrounded them, along with the grey crates.
"Why are you in this line of business,"
Jeffery took a while to respond, as he processed what he was going to say next,
"Well," He muttered,
"I made a deal, in viridian forest."
"He was a guy wearing a robe like mine," Jeffery puts the cigarette in his mouth as he is talking, holding his hands together as he recalls the memory.
"He felt familiar, the only thing I could point out about him in the moment was his ocean blue eyes,"
"He told me, if I agreed to join them whenever they required me, they'd let me and Ayuna walk unscathed." His grip tightened from rage,
"We were safe until..."
"I forced him, to do something dangerous,"
"He didn't want to go, but I told him he needed to be brave you know? To save our friend Chloe, but not too long after, a rock from a stray earthquake came out of nowhere and crushed his skull," Tears rolled down his eyes as he recalled the memory,
"I should have gone alone," Slowly Jeffery wiped his eyes, but the tears kept coming.
"Chloe was left in shock, she wouldn't even talk to me after that, Soon we parted ways."
"And now, I'm here to fix my mistake."
"To use Celebi's powers to bring my friend back to life,"
Prof.Adams sighs before responding.
"You know, kid sometimes it's great just to move on from someone's death,"
"And, what would you know about that.." Jeffery muttered,
Prof. Adams stayed quiet for a while, before she got up from the ground, taking her cigarette out of her mouth and throwing it away.
"You should listen to the advice of your elders kid, just like how you assume I don't know you, or what you've been through. Maybe you should think the same of the person trying to help."
Jeffery didn't respond, he just kept his head down, hearing the footsteps of Prof. Adams before leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.