
chapter -5 rival battles

Kenta pov

I wanted to go to the viridian forest but I was interrupted by a wild pyro, a rare human troublemaker. That's what I would write his description in Pokedex.

"Sure, but before we could continue. Have you healed your pokemon?" I asked him.

"Not yet, I will heal my pokemon after I have defeated you." He told me with confidence.

"Come out Rattata. " He said throwing out a Pokeball and revealing a rattata

Overconfidence or Ignorance. I don't know what is the cause. But I am sure he is putting himself at a disadvantage. Let's finish this as soon as I can. He will not battle with me for a long time. Let's defeat this youngster joey wannabe.

I miss having a strong rival. It's my bad luck that I don't have red and blue as rivals. I wasn't born in their era. Red and blue are now adults and their locations are unknown according to the pokemon league manual. Blue is Gary's big brother and no one knows where they are. Do green and yellow exist here as well.

"Pidgey use wing attack," I commanded pidgey.

"Rattata use hyper fang " Pyro commanded Rattaa.

unfortunately, rattata is knocked out before it can use hyper fang, Pidgey wing attack hit rattata and it fainted without any surprise.

"No rattata, it can't be helped then," He said with despair in his tone

"Go Eevee," He said taking out Eevee from his Pokeball.

"Eevee use hyper fang," He said moving to the confused Eevee. I think he confused Eevee with rattata or it is an honest mistake.

I was seriously dumbfounded, even pidgey and Eevee were surprised by pyro's antics

" wow, I know you are stupid but this is on a whole other level" I told him.

"[No I think he might be that stupid]" Pidgey said with a disgusted expression.

"[ Goddamn idiot, don't embarrass me in front of this bird]" Eevee said cringing out by his trainer.

"stop calling me dumb, I was simply testing you," He said trying to cover up.

"I doubt that is a test," I told him

"pidgey will use gust and finish Eevee with wing attack," I said with a disinterested tone.

pidgey sent heavy wind towards Eevee and attacked the defenseless Eevee with its both wings and with that pidgey fainted

" tch, why did I lose," Pyro said annoyed by the results he got.

" You lost because you didn't treat your pokemon when they are injured and tired, you see pokemon are to be treated right after traveling but no you began battling and you commanded your pokemon ineffectively," Nurse joy told reprimanding him from his methods.

I guess he is inexperienced and a kid. I can't blame him but I seriously wanted a good rival.

" I will be sure to use them thoroughly in the future, oh by the way Gary is at route 25 . say hi to him, I will heal my pokemon now okay," He told me, hinting me to defeat Gary.

I guess pyro didn't like how arrogant and smug Gary is. Most probably Pyro is defeated badly by Gary and Gary insulted him to the point of Pyro wanting to make a comeback.

Route 25 huh

<Timeskip to Kenta heading towards route 25 in search of Gary>

Kenta pov

I hope I can find mankey here, I need it for the rock-type gym, Charmander and pidgey are ineffective against rock types. I wonder where is the mankey, Pokedex clearly signifies mankey lives here. But it might be an error or mankey's habitat changed

I spend some time battling wild pokemon with pidgey and Charmander, the purpose of these battles is to clear the wild pokemon and to lure mankey out. defeating every pokemon with one hit. They clearly are no match for Charmander's and pidgey's strength.

after some time I encountered a mankey, the mankey is quite adamant, pidgey is easily defeated with her wing attack, I wasted no time in capturing it with a Pokeball. The battle is not much significant enough for me to describe it. After all, it's a one-sided battle.

I plan on going towards the pokemon center to heal my pokemon but I was interrupted by a disturbance

"Hey Kenny boy, let's battle here, this time you will face defeat," Gary said with a smug smile.

Boy, he sure feels confident defeating low-level challenges. Even I battled low-level trainers, I knew that very well but he missed the reality. This is what being real dense means.

Gary comes towards Kenta with a scowling face, determined to defeat him

" Gary, Gary He is the man if he can't do it, no one can" Gary's cheerleaders cheered on him.

The cheerleaders are so repetitive and ordinary for me to describe them. On the other, my fans are intelligent enough not to follow me. To be honest I stopped them from coming with me.

The cheerleaders exclaimed with joy in their words, I wonder how disappointed they will be when I defeat Gary.

" let's prepare for your defeat Kenta ," Gary said releasing Squirtle

"go Squirtle" Gary summoned a Squirtle from the Pokeball.

What an arrogant tone with no power to back him up

"Go pidgey," I said bringing out pidgey from the Pokeball.

"use bubble Squirtle, let's finish him " Gary commanded Squirtle.

"use gust to reflect bubbles then use wing attack," I told Pidgey.

Pidgey gust blew Squirtle bubbles towards Gary, and pidgey attacked Squirtle with its wings, obviously, with more experience pidgey knocked out Squirtle

"[ What a wimp, defeated so easily]" Pidgey exclaimed with a proud expression.

Gary POV

Tch, why he is always defeating me so easily, I am professor oak's grandchild I can't lose

"go nidoran" I said taking out Nidoran from the Pokeball. Hoping for it to defeat Kenta's Pokeball. Even defeating his one pokemon is enough for me to remember it and grab my family's attention.

Kenta POV

"Go Charmander," I said summoning Charmander.

"come back pidgey you did great," I said storing pidgey in the Pokeball.

" Nidoran uses a double kick," Gary said with a new hope.

"Charmander uses dragon rage," I said destroying his hope. Dragon rage is lethal against pokemon with low hp or in simpler terms resilence.

The dragon rage is too much for poor nidoran, it collapsed without much effort

"I L-Lost a-again," Gary said with total despair

" G-Gary," They said with a sad expression. It's unknown whether they are paid actors or passionate about their job very much.

Needless to say, Gary and his group of fangirls are very much depressed by Gary's loss, I left Gary whose pride was crushed and I was walking towards the pokemon center, seeing Gary fangirls made me think of one thing

I need some capable friends/companions to travel on my pokemon journey. I am a lone wolf but I am willing to travel and have fun with some friends. I want to make memories, battle, have fun, and share my views with them. I will travel alone but I want to experience traveling with someone too. I guess I will experience both, one for some time and another at some time

Unlike other low-class teens, I don't like the idea of stealing another man's potential love interests, It is a very sinful and unforgivable thing to steal another man's wife or their friends and crushes

Men who steal other person's wives will be killed just like Ravana or they will burn in the deepest hell, it is a crime worse than murder, I will personally kill that kind of person who steals other's wives/Husbands. I got these feelings from seeing a happy couple's life like my parents. Whoever disturbs these types of happy couples will face my wrath.

There is a difference between grabbing someone who has unrequited love or someone who is not currently interested in that person. What I meant to say is that there is no pride in stealing someone's love interest/wife.

I may feel like a righteous person but I am clearly not. I am not above getting my hands at innocent people or anyone if that helps me in my goals and diabolical ambitions.

Not that I will ever rape someone, there is no reason and need for me to do so.

I would not kill someone but if someone disturbs the good lawful nature of people, I will personally take action with my own hands. I hope it doesn't come to that,

seriously my world is polluted with malice very much, I will refuse this world to become like my last world, I will do anything to prevent that.

I will implement the proper laws and order that suits my tastes.

What a naive world. I liked their innocence and their kindness. I will never forgive those who tainted this.

in the end, I am prepared to die for my cause

Pokemon POV

"[master is thinking with a serious face it makes him so charming] " Pigey thought

"[From what I know about him, he was a man with sheer will and determination, he is probably thinking about the next gym battle]" Charmander thought.

Kenta pov

I monologue about the world so much, that I forget that I released the Pokemon outside and I reached Pokemon center. I feel like an edgy teen or a righteous person. At least I am aware of my faults which is a good start but I need to cover up my weakness and clear the mistakes I have done.

what do you expect, I was a. human too. I make mistakes too. I will reduce them in the future but still a mistake is a mistake

let's heal my Pokemon in the Pokemon center for now.

I hope everything will be solved by now. I have done many mistakes but it is certainly appealing.

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts