
Chapter- 3: Route-1

Kenta pov

so due to three rival battles without any gap, my Charmander has grown up very quickly

let's talk to him

" Charmander you did great back there, I am looking forward to working with you, my name is Kenta." I introduced myself to Charmander

"[ greetings master, please treat me well and I will help you to win the battles for you]"Charmander exclaimed happily to me.

" very well, "I told Charmander

"Can you please heal my pokemon professor oak " I replied to professor oak

"Yes, I can . Wait a few minutes " Professor Oak replied to me.

It took some time for professor oak to heal my Charmander so that it can recover from his previous battle injuries.

After professor oak's healing machine healed my Charmander. I went out from oak's lab


I headed out of my lab to start my journey, but I met adamant and tired ash and my parents and magneton who made sad faces

"hey Kenta, I woke up late so missed the starter selection but can you showmeyourpokemon *pants*....please, " He said panting trying to restore his breath probably after running too much from his house.

"oh about that, I got a Charmander," I told him and showed him my Charmander

"Thanks, you are nice unlike that prick Gary who didn't show me his pokemon, bye see you later, I am in a hurry I have to grab my starter pokemon" Ash replied to me and ran to the lab as quick as he could.

my parents and magneton approached me

"I miss you, son, my little baby is growing quickly," She told me exclaiming her motherly concern.

" Here take this 30000 poke dollars, purchase some pokeballs and sleeping bags, it's not safe to sleep in the wild you know. And don't spend it unnecessarily."My father told me giving me poke dollars for


Gives me young master vibes. Which I am clearly not.

soon I nodded and started going towards route 1

" Don't forget to eat and sleep healthy" My mom replied

" Even if you fail in your path, we all always support you my son" My dad told me with support

"[Young master, please visit us again, it will be sad without you, young master]" Magneton told me.

Kenta left saying goodbye to his parents and magneton.

Kenta has picked up dozens of water bottles to stay hydrated and they have picked up dozens of food to prevent starvation. And he has purchased brushes and hygienic materials like brushes and potions which persevere their hygiene. It's clear he likes to be hygienic very much. He has purchased tents, sleeping bags, and all the materials which help him to survive in the nature better.

<Route-1 >

Kenta pov

" So Charmander here is the plan to use ember, scratch and fury swipes to defeat the wild pokemon here as quickly as possible"I replied to Charmander.

"[yes sir]"Charmander replied to me obediently.

Soon a wild rattata appears

"[Ah a trainer, I guess one more time I get fainted huh, seriously why people are using us as punching bags, we can be strong too dammit, I guess we are overshadowed by other normal pokemon]"The rattata complained to me

" Charmander use ember on that rattata"I replied to Charmander with an uncaring expression

Charmander's ember fully knocked out the pokemon, wild rattata fainted

"oh, you are already powerful enough to knock out wild pokemon in one hit. I guess, now we need to capture some pokemon to get more allies"I replied to me

"[Hold it there trainer]"I heard someone's voice pointing to me

We turned ourselves to the notice of the person, it was feminine and a strong voice, we turned to see that it wasn't a person in fact it was a pidgey

" [Allow me to introduce myself, trainer, I am the princess of the wind, The mighty pidgey , I saw how your Charmander is so strong compared to other pathetic starters, so here I give u a deal If you win I give you a chance to capture me if you lo-]"

"[ Hold it there you pigeon head, who the hell you think you are, ordering my master as you please, my master will not follow orders, also tone down your voice, I don't allow anyone to disrespect my master]"Charmander replied to the pidgey with an angered tone

[What, are you afraid that you will lose against me? lizard freak?]"pidgey replied to Charmander with a scowl

"[ master let's teach this 'princess' a lesson shall we]"Charmander replied to me with confidence

Pokemon sure love to be arrogant, don't they? Well let's hope their head is the same as their arrogance

" Sure, use ember Charmander" I replied to Charmander with an approval

Charmander used ember, which is easily dodged by pidgey

"[hahaa you really think that a weak ember like that is used to defeat me]"Pidgey replied to Charmander mockingly

I think the pidgey is intentionally enraging Charmander more. But Charmander isn't the type to be diverted.

The pidgey is arrogant. It didn't notice Charmander moving close to her. It seems to defeat the pokemon and trainers that come around here has clouded her mind

"[then take this]"Charmander replied to the diverted pidgey

Charmander used fury swipes to slash the diverted pidgey

"[ you sure don't concentrate on battle do you, did your arrogance blind you, you forget that the ember is just a diversion to get closer to you and slash, did you want to go home princess]"Charmander mocked pidgey back

"[Don't mock me you lizard, take this]"Pidgey replied back creating wind with her wings

Pidgey used gust, it hit Charmander and Charmander is pushed back and gust damaged him a bit

"[Finally a worthy opponent.]"Charmander replied with a proud smile

I think Charmander, being a beginner, is arrogant and makes mistakes in battle. Well, he can't be blamed since he is new to battles. But I have to change him over time so that he will not repeat the same mistakes again

" Charmander concentrate, use ember, and then use a tail whip to lower her defense and then fury swipes, "I told him

Charmander used an ember which barely hit pidgey, then used tail whip which hit pidgey and used fury swipes,pidgey used tackle to hurt Charmander.

Ah! I guess I have to work on it.

" Charmander finishes this with scratch," I told Charmander.

The thing is that I don't want to damage pidgey anymore and still wanted to preserve Charmander's ember for future harder battles until I reach the viridian city. So the best move is scratch. Damage enough for capture and less enough not to make the pidgey faint.

Charmander finished this scratch, pidgey is barely standing

" [I lost huh, the other pokemon from pallet town are easily defeated, but his pokemon defeated me without taking hardly any damage, SO finally I can become strong huh, very well trained, I will allow you capture me but it's not I like you or anything, I joined you because of the deal, get it Hmph]" Pidgey replied to me

I threw up my Pokeball to capture pidgey and it worked,pidgey is mine now, now it's my first pokemon

"[ Master, the pidgey is a brat but she is strong without a doubt]"Charmander replied to me

" Pidgey stats system," I asked the system.

" [Master's actions are beyond my comprehension, sometimes I don't understand him, but I can tell he is a great pokemon trainer somehow he understands pokemon well unlike other trainers, it is as if he can listen to us and hear us talking]"Charmander wondered in its thoughts.

Pidgey stats

Level: 10

nature: adamant

Potential: exceptional

Hp: 40

attack: 27

def: 25

special attack: 18

special defense: 23

speed: 25

Moves: whirlwind ,gust, tackle, sand attack

" What an arrogant pokemon, it didn't use the sand attack at all, I am sure she wanted to win fair and all without causing any status effects towards opposing pokemon, it's her downfall using only attacking moves" I exclaimed to Charmander about piggy's arrogance

"[so he noticed that huh, it would be troublesome in our battle if she used sand attack, well master is different compared to a normal trainer, it's like he is a pokemon professor or something, he has such a unique charm]" Charmander thought in his mind

" alright Charmander let's spam fury swipes and scratch on any wild pokemon we approach until we go to the pokemon center," I told Charmander with a strict tone

"[is that abuse, well I become strong this way so I agreed,]"Charmander mumbled to himself

Soon we approached a furious Spearow

"[ Get out of my sight twerp or I will call my entire flock to hunt you down]"The Spearow threatened us

Time to perform a simple experiment. Well I have plan-B in mind In case I fail here

"Charmander fury swipes, "I told Charmander

fury swipes hit Spearow and repeatedly Spearow was slashed

"[ Didn't you hear what I said, i said get lost, that's it I am calling my flock, little kids these days thinking they can take on us]"Spearow replied with an arrogant smile

Spearow T posed to show his dominance

" use ember to finish it up" I replied to Charmander with a calm smile on his face

Charmander's ember knocked the Spearow down, and it fainted.

"[ no one cares about your flock, angry bird, my master and I will take them down]"Charmander replied with a prideful smile on his face

soon a flock of angry Spearow approaches us

"Go pidgey come out"I replied calling pidgey from the Pokeball

"Pidgey, Charmander show them your power," I told them, their objective

"[Let's defeat these angry birds once and for all]"Charmander said with a smile

"[Time to show these peasants their place]"Pidgey said with a prideful smile on her face

Pidgey and Charmander have singlehandedly taken out the flock of 100 spearows despite being tired, I guess the spearows are weak or my pokemon were inherently strong, I guess both.

Totally not because I have used my aura to help my pokemon indirectly in the battle. I have much to learn about aura.

After the battle

Charmander leveled up

Level: 13

nature: modest

Potential: exceptional

Hp: 57

attack: 36

def: 39

special attack: 53

special defense: 46

speed: 46

Moves : Flamethrower,ember,fury swipes,scary face, scratch,tail whip,growl

Pidgey leveled up

Level: 13

nature: adamant

Potential: exceptional

Hp: 53

attack: 50

def: 47

special attack: 30

special defense: 38

speed: 46

Moves: whirlwind , gust, tackle, sand attack, wing attack, quick attack

I guess they are stronger than their original species since they defeated a flock of Spearow at once. I guess they are unique pokemon.

Maybe I am too rash for battling a flock of Spearow without any medical support. But I have to do this to improve my pokemon's resilience.

Harder situations and tough times make us strong and let us adapt to any situation quickly.

It's not a matter of losing or winning in real life . It's more about the process of improving yourself and becoming as strong as possible.

There are some times you have to take risks and do some things which you have a low chance of winning. Winning with a low success rate can prepare you to win in unfair situations.

Life is not that simple. If you are pokemon and are strong, then you can win . There will be some unfair situations like field effects, luck, etc.

Yes, battling a bunch of spearows is stupid by practical means but in anime even ash's Pikachu defeated them and I wanted to test them. And the purpose of this experiment is to improve my pokemon's resilience.

Soon on our travels we were approached by wild pokemon which were finished quickly by the two monstrous pokemon and we met a pokemart attendant who gave us free potion, soon after defeating every pokemon we approached, we went to viridian city

"If took one day for me to approach this city huh, now towards the pokemon center" I mumbled to myself.

How is the story so far .Please comment .Don't be a silent reader like everyone else . It sucks as a writer

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts