

Two university students from Eternal University, are currently inside a forest call Santalune Forest while carrying a baby.

"Are we really going to abandon our baby in this forest full of pokemon?" One of the university students ask her partner.

"We have no choice, we not even finish our study. How do you think we be able to take care of her while we still study? Both of us have our own dream, I study in university to have an easier life not to burden my life." Her partner reply to her.

"You are right, we barely have enough money to pay for our study in university. It will burden our future." She say before putting the baby underneath a big tree.

Just like that they left a defenseless baby in the middle of forest full of pokemon. This is humanity, when they receive a gift from the god, they left it if it burden them.

The baby cry loudly when it saw both of her parents left her in scary forest. All the pokemon around that area saw what happened and inform they leader.

Gengar appear beside the baby, it make the baby cry to become even louder. The gengar try to make the baby to crying by making a fanny face.

To all of the pokemon surprise around the area, the baby start to laugh looking at gengar.

"Gegegege." The gengar laugh with the baby and carry the baby.

The gengar turn both him and the baby in shadow to move to another place.

"Alice look at what I find." The gengar say to his trainer.

"Oh my what do we have here. Hey there little girl, what your name?" A beautiful women that look to be at the age of 20 say to baby.

As if it understand her words, the baby say "name" and shake her head.

"What a smart girl. How about I name you Alexia." Alice say.

Alexia laugh happily, and Alice smile looking at the baby before her.

Alice take out five pokeball and throw it to the air. Five pokemon appear next to her.

Gardevoir, Delphox, Quagsire, Tyrantrum, and Pidgeot, all of them look at the adorable baby in gengar arm.

"Gengar, where do you find this baby? You don't actually kidnap it right." Gardevoir say to Gengar using telepathy.

"No I don't, pokemon in the forest say that a couple abandon they baby in the forest. So I bring her here." Gengar reply.

When all of Alice's pokemon heard it, they have anger and some of them have release a bit of killing intent.

"They actually left a defenseless baby in the forest, they really need to be teach a lesson when I find them." Gardevoir say while looking at the adorable baby.

All the pokemon around her step back subconsciously, and gengar say "Gardevoir calm down, you don't want to scary Alexia right."

"Okay, I will calm down. Give me Alexia now, it unfair that you the only one that get to carry her." Gardevoir say.

"Fine." Gengar reply.

"Yay, look how cute she is." Gardevoir say while carry her and show her to other pokemon.