
Reunion In Johto Part 2, I'm Back

{Everything within this means temporary}


Slowly following behind FemHydra with Psychic: Camouflage, and Aura: Hide which pretty much me hiding my Aura similar to how I do it with all my other Type Affinity Abilities, plus Pure Envy. Alright, back to the topic.

Arriving within an Ampharos territory, FemHydra flew in the air and shouted.

"Let this territory know pain!" And fires out a Draco Meteor+.

[I don't think she said that]

Shhh! As I said, Draco Meteor+ fell from the sky making a group of 5 Peak Senior Champion Ampharos, who were already aware of her presents due to her earlier roar, use Roar before directing the rest of their herd to retreat. Shooting into the air through Thunder Step, they began creating a freakishly huge Cotton Web in the air, successfully managing to block FemHydra's attack, despite being a defensive move which isn't great against Destructive Force.

[Answer: This move is closer to Electro Web, therefore making it more of an offensive attack than a defensive]

Regardless, that's just one head's action. Then you must be wondering, what the other heads were doing right? Draco Beam. The two beams of certain death and destruction ferociously move toward them, a non-flying type would find this move difficult to dodge in midair.

But these are Fluffs' children and grandchildren, and possibly one might even be my grandchild or even concubine. One can't really blame me if FemHydra dies and to avoid suspicion I'll just come back later.

[You're from the same species]

Let's think about these things afterward.

Thunder Stepping to the ground, successfully dodging FemHydra's attack, FemHydra used Dragon Dance before rushing towards them with Dragon Rush. Range attacks were fired before being deemed useless and finally, they decided to split up.

Once more dodging FemHydra's attack they immediately flickered towards her with Thunder Flash before piercing forward with Chidori.


[Hyper Voice + Roar]

FemHydra's heads roar in sync thereby blowing them away. Instantly afterward 3 Draco Meteors+ shot into the air followed by FemHydra's head spewing out Dragon Breath+ trying to flood the field with attacks, Carpet Bombing strategy.

Unfortunately for them, her plan worked perfectly and now they were forced to gather together and use Cotton Guard to resist the incoming attacks. Sadly, they don't know sh*t about Destructive Force, their proud defense was worthless in front of it.

This should've been the end, but no! No! reinforcements just had to show up!

[Who side are you on?]

Risa and Medusa's side, of course. It's just that Peak Senior Champions are expendable while Guardians aren't.

[Don't you intend on getting rid of FemHydra?]

No, my plan changes every second. I truly got no clue what to do with her.

"Did someone call for an oppressor!?"

No, I don't think I did.

[Name: Ampharos D Sparkacus

Level: 84

Type: Electric, Dragon {Temporary}

Talent Grade: Purple

Energy/Stamina: A+ {S+}

Health: S-

Physical Attack: A+++ {S+++}

Physical Defense: A++ {S++}

Special Attack: S+++ {SS+}

Special Defense: A++ {S++}

Mobility: SS------ {SSS-------} (D+)

Control: SS+

Ability: S+

Support: S+++

Evaluation: Kids grow up so fast *mocking smile*]

Slamming the ground with his flipper-like fist, Lightning Walls rose in front of them and was further boosted by Aura at Peak-Advance. Just with a simple look from Omniscient, I'm easily aware that his Mega form is just temporary, something he can only temporally enter with Ancient Power, but judging by this grand opening FemHydra may not have an easy victory.

Go son! Teach that b*tch well!

One might think these are defenses, but nope this is pure offensive power that allowed it to block Dragon Breaths+ and weakened Draco Meteors+. Sadly, even if these attacks have been weakened, I doubt the other Ampharos can block it now that they have hidden in Cotton Guard.

And that's where you come in...

Diving down with Brave Bird was Fionna, destroying multiple Draco Meteors on the way before stopping above Sparkacus and using Gust+ at the rest.

[Correction: Hurricane: Gust+]

A Hailstorm quickly began to converge before snow-like leaves moved towards FemHydra followed by Blizzard+. Opening her mouth, FemHydra used Fire Breath+ destroying the snow-like leaves but failed in melting the Blizzard+.

The Blizzard+ hits FemHydra like a splashing everywhere like when one throws a bucket of water on someone but unlike this strange scenario the Blizzard after splashing once more pulled back toward her, in an attempt to swallow her.

Angered, she rushed upwards towards Winter (Magcargo), who sat on a snow nimbus constantly spamming Frozen Leaf Storm, but this action of hers didn't just anger me but the Wrathful Devil diving down with a Trop Kick+ at her, aka, Neptune (Variant Jumpluff).

One head rose to use Fire Breath but someone was one step faster than her.

[Pseudo-Thunder Ascent: Thunder Flash + Chidori + Aura + Agility]

As the head had opened, it got uppercut into the air where it received the Trop Kick from Neptune going right back down into Fionna's Brave Bird before finally being slammed into the ground. Snowlike roots ruptured from the ground and wrapped around FemHydra slowly freezing and absorbing her health.

[Name: Fearow D Fionna

Level: 88

Type: Normal, Flying

Talent Grade: Purple

Energy/Stamina: S

Health: A+

Physical Attack: SS+++

Physical Defense: A++

Special Attack: S+++

Special Defense: A++

Mobility: SS+++

Control: SS+

Ability: S++

Support: S++

Evaluation: Kids grow up so fast *mocking smile*]

[Name: Jumpluff D Neptune

Level: 85

Type: Grass, Flying

Talent Grade: Shallow Purple

Energy/Stamina: A+

Health: A-

Physical Attack: B++++

Physical Defense: A+++

Special Attack: B+++

Special Defense: S+++

Mobility: S+++

Control: SS-

Ability: S+++

Support: S+++

Evaluation: Maybe not as strong as you, but are you going to compare yourself with a Jumpluff?]

[Name: Magcargo D Winter

Level: 86

Type: Ice, Grass

Talent Grade: Shallow Silver

Energy/Stamina: A+

Health: C-

Physical Attack: C-

Physical Defense: D+++

Special Attack: SS++

Special Defense: D+++

Mobility: A---- (D-)

Control: SS++

Ability: A+

Support: SS++

Evaluation: This is your genetic fault]

System System, I think I'm going to kill you. You have been taunting me a lot today, and I feel it's best you just die.

[Just doing my job]

And you call making my life annoying a job?

[Tips: You're missing a child]

Missing a child? Don't change the topic!

Staring at the leaves that came out from absolutely nowhere trapping me within them, I'm curious but more annoyed by the fact I have been seen. I hid my Aura and was invisible!

[Correction: Camouflage]

That doesn't mean they could see me.

[Answer: Leona has Senken, and although Senken can't sense a Dark-type due to it working through Psychic, it can roughly tell the location of a Dark-type due to the missing Psychic-type energy used during the search]

[Name: Jumpluff D Leona

Level: 89

Type: Grass, Flying

Talent Grade: Shallow Purple

Energy/Stamina: A+

Health: A-

Physical Attack: A+++

Physical Defense: A+++

Special Attack: A+++

Special Defense: S+++

Mobility: S+++

Control: S+++

Ability: SS+++

Support: SS+++

Evaluation: Maybe not as strong as you, but her Aura has surpassed yours. Aura (Mid-Expert)]


[Do you need some milk?]

Actually, I do!

Sparkacus flickers over with Thunder Flash while Fionna flew over surprisingly quickly. Do they want to torture me? Neither of them has good personalities when it comes to enemies after all.

"Welcome back, father," Sparkacus and Fionna said.

"Huh?" How did they... oh, I see. Instincts. "I'm back,"