
It's a Trap

"Gragragra, it's been months since we last met Feara,"

"Yes, it has been a while Kong, Chera,"

Watching as the 3 Pokemons were getting along and how could only wait patiently, I was once more convinced that this was reality. The world doesn't revolve around me.

The smile on my face brightens. I had escaped the possibility of being a protagonist. My eyes were glued to the egg besides Kangaskhan junior in Chera's pouch. Curiosity hit me, as I began asking the system loads of questions about Kangaskhan.

Fun fact, the egg a Kangaskhan makes creates a Kangaskhan junior. Kangaskhan junior's combat ability is lower than Magikrap on land. Kong is also a reverse trap, apparently, all Kangaskhan's are female. In that case, who's the father?

15 minutes passed by and they finally remembered my pitiful existence, asking me and Feara to follow them into their territory.

Viridian Forest, is a place blooming with talents and dangers. It has over 10 different species of Pokemons with the Overlord being a Senior Champion Beedrill. Unlike other routes, Viridian Forest Overlord does change occasionally, its previous owner being a Raichu.

Kong's family is a small family in Viridian Forest, not weak enough for a trainer to mess with, but not strong enough to have a good territory. Due to this, although Kong went berserk after hearing the news of big papa and mama's death. She sadly couldn't come over and help.

"Fight me," Interrupting my thoughts was a Kangaskhan standing in front of me.



Why are you so surprised? If I stand on my hind legs I'm probably no different in height to Kangaskhan jr and you want me to battle you? Using Sense Smell I could tell he's a similar level to me, BUT, I'm a Rattata and he's a fr*cking Kangaskhan, even if I choose to evolve I won't win.

"Why not? Are you scared?" Seeing his mocking smile I felt a vein pop.

"Scared? Maybe if it's your father, but you? You wouldn't even be able to scare Pidgey,"

"It's true," he dropped to his knees and began to cry. Kangaskhan jr was patting his chest trying to cheer him up.

"Are you okay?" I asked while internally crying out. 'Dude, how can't you even scare a Pidgey,'

He has a masculine voice, he has a terrifying height, and he got the power, yet his personality is equivalent to a 5-year-old. Oh yeah, he's a she... f*ck it, I will keep it as he.

"Father!" as he cried out for his Father, my body tense up. Who knows if the father might suddenly attack after hearing his daughter... son cry. Though I'm also curious who's the Father.

I didn't have to wait for a giant toad to leap forward, seeing the flower on its back I knew instantly it was Venusaur.

"Little Kan what's wrong,"

Why is it a trap? I internally screamed. Worst of all the voice is the type I love on women. The pain I am feeling here is immeasurable, the dream girl in my head has been ruined, all I have now is a fr*cking rat.

"Father he bullied me,"

"What did you do to my little girl?"

"Just stop!" I cried out. Every word she says is stabbing thousands of needles into my soul. Not wanting to hear her-him, ahhhh!!!

I began to run for my life, don't think, just run. Sadly, even that wasn't allowed, I was quickly pulled back by Venusaur and was forced to used to Rest to escape.


"Love, how was it?" I asked.

Hahaha, I did what most would never achieve in their life, I slept with my dream girl. Seeing her covered under the newly painted sheet, the grin on my face never faded.

"Great," She said resting her head on my chest while hugging me.

While something was rising, I felt something else poke my butt, realizing that her hands were nowhere near there, I was horrified.

"This time... I'll take the lead," The perverted smile on her-no his face scared me.

"Ahhh!" I shouted from pain.


"Ahhh!" I jumped up in fright. Looking around to see only Feara and Kong near me, I sighed in relief. Thank Arceus it's a nightmare, and cursed Darkrai for giving me it.

"Feara can we go now?" Staying here any longer might kill me.

"Wait another half an hour,"

No problem I'll train Rest during that time.

"You should go by Vena to quickly learn Double Edge,"

"No thanks, I have plenty of moves that need to improve," I said trying to reassure her.

"In that case use Vena as a sparing partner,"

"Only real battles can benefit me," I explained in a serious tone.


"Do what you want,"

"Thank you," Saying that I quickly ran off.

Stopping under a tree, I quickly review my plans for when I return.

Use Feara's Overlord status to gather all Pokemons on the route.

Kidnap Samuel Oak to force Fortress City higher-ups to rescue him.

Snatch an egg from a few Junior Champion Pokemons gathering them on route 1.

Start the battle by striking Johto, followed by killing Oak.

And lastly, taking advantage of the chaos, retreat to the Deep Wild Zone after gaining sufficient levels from the war. Hopefully, reaching Senior Elite.

In half a month, my talent should reach shallow green thanks to my soul. Allowing the possibility to reach Senior Elite.

Hopefully, this is enough to scr*w fate, what do you think system.

[Answer: If all steps are fulfilled, and the host doesn't die in the war, there's a high chance of your plan to work]