
Pokemon Reincarnated As Ash

This is a story abt a guy named Tim. He got reincarnated as Ash in Poke verse. And this all is abt his adventures in the Pokeverse.

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3 Chs

Chapter 3 [Life long partner ;D]

Ash was watching a battle between Agatha and Bruno.

Ash "There you go gengar!"


His mom walks up the stairs and...

Delia "ASH! Look at the time, its 11pm, when are you gonna sleep!? Tomorrow's the most important day of your life, turn off the TV and sleep."

Ash "Mom but i'm watching abt pokemon, you yourself said that i should know abt pokemons as much as i can"

Delia "Ok... fine, then watch the lecture on starter pokes by prof Oak"

Delia switches the channel to Prof Oak's lecture.

Ash "But....., nvm i'll sleep after this ends."

Delia "Good, and change into your pyjamas before sleeping."

Ash "Yes.. Mom."

*Delia leaves the room.

TV "So, this is charmander a fire type..."

*Lecture ends

Ash changes into pyjamas.


Ash in sleep 'I chwoose you! Squirtle.'

Ash's alarm clock falls into his hands.


Ash 'No, i chwooose ywouu! Bulbasaurr.'

And he throws his alarm clock and it breaks.


In Morning


Delia "ASH! WAKEE UP!"

Ash "uh...." *yawning*

Delia "Ain't you gonna get your starter today!?"

Ash "uh mhm yes, so?"

Delia "You're late, its 9:00am!"

Ash "UH WHAT!?But i'm sure i set the alar-..."

Ash looks around for his clock and found it broken.

Ash thinking 'its happening just like anime, i guess now i should run'

Ash runs outta the house towards Prof Oak's lab in pyjamas.

Delia "Ash! Atleast change your clothes!"

Ash "I'll change em after i get my starter, Mom!"


Prof Oak's Lab

Ash was about to head inside the door, but suddenly a guy came out with a pokeball in his hands.

Gary "Huh, Ashy-boy you're late, and in pyjamas" he said while laughing.

Gary pointing towards his pokeball "Grandpa gave me the best pokemon, and its inside this pokeball."

Ash didn't seem to react cuz he knew it was just a squirtle and he headed inside ignoring him.

Gary "HEY YOU! You can't ignore the bes-"

And Ash shut the door.


Oak 'Seems like Ash has come, just like i saw in the future, i should hide the bulbasaur and charmander becoz their trainers ain't coming today'


Ash "Proffesssorr!"

Oak "So you have come, Ash, but why are you in pyjamas?"

Ash "Uh its like uh-, can i first take my starter?"

Oak "Yes you could have, but there's none left"

Ash tryin to react "Oh.... WHAT!? THE HEC YOU MEAN NONE LEFT!?"

Oak "All starters were taken by the trainers who're on time."

Ash "So you have none left?"

Oak "I have one, but its..."

Ash interrupted "I'll manage, give me the pokemon."

Oak sighs 'Just the same pokemon lover'

Oak "Okay"

And he hands Ash a pokeball with lightning bolt's sign.

Ash knew it had pikachu but still asked "Which pokemon is it tho?"

Oak "It is a pikachu, electric type, wear gloves before calling him out,he might shock you."

But Ash called it out.

Ash "Hi Pikachu, we'll be partners from now."

Pikachu 'Huh he is calling me partner? He is just trying to act like a friend, when he will know that i'm weak, he'll throw me like other trainers."

(AN: The moments where Ash seems surprised, he is jus acting to look normal)

Pikachu tried to electrocute Ash.


Ash "uh..... Pikachu your atk was strong."

Pikachu 'Huh! he said i'm strong.'

Prof Oak "....Ash, take these pokeballs with you, these will help you on your journey."

Prof Oak hands over the pokeballs and installs pokedex in Ash's phone.

Ash points his phone towards pikachu

Dex 'Pikachu, a electric pokemon, this pokemon has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks.'

(AN: i ain't into writing details abt mons.)

Ash 'waw, i gotta check all features of dex , bc in anime Ash didn't even use the dex properly.'

Ash "Hey, pikachu, wanna go in pokeball?"

Pikachu shooks his head in no.

Ash "Alright, you can sit on my shoulder."

Pikachu 'i guess i can trust him.'

Pikachu climbs on Ash, and sits on his shoulder.

Ash "Alright! i'm ready for my journey to be the best!"

"Yes, in pyjamas" Prof Oak chuckles

Ash "ima change em at home."

Ash heads out of the room and while walking through the corridor he said "Hey pikachu, don't electrocute my mom."

Pikachu nods in yes.

~Maybe to be continued

Ay, you can comment the grammatical mistakes. It will help a lot :)

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