
Chapter 374: The Secret Of Attribute Treasure

After some explanation, Xiaozhi looked at Misty and Serena, and saw in their eyes the clear stupidity unique to some college students in their previous lives.

Even if he didn't make a sound, Xiaozhi had already heard the silent AbaAba.

At this time, Misty and Serena were faced with the Attribute secret treasure, which they had never heard of before and seemed to be very awesome in Xiaozhi's explanation.

Helpless, Xiaozhi had no choice but to explain more progressively.

"Do you know about the Kanto Region4 Elite? Except for the eldest Granny Agatha.

The remaining Yulongdu, Bruno and your good sister Lorelei have all used Attribute secret treasures more or less in the process of Breeder Pokémon.

Otherwise, given their age, even their own abilities and Pokémon's talents are hidden online.

It is also difficult to fully tap the talent potential of Pokémon in such a short period of time and breed it to the championship level. "

With vivid examples, Misty and Serena finally understood.

He nodded clearly, and the doubts that had been buried in his heart for a long time were finally solved.

Previously, they had always wondered how Dodo and the others could become a powerful champion Trainer in such a short period of time, and also served as the Kanto Region4 Elite.

It turns out that in addition to personal factors, powerful special resources like Attribute treasures are also indispensable!

But speaking of it, Xiaozhi seems to be more perverted than Yulongdu and the others.

After all, Yulongdu and the others were already in their 20s when they became champion trainers.

Xiaozhi has just started traveling less than two years ago.

In addition to the secret treasure of Attribute, Xiaozhi definitely has other secrets!

But if Xiaozhi didn't tell them, they wouldn't be interested in exploring.

People, even between lovers, should maintain the most basic privacy.

Even if you have been in negative distance contact many times, you can still put some distance between yourself when you are not in negative distance contact.

After all, distance creates beauty, right?

Strictly speaking, neither Misty nor Serena are the kind of Stephanies who gossip and have strong control over their boyfriends.

Naturally, they know how to deal with each other appropriately, and they will not take the initiative to ask Xiaozhi about many things.

But things like Attribute secret treasures are really outrageous.

In just one night's work, Dragonair, which was originally only an elite level, evolved into Dragonite.

Dragonite, on the other hand, can usually evolve only in the middle of the quasi-Elite stage.

In other words, one night's work directly raised Dragonair's level to two big steps.

Such a large level jump is still a late blooming Pokémon like Dragonite.

If an ordinary Trainer were to come and be so tired that he vomited blood, it would take at least two or three years, right?

After breakfast, the turmoil over the Attribute secret treasure calmed down for the time being.

Xiaozhi and his party took back all the Pokémon except Pikachu and Togepi.

A group of three people traveled lightly and followed the direction pointed by the map to their next destination——Azalea Town.

There, Xiaozhi will challenge the Azalea Gym with Hive Badge.

And you also need to hand over the gs ball you received from Professor Oak to Mr. Oreburgh, a master who lives in Azalea Town and is famous for his ancient method of making Pokémon balls.

To be honest, Xiaozhi can't wait to get the system rewards for completing these two tasks.

But you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. The meaning of the journey is not just to challenge the gym and complete the tasks, but also to enjoy the life on the journey.

What's more, Xiaozhi only has two Bug Type Pokémon in his hands now.

It still doesn't meet the basic requirements to complete the Azalea Gym mission.

I still have to tame another Bug Type Pokémon.

Of course, not just any Pokémon can be conquered.

At least it must be in line with Xiaozhi's wishes. No matter what the talent potential is, it cannot be lower than Elite level.

It's really not possible, Elite is always the way to go!

Although the potential is not Elite level, not even Elite level.

Xiaozhi can also be improved through the potential enhancement Ribbon obtained from completing system tasks.

But except for those partners conquered in the original plot, Xiaozhi is still unwilling to lower his requirements for other Pokémon.

After all, the potential enhancement Ribbon cannot be obtained every time you complete a mission, which is a bit luck-based.

Xiaozhi still wants to leave countless potential-enhanced Ribbons to his old friends who were conquered by him in the original plot.

There really isn't much left to spare for new Pokémon.

And to be honest, Xiaozhi feels that the number of Pokémon he has conquered is enough, and there will be more in the future.

Except for those conquered by the original plot, the standards will be mentioned again and again.

Otherwise, I really don't have much energy to pay attention to every Pokémon.

And if he just ignores it, it will conflict with his Trainer concept.

In his opinion, the most important thing about a Trainer is not to direct the battle.

It's about how to care for and tap into the potential of Pokémon itself.

As for commanding combat, it is only a small aspect of the ability that a Trainer needs to master.

The days of the journey passed quickly, and two and a half days passed in the blink of an eye.

At noon that day, Xiao Lixing headed towards Azalea Town after finishing his meal.

On the way, I heard deafening roars from time to time.

One sound drowned out the other, and it sounded like there was more than one Pokémon.

*** Xiaozhi, why does the sound sound a bit like Charizard, but this is the wild, can there be so many Charizards in the wild?"

Serena asked Xiaozhi with a puzzled expression. She was really confused now.

Judging from the sound, this is indeed Charizard.

But Charizard, as a three-family Pokémon, is quite rare in the wild.

Ordinary people are lucky enough to encounter one.

As for the Charizard Roar that came to my ears just now, every sound is different from Mikey.

There are at least a dozen of them, and this is still a guaranteed estimate.

After all, some Charizards are born not to bark.

When did there be such a large gathering of Charizards in the wild?

Isn't this unscientific?

"I know this question!"

Misty quickly raised her hand to answer the question before Xiaozhi could.

The Johto Region and the Kanto Region are on the same continent. As the future Cerulean gym leader, Misty still doesn't understand the Johto Region. .