
Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger

On the first of his Pokemon journey, Ash/Satoshi awakened the memory of his past life and obtained A system will generate tasks and give all Pokemon related items. Knowing the trajectory of his future life, he decisively chose to make up for the regrets of his past life. Pokemon releaser? [You refused to release the pidgeot and received the reward: Potential Evolution Ribbon] [You refused to send the primape and received the reward: MewtwoX Mega Evolution Stone] Change the Region level and clear it? [You use Champion Pikachu to defeat Rookie Trip. The opponent doubts his life and gets the reward: full Mastery of Aura] Region competition companion runner? [You defeat the mystrious trainer Tobias and get the reward: One of three creation dragons dragon of antimatter giratina; title: Dragon Lord] Will you remain single* forever? [You have obtained the "harem protagonist aura", and the harmony of the harem +10] *Robbing Pokémon? [You break paul's leg and send him to a juvenile detention center and get the reward: "One ball into the soul" title (throwing a Poké Ball has a probability of directly recovering the mythical Pokémon) ] ... This is a Chinese translation fanfic I removed all the Chinese elements as mush as I can I fully rewrite the chapters with my own style if you like it please support

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128 Chs

Chapter 70: Caught the Three gengar Brothers

Pokémon carrying limit +1?

For such a mission reward he will definitely catch those three brothers after defeating them using pikachu.

The moment he saw the description of the task reward Ash immediately became energetic.

Now he really has some headaches about the upper limit of the number of Pokémon he can carry with him.

Ash silently accepted the task and then noticed the abnormal movement of the three aura's.

He stopped and grabbed Misty who was following him.

"What's wrong?"

"Pika pi?"

Misty , Brock and Pikachu were still a bit unresponsive.

"Shh they're coming."

Almost accompanied by ash's words.Three grimaces appeared in front of three people and one mouse.

" Holly Mothafu****"



Even though ash reminded them Brock Misty and Pikachu were shocked by the unexpected situation.

The electric bag on Pikachu's cheek is surging with electricity and he is ready to treat the other party to eat some thunder bolt.

The three brothers were very satisfied with Pikachu Brock and Misty's reaction.

However ash's calmness surprised them.


"Hun hun~"

The three brothers looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes seeming to wonder why Ash was not afraid of them.

But the doubts only lasted for a short time and then they were forgotten.

It's better not to be afraid of them so that he can better appreciate their funny art.

With this in mind the three ghost brothers started their funny show.

It's nothing more than making faces clowning and winking.

" Haha nice"


"Pika pipii~"

Brock,Misty and Pikachu were so amused by their performance.

The fear of meeting the three ghost brothers for the first time was completely gone.

The three ghost brothers performed with great effort and their expectant eyes fell on ash's face.

But they were disappointed to find that the expression on ash's face remained unchanged.

This made the three ghost brothers to feel little discouraged.

Aren't they funny?

"Hun hun~"

Haunter floated in front of ash and wanted to ask Ash for an explanation.

He watched the entire performance like this without any change in his expression.

It makes them very sad.

Ash really wanted to smile cooperatively.

But he have experienced various reels in Instagram so he couldn't laugh.

Although he could see that the other party was really working very hard on their performance and trying very hard to make him the audience to laugh.

However he just couldn't get to the point of laughter.

Facing Haunter who asked for an explanation ash silently released his Gastly.

The three gastly brothers were startled by ash's sudden release of Gastly.

Although Gastly has not evolved the pressure on them is not as great as Normal.

If Gastly had been with ash before they wouldn't have dared to jump out and scare people.

However before they even thought of escaping they were immersed in the illusion created by Gastly using Hypnosis.

Ash uses aura and Psychic to instill content of images into the mind of Millennium Gastly.

With its Hypnosis classic sketches such as Tom and Jerry and Looney toons can be restored.

He saw the three ghost brothers immersed in the fantasy short film unable to extricate themselves.

Ash resisted the urge to wake up the three ghost brothers and ask them about the elders of the Soul Palace.


(Are they crazy?)

Pikachu stood on ash's shoulder and tilted his head.

"Ash is it okay to make them fall into hypnosis?"

Misty quietly pulled ash's sleeve looked at the three Haunter brothers who were faintly smiling and asked.


Ash snapped his fingers.

Millennium Gastly immediately stopped Hypnosis with understanding.

"Gen genga~"

" Gas ly?"

Just when they saw the excitement the three ghost brothers who worked hard to learn the super funny techniques in the short film immediately became unhappy.

Came to ash to urge him to update.

[Ding your funny art has been recognized by the three ghost brothers]

[Get mission reward: Pokémon carrying slot +1, current number of carrying slots is 7]

Ash's eyes flashed with joy after receiving the system reward prompt.

Yes, yes those memories of past lives are indeed a valuable asset no matter where they go.

He just made some funny short films and got the approval of the three ghost brothers and got the mission reward...

Hun hun~"

"You mean you want to learn the art of comedy from me?"

"Gas ly~"

"But don't want to fight?"

"Gen gen!"

"Okay just follow me if you like i will find a good place for you.

You three brothers might even be able to form a drama skit troupe by then. "

After some conversation Ash who understood the other party's thoughts agreed.

After that ash asked the three of them to have a small battle with Pikachu they nodded but the match was so quick like how vegeta's ego destroyed by Android 18 in few seconds.

[Ding Pikachu have defeated the gastly evolution line with a single move]

[Get mission reward: Time capsule gengar (journey's) once opened the gengar of past, present or future will be gone from this time only Pokemon in capsule remains irrespective of whether it was released or not.]

Originally he was planning to use the update to trick the three ghost brothers into temporarily following him and helping him restore Sabrina to normal and for his future gengar.

Unexpectedly the three ghost brothers were the first to offer to follow him provided that the three of them would not participate in any battles.

They also hope that Gastly can show them some funny videos to learn from time to time.

The family does not raise Pokémon as the main force but ash already have several Pokémon who don't like fighting.

In additionwe will need them next and they are also very good at comedy.

Ash simply agreed.

If they work hard in the future maybe we can organize a Haunter Repertory Theater Company in Pallet Town.

After discussing the matter ash threw the Pokéballs and caught the three ghost brothers.

Then Haunter stayed and occupied ash's newly added carrying limit.

Ash still didn't open the time capsule let's wait until he gets the marsh batch.

Gastly and Gengar teleported to Professor Oak's Laboratory first.

Ash plans to let Haunter go back and reunite with the other two brothers after completing Sabrina's mission.

Brock, Misty Pikachu was a little curious about what ash had just asked the Millennium Gastly to put on the three ghost brothers to make them bow.

They immediately pestered ash to try out another wave of hypnosis from gastly.

He just asked gastly to show those videos to make them laugh.

After that he promised that if he have time in the future they will watch short videos again.

Hypnosis which has been alienated to this extent is really a good thing!

Taking the new Haunter with him ash and his team went straight to Saffron City.

(A beautiful photo of Misty is attached).


Guys do you want yandere Sabrina or tsundere Sabrina vote for which one is your favourite.